ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Magamba Nature Reserve (MNR), Tanzania to determine the influence of human activities on the degradation of Montane forest in order to generate information for guiding forest conservation and management approaches. Field survey coupled with remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) were used to collect data on land use and human activity patterns. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools including focused group discussion, questionnaire survey a...
Abstract When it comes to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, there is a growing population that is being overlooked due to a prolonging misconception about HIV/AIDS being a disease of the young adults. The introduction of the highly active antiretroviral therapy has allowed the survival of the elderly after diagnosis. Because of the perception that HIV is a disease of the young adults, HIV disclosure of positive serostatus has become an area of concern among the elderly. It is therefore the a...
Abstract The aim of this project was to evaluate financial statements in disclosing true business performance to stakeholders in hospitality industry. The project appreciates that financial disclosures are important and they are essential in the financial reports of organisations. The research focused on the case study of African Sun Limited. The researcher used descriptive research design and qualitative approach was used to collect data. A population of 180 was the target and a sample of 10...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of competition of financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Funeral Assurance sector in Zimbabwe. The SMEs in Zimbabwe have undergone tremendous growth over the last four years. Despite the undeniable effects of competition on their financial performance which is unavoidable since there is rapid increase on globalisation, technology and entry of new firms into the industry. The descriptive research approach was ...
ABSTRACT Joint Forest Management (JFM) is an institutional arrangement considered to be a proper way forward for alleviating forest degradation. However, since the inception of JFM in Amani Nature Reserve (ANR), its impacts to the forest resource base and livelihoods of surrounding communities is not clearly known. Therefore the study assesses the impacts of JFM on both forest resource base and livelihoods of the local communities around ANR. Forest inventory was carried out by laying out 30 ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative analysis of the performance of a power tiller as an enterprise owned under individual and group ownership business models in Arusha and Manyara region. Specifically, the study aimed to i) undertake an inventory of 2WT and ownership distribution; ii) assess and compare the physical performance and iii) financial performance of 2WT under individual and group business models; and iv) evaluate the effect of ownership and other factors ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide banks, economic planners and policy makers with knowledge on individual’s saving behaviour so as to assist them in framing appeals accordingly. To achieve this, the study sought to test the applicability of the life cycle hypothesis of saving to Zimbabwe. The life cycle hypothesis of saving is one of the well-known theories thatseek to explain individual’s saving behaviour. The study was motived by the lack of depositor confidence and the ...
ABSTRACT Studies which have been conducted so far have focused on the processes of land use/land cover changes in different areas at regional and global levels. Not much has been done to quantify the factors that influence land use/land cover dynamics in Melela ward, Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania. The main objective of the current study was to evaluate land use land cover dynamics and their impacts on pastoralism in Melela. Specifically, the study examined land use/land cover dynamics ...
ABSTRACT A study on management cost in government and private forest plantations in Tanzania was carried out at Sao Hill Forest Plantation and Mapanda Forest Plantation. Specifically, the study identified management costs of Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantations, examined factors influencing management costs of Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantations and also assessed cost management strategies used by Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantation all for the past five years. Socio-economic data w...
ABSTRACT This study explains the community participation tostudent performance in Tanzania.It uses the data generated from Misungwi District. Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, data were collected through questionnaire, documentary review, 109 respondents. The qualitative data were analysed thematically while the quantitative data were analysed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and an Excel Spread Sheet (ESS). The findings of the study reve...
ABSTRACT The aspect this study is to assess the dowry system in Tanzania paid at the time of marriage between families involved. Also, this study is an attempt to fulfill the desire to shed light on the significance of dowry in Tanzania particularly in Karagwe district. In particular, the researcher examines how dowry in Karagwe district is significantly associated with better outcomes in terms of family wealth, particularly for physical assets and land. The instruments employed was b...
ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the impact of the gas project conflict on local community socio-economic activities in Mtwara Municipality as its main objective. The specific objectives which guided data collection were: to explore the impacts of the gas project conflict on the local community‘s socio-economic activities; to assess the reasons for the local community‘s participation in the gas conflict; and to explore the role of the government in gas project conflict. The st...
ABSTRACT Tanzania is one among developing countries with increasing population growth. The increase of population is reported to contribute to the deforestation as most of the people depend on charcoal as primary source of energy in which the country produces and consume around 3% of global consumption. Most, of previous studies on charcoal provided empirical data on charcoal production, but consistency on productivity, costs incurred, benefits accrued and implication of the technology to woo...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the impacts of human resources management practices to private organizations with the following specific objectives: to study current human resource management practices, to assess the influence of human resource management practices on staff retention and to determine the measures that could be employed to deal with staff turnover in organizations. The Dodoma Municipality was used as a case study and it focused on ten selected private organizations....
ABSTRACT Wildlife Management Areas have been proposed as the institutional mechanism for devolving management to the community level and creating local incentives for conservation. This study assesses the economic efficiency of selected income generated activities (IGAs) in Burunge Wildlife Management Area. Specifically, it was intended to describe the involvement of communities in selected IGAs, analyze costs and benefits associated with selected IGAs (Handcraft and Dress making), and assess...