Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Old Mutual Insurance Administration System by Mihloro Mornisher

Abstract  Old Mutual Insurance System is a fully integrated browser-based insurance system that facilitates for faster interaction between potential clients, insured clients and the organisation. The system was developed with the clients at the heart of system and this provided an end-to-end policy administration system with a client-centric approach. The aim of the Insurance Administration System was to reduce application process and insurance claims approval process and address customer se...

A Critical Review of Environmental Conservation in Zimbabwe

Abstract: The discourse on "environmental conservation" is highly dynamic and has generated controversies of epic proportions in conservation sciences and environmental anthropology. Given the nebulous nature of conservation, coupled with the varying interpretations evoked by the deployment of the concept across different disciplines, a more robust understanding of the no tion calls into question its practical manifestations and application in particular situated contexts — particularly wit...

Critical reflections on the principle of beneficence in biomedicine

Abstract Medical ethics as a scholarly discipline and a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, anthropology and sociology. As such there are a number of values in medical ethics such as autonomy, non-maleficence, confidentiality, dignity, honesty, justice and beneficence, among others. These values act as guidelines for professionals ...

Ethical quandaries in spiritual healing and herbal medicine: A critical analysis of the morality of traditional medicine advertising in southern African urban societies

Abstract This paper critically examines the morality of advertising by practitioners in spiritual healing and herbal medicine heretofore referred to as traditional medicine, in southern African urban societies. While the subject of traditional medicine has been heavily contested in medical studies in the last few decades, the monumental studies on the subject have emphasised the place of traditional medicine in basic health services. Insignificant attention has been devoted to examine the eth...

Impact Of Debt Financing On The Financial Performance Of Smes: A Case Of Statevice Pvt Ltd

ABSTRACT. This study focused on the impact of debt financing on the financial performance of SMEs. The study followed a descriptive research design using Statevice as a case study. Data was gathered through interviews and questionnaires from respondents which were selected through the purposive sampling technique. Analysis and presentation of data was done through the use of tables, pie charts and graphs. Results indicated that debt financing is associated with liquidity, agency cost, bankru...

Critical Reflections on the Impact(s) of the So-Called ‘Teacher Incentive’ on Zimbabwe’s Public Education

Abstract For some decades, Zimbabwe’s public education has been ranked one of the best in Southern Africa, Africa and the world-over. This was chiefly a result of high quality teachers, high quality supervision of examinations adopted from its colonial master (Britain), and good working conditions for education practitioners, among other reasons. This reality, however, has turned the otherwise since the turn of the new millennium and especially in the recent years due to economic meltdown i...

Coping With Poverty In Rural Communities Of Third World Africa: The Case Of Mukonoweshuro Cooperative Gardening In Gutu, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Since the colonial era, Africa has remained a victim of circumstances such that it has been affected by a range of problems that make its population suffer in many ways. One of the problems that continue haunting Africa, particularly most of its third world countries is poverty. Zimbabwe is one of those countries that have been deeply affected by crippling poverty levels. The problem of hunger has been exacerbated by the volatile political atmosphere, tremendous socio-economic upheav...

Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Mobile Banking Technology By Bank Customers In Machakos Town

ABSTRACT Over the years, banking has undergone transformation from the traditional way of customers queuing for services in the banking halls to modern day banking where banks can be reached at anytime and anywhere for their service. Today banks have welcomed mobile technology as a package which enables bank customers to pay bills, deposit, plan for payment, check account balance and transfer money anytime anywhere. Empirical research has shown that while mobile banking have become popular in...

The Impact of The Commercialization of Indigenous Forest Products on Rural Livelihoods. A Case of Hurungwe North.

ABSTRACT  The indigenous forest resources formed the basis of rural people’s livelihoods since time immemorial. The importance of these indigenous forest products led to their commercialization in different parts of the world. This study focused on the impact of the commercialization of indigenous forest products on rural livelihoods in Hurungwe North. A number of indigenous forest products have been commercialized. These include a variety of products that are being sold as food, medicines...

Strategies Employed To Retain A Girl Child In School: A Case Study Of Narok North Sub County, Kenya

Abstract The study was conducted to find out the strategies which the county government has employed to education of Maasai girl in primary school in Narok County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine reason behind low enrolment of girl child to remain in school, to interrogate the cause of poor completion of class eight girl child in Narok county, to examine the strategies employed by county to retaining a girl child in school and to suggest specific interventions th...

An Exploration Of Coping Strategies Of Street Vendors In A Hyperinflationary Environment Of 2018-2019: A Case Of Mvuma

ABSTRACT The thesis explored the coping strategies of street vendors in a hyperinflation of 2018-2019 in Mvuma town. It explored the copying strategies adopted by street vendors in reducing the impact of hyperinflation to their livelihood. To find coping strategies of street vendors, the research identified the vending activities in Mvuma, the challenges faced by street vendors and strategies they apply to overcome them. Structuration theory was used to enhance the theoretical understanding o...

Effects Of Child Marriage On Girls’ Right To Education In Masvingo District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of child marriage on girl’s educational rights. The study managed to look at the factors that have contributed to child marriages. In as much, the researcher also looked at how these causes of child marriage have been an obstacle to girl’s attainment of education hence suppressing their education rights. The study also looked at the effects of child marriages on girl’s education rights; these include poor academic performance...

An Assesment Of Natural And Socio- Economic Impacts On Indigeneous Chicken Production:-A Case Study Of Katangi And Ikombe Divisions Of Yatta Sub County, Machakos County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the natural and socio economic factors that affect indigenous chicken production and the level of their impact in Katangi and Ikombe divisions of Yatta sub county, Machakos County. The study therefore sought to establish why despite the Government, Non Governmental organizations and the communities spending a lot of resources in tackling food insecurity among the local communities through poultry keeping, there has been an increase in the num...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Budgetary Control Mechanisms On Value Addition To The Hotel Industry: A Case Study Of The Kingdom At Victoria Falls Hotel

ABSTRACT The Kingdom at Victoria Falls Hotel was suffering from adverse variances in its budgeted fixed and variable costs and EBITDA for the years between 2013 and 2015 in failure to meet the targets. These adverse budget variances were eroding the shareholders’ wealth. The existence and primary mandate for any business establishment is to maximize the shareholders’ wealth creation through adding value through effective and efficient use of the available scarce resources. Earlier schola...

The Influence Of Community Participation On Sustainability Of Community Water Projects: The Case Of Pcea Water Project In Kitengela Division Kajiado County

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya and non-governmental organizations have promoted interventions or projects aimed at improving water situations in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands though with some low level of sustainability. Initiating projects to ease accessibility to water in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands is a good cause; however, without proper planning and integrated approach that ensures sustainability of water sources and its accessibility, such projects will not have lasting impact. This proje...

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