ABSTRACT Real estate financing has a significant effect on the value of income-producing real estate as it has on any investment vehicle. The effect is evident as it impacts on one’s capability to purchase commercial properties. The current competitive real estate business has led to most financial institutions and investors scrutinizing the financing variances given the important role that credit market and the investors play in the performance of the real estate industry. The aim of this ...
ABSTRACT Learning disabilities (LDs) encompass a very extensive range of academic problems which can give rise to social and psychological problems. Apart from experiencing academic problems, pupils with LDs experience strong feelings of frustrations, sadness and shame as a result of repeated failure and this can lead to psychological difficulties. These psychological problems are experienced at home and at school and if not addressed they add to the burden of the condition and could find the...
ABSTRACT Microfinance institutions have grown faster since their origin, 1976 in Bangladesh; with the first being the Grameen bank. Countries like South Africa have also recorded consistent growth of microfinance institutions. In Kenya, deposit taking microfinance institutions have not been much effective because they possess internal issues such as interest rates that hinder their effectiveness. Studies show commercial banks account for 22.6% of the population while 17.9% is served by the mi...
ABSTRACT Firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), averagely contributing 17.6% annually during the period 2003 to 2017. However, financial performance of listed firms remains poor as evidenced by delisting and suspension of 16% of firms in the same period, which threatens Kenya’s economic growth. Although empirical evidence links financial performance to both board composition and financial leverage, results are inconclu...
ABSTRACT Working capital can be considered as source of existence for all types of organizations, whether profit or non-profit organizations, therefore, it is a vital component for any profit making organizations for it influences operational level and sales volume. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of Working Capital Management Practices on Financial Performance of SMEs in Machakos Sub-County, Kenya. This study was based on these objectives: assessment of the influence of...
ABSTRACT Enhancement of revenue collection in counties is core to meeting their financial responsibilities which will lead to recognition of their directive to offer valuable and well-timed services to the residents and the demand for which may possibly surpass the available resources. Counties have sufficient revenue stations to fund the current service levels, but revenue collection levels often do not meet projections. According to reports by the Controller of Budget, revenue collection by...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the organizational factors influencing the uptake of Women Enterprise Fund in Kitui Central Sub- County. It focused on the women groups in Kitui Central Sub County. The research objectives of the study were to determine the influence of WEF technical personnel, business development services and WEF credit accessibility on the uptake of Women Enterprise Fund among women groups in Kitui Central Sub County. The literature review focused on theoret...
ABSTRACT: Kenya has devolved funds to grass root level with the aim of bringing services and development close to its citizens in view of vision 2030. However a report by the controller and Auditor General in Kenya gazette 2010 uncovered massive misappropriation of Constituency Development Funds in Constituencies. Inspite of this, other constituencies were reported as posting remarkable performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of devolution on economic development. A des...
ABSTRACT According to the National Water Services Strategy (2007-2015), water is the most important natural resource, indispensable for life and the backbone of the growth and prosperity of mankind. Due to poor access of water and sanitation the Government initiated a process of reforms for the entire water sector which led to a new water policy and new sector strategies with an aim of attaining some outcomes like increased access to water and sanitation, increased funding among others. The W...
ABSTRACT Corporate governance practices enable organizations to achieve their objectives through better decision making, effective use of scarce resources and good service delivery. County owned water organizations in Western Kenya may have good governance practices but the extent to which they are implemented influence service delivery. The main objective of the study was to find out the influence of corporate governance practices, organizational factors and service delivery among county own...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of working environment on employee retention in public health sector in Kenyan hospitals. Its objectives included: determining the influence of working hours on employee retention in level four and five hospitals in Machakos County; evaluating the influence of information communication systems on employee retention in level four and five hospitals in Machakos County; establishing the influence of job design on employee retenti...
ABSTRACT In this 21st century, there is global recognition of Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a tool for best management practices in various sectors. The Kenya government encourages ICT integration in school management through the National ICT policy and strategy and entered into partnership with development agencies and private organizations to promote ICT integration. Despite the efforts, progress has been short of expectation. In Kajiado County, 51% of teachers lacked Intern...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence economic growth in Kenya. This study was guided by such objectives as to determine how inflation, unemployment and population growth influence growth of the economy of Kenya. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to explain the interplay of both endogenous and exogenous variables to bring about an effect on the economic growth of Kenya. The area of study is the whole of Kenya, a coun...
ABSTRACT Green Manufacturing (GM) refers to production processes which use inputs with relatively low environmental impacts, highly efficient, and generate little or no waste or pollution. The sugar sector in Kenya contributes up to 5% of the country’s GDP (Kenya Sugar Board).This sector faces challenges such as inefficiency, pollution and waste disposal, leading to high costs of production and therefore vulnerable to competition in the international market.Previous GM researches focused on...
ABSTRACT Whereas non-state actors seem to have contributed towards removing obstacles to citizens’ engagement in public policy process, their actual role in public policy process remains unclear particularly, how they have opened public policy process to make it more inclusive. This study set out to investigate the contribution of non-state actors to making public policy process in Kenya inclusive. It examines how non-state actors have used their power, policy networks, policy learning and ...