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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Organisational Factors Influencing Implementation Of Lending Policy In Saving And Credit Co-Oporative Societies In Kitui County

ABSTRACT The financial sector in any country is an important sector in the development of a country. Most failures in the financial sector have been caused by non-performing loans or bad debts which are attributed by poor or ineffective lending policy. This study focused on the organizational factors that affect implementation of lending policy in Saving and Credit Co-operative societies. The study was undertaken in Kitui County, Kenya where the researcher based the research findings register...

Strategic Role Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Society On Financial Empowerment Of Female Fish Sellers At Homabay Town Fish Market, Kenya

ABSTRACT A cooperative society is made up of a group of people, who come together voluntarily to achieve common social and economic objectives. As used in the cooperative movement, the term cooperative means the societies that have certain fundamental characteristics and regulations that are adhered to, including cooperative principles. Cooperative societies have been cited as being important in financial empowerment of the poor and marginalized in the community and are one of contributors to...

Effect Of Equity Bank’s Financial Management Training Programme On Small-Scale Farmers’ Uptake Of Credit In Makueni County

ABSTRACT Kenya’s economy depends majorly on agricultural sector. Agriculture contributes 51 percent to gross domestic product and 45 percent of government revenue is derived from this sector. Growth in national economy is highly correlated to growth and development in agriculture. The country targets 10 percent annual economic growth and for this to be achieved small scale farming need to be up to date, innovative and commercially inclined. Financial services also need to be inclusive and m...

Factors Affecting Sisal Cultivation And Adoption In Kiomo Division, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT best +practices in sisal was also revealed that there was a relationship between age and awareness of sisal cultivation as a commercial activity (p-value=0.809>p=0.05). xiv Further, 30.65% of factors identified to be contributing to the low sisal propagation in the area related to lack of knowledge and 0.77% related to financial constraints. This showed that there was an association between the awareness of sisal cultivation as a commercial activity and a highest level...

Effect Of Organization Culture On The Relationship Between Quality Management System Adoption And Performance Of Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, the capacity of Higher Education institutions to serve as drivers to economic competitiveness has been negatively impacted due to the exponential growth and numerous constraints which interfere with their quality. In Kenya, HEI in their attempt to cater for the 28% increase in student number, 6% government capitation cut and 14.3% of the 28 week, academic year time waste between the period 2014 and 2015 has come with many challenges caused by overcrowding, crumbling infrast...

Effects Of Corporate Governance On Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Machakos And Athi-River Sub-Counties

ABSTRACT Corporate governance is a concept that involves practices that entail the organization, management and control of companies. It reflects the interaction among those persons and groups, which provide resources to the company and contribute to its performance such as shareholders, employees, creditors, long-term suppliers and subcontractors. Corporate governance has received much attention in accounting literature, with studies focusing on the impact of corporate governance and the fin...

Social Capital For Adaptation To Climate Change In The Mara River Basin, Kenya

ABSTRACT The social context within which climate change is experienced can determine the ease of adapting to the crisis. This has brought to fore the potential that social capital holds in building the adaptive capacity of communities. The designated study area was the Mara River Basin, a trans boundary basin and a major contributor to the East African Economy. The river basin has reported evidence of negative impacts of climate change. The study was inspired by the realization that current e...

The impact of stress on the academic performance of students in the University of Cape Coast, School of Business.

This work is designed to examine the problem of academic stress among students of the University of Cape Coast, School of Business, its causes and ways of controlling it to enhance the students’ performance. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of stress on the academic performance of University of Cape Coast, School of Business students and the associated risk when stress is not managed properly. To achieve this objective, three (3) research questions were tested and the li...

Monetary Policy And Performance Ofselected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the monetary policy and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Commercial Banks have on average been posting a continuous decline in their performance over the last decade. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the effect of interest rate and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of cash reserve ratio and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of open market operation and per...

Behavioural Approach To Political Protest: An Analysis Of Fela Anikulapo Kuti, 1970-1997

ABSTRACT Most studies in political protest lack behavioral content. They focus on group actions such as industrial strikes, street demonstrations, riots and sit-ins; without explaining the behaviour of the individuals who partake in them. They also lack perspectives on the dynamics of factors that influence the behaviour of individual protesters as well as the forms that their protests take. Consequently, scholarly understanding of political protest appears narrow, and most theories that evo...

An Investigation on The Relationship Between Tax Amnesty And Tax Compliance. A Case Study Manicaland Sme’s.

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe introduced its first tax amnesty provision in October 2014 with the objective of cultivating a culture of voluntary compliance and widen the tax base. However such a provision has caused a decline in tax compliance levels of NMC clients despite the fact that the main objective was to improve taxpayer compliance. As a result, it was the objective of this study to investigate on the relationship between tax amnesty and tax compliance of SMEs in the Manicaland province. Mixed ...

Influence Of Strategic Planning On Corporate Performance: A Case Of National Hospital Insurance Fund, Kenya

ABSTRACT The overall goal of the government of Kenya is to promote and improve health status of all Kenyans through effective, accessible, and affordable health services. To address major challenges in health sector and to make health care accessible and affordable, the government of Kenya in 1966 set up NHIF to provide medical insurance cover. Stakeholders have raised dissatisfactions on the services being offered citing that the entity has lost sight on its objectives leading to loss for mo...

The Impact Of The Zar/Usd Exchange Rate On Inflation Rates In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT  The stability of every economy is measured by developments in the general price level of the economy. This depends on a number of factors among which are the exchange rates of a country’s currency and that of its major trading partners. This research seeks to establish the impact of the ZAR/USD exchange rates on inflation in Zimbabwe post dollarisation. Other objectives to this research are to determine how exchange rate movements influence import prices and hence inflation. The ...

An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Southern African Development Community (Sadc) In Resolving The Zimbabwe Crisis From 2000-2016

Abstract Zimbabwe after independence was hailed as the breadbasket of the Southern African region. Today the country has become dependent on other states in the Southern region and beyond Africa. Zimbabwe from the period of 2000, faced a multidimensional crisis which negatively impacted on the Zimbabwean population leading to many people migrating to neighboring states in search for greener pastures. The crisis in Zimbabwe also tremendously affected the southern region prompting SADC’s int...

Assessment And Management Of Negative Self-Image Among Selected Categories Of Nigerians

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the nature and characteristics of negative self- image among selected categories of Nigerians and manage those that manifested high negative self-image. In doing this, the study was carried out in two phases namely: the test development and standardization of Negative Self-Image phase and the assessment and management phase. In the test development phase, test items that constitute the Negative Self-Image Inventory (NSII) were generated and pilot-t...

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