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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Risk Factors For Substance Abuse Among Harare Nothern Central District High School Adolescents

ABSTRACT Theresearchsorttoassessriskfactorsassociatedwithsubstanceabuseamong HarareNorthernCentralDistrictHighSchooladolescents.Theresearcherobservedthat substance abuse is becoming a dominantelementthatimpedes physicaland psychologicalfunctioning amongststudents.Thereforetheresearch wasdirected towardsidentifyingindividual,environmentalandlastly demographicriskfactorsfor adolescentsubstance abuse.A non-experimentalexploratorydescriptive research designwasusedwith1928adolescentsaged12-19whowe...

Stressors Related To Transfers And Coping Strategies Employed By Female Workers At Zimra

ABSTRACT The study explored the stressors related to transfers and coping strategies employed by female workers at ZIMRA. It was based upon the problem statement that transferring an employee from one working area to another severely affected work-life balance of that employee. The ultimate purpose of the research being to make known all the stressors related to transfers and coping strategies used by employees so that stressors could be eliminated and coping strategies improved so as to prom...

The Civil Protection Unit’s Preparedness And Its Role In Disaster Management: The Case Of Nyanga Rural District.

ABSTRACT The study seeks to establish various disasters occurring in Zimbabwe and how they are managed special reference being given to Nyanga District, and howthe Civil Protection Unit in the area is prepared to manage various disasters. Nyanga District suffered major losses in terms of life, property, and infrastructure and ecosystem destruction. The preparednessand overall role of Civil Protection Unit in managing disasters came under spotlight. The main thrust of the research was to inves...

An Examination Into The Factors That Hinder The Effective Implementation Of E-Government: The Case Of Gweru City Council

ABSTRACT The main focus of the research was on examination into the factors that hinder the effective implementation of e-Government in Zimbabwe Local authorities using the case study of Gweru City Council. The research was aimed at identifying the factors hindering the effective implementation of e-Government program at Gweru city council, advantages of e-Government implementation, assessing the institutional capacity of Gweru City Council in the adoption of e-Government, and coming up with ...

Effectiveness Of Internal Audit On Organizational Performance Of Ngos: (Casestudy Of Hivos Zimabwe)

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of internal audit effectiveness on organizational performance of NGOs using a case study of local NGO in Zimbabwe: Case study of HIVOS .The major issue that gave rise and prompted the researcher to study across this area was increased level in project performance inefficiency and funding inefficiency which was the major reason for the organization’s stagnant growth as these two forms the major basis of the operations of no...

The Adequacy Of Zimbabwe’s Tertiary Education Curriculum In Addressing Industry Skills Requirements. A Case Of Midlands State University, Gweru.

ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the adequacy of Zimbabwe’s tertiary education in addressing industry skills requirements using Midlands State University as a case study. The research was premised on the obtaining stakeholder approach to tertiary education. The Midlands State University is guided by its mission to be a stakeholder driven institution of which industry as absorbers of university graduates is a key stakeholder. The research therefore sought to evaluate the extent to whic...

Bridging The Funding Gap For Public Sector Investment Projects. (A Case Of The Department Of Agriculture, Technical And Extension Services (Agritex).

ABSTRACT The need to provide adequate and equitable housing has remained a major priority for every government while facilitating homeownership has always been a key component of housing policies generally. The study was aimed at investigating the impact of inadequate funding of Public Sector Investment Projects (PSIP), particularly staff houses using a case study of the Department of Agriculture Technical and Extension Services (Agritex). Evidence highlighted that Agritex started on some PSI...

Effectiveness Of Customer Retention Strategies In Managing Customer Attrition In The Airline Industry In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT • The research which was undertaken from January to April 2014 looked at the effectiveness of customer retention strategies in managing customer attrition in the airline industry in Zimbabwe. The main purpose of this study is to assess the effects of customer retention strategies; loyalty programs, customer service, service recovery and promise fulfillment. Literature review was carried out on the effects of customer retention strategies on repeat purchase; the influence of service...


ABSTRACT The Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) like any other public sector companies is not spared from financial control irregularities in the form of fraud, unauthorised expenditure and misappropriation of funds. This has been evident during the audits by the Ministry of Defence internal audit and reports from the special investigations branch of the AFZ. Despite having an internal control system in place these practices continued to take place on an increasing scale. This has motivated the rese...

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The New Value Added Withholding Tax System In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The new value added withholding tax regime moved from the traditional VAT collection systems to tax deduction at source. Under the traditional VAT collection system, the registered VAT operator was the one who had the mandate of preparing the VAT schedule and remitting the whole tax amount. The new system however gave the mandate to remit some of the VAT to registered value added withholding tax agents, and that is to be remitted as a withholding tax. The value added withholding tax ...

The impact of Public Relations strategies on taxpayer compliance levels in Tax Authorities.

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of Public Relations strategies employed by tax administrations on the level of tax compliance in SME‘s in Zimbabwe. The study sought to determine the extent to which the PR activities implemented in ZIMRA as the tax administration in Zimbabwe are assisting in improving the levels of tax compliance, the main areas of the study were establishing tax compliance levels, establishing how increasing media presence could also affect tax compliance and how ta...

Effects of late “visits” re-booking practice at Mpilo and Parirenyatwa hospitals Opportunistic Infections clinics for the HIV/AIDS & TB Programme in the Ministry of Health and Child Care

Abstract Worldwide, an estimated 34 million people were living with HIV, but only 47% of the people in low- and middle-income countries eligible for antiretroviral therapy (ART) were receiving treatment at the end of 2013. Zimbabwe initiated its national ART programme in April 2004, and since that time the benefits of such therapy have been widely documented in the country. The scaling up of the ART programme is facilitated by the identification and approval of ART-initiating sites using stan...

Microfinance Institutions (MFIS) and Smallholder Farming In Mt Darwin, Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study focused on evaluating the impact of Microfinance Institutions as a form of rural finance on Smallholder Farming in Mt Darwin district. It explored the different types of Microfinance Institutions present in Mt Darwin and the different services offered, whether the program made any significant impact to Smallholder farming and challenges faced in rolling out such programs. There has been a notion in the development discourse especially by Financial Institutions that it is di...


ABSTRACT The research project is about bridging the fund gap in public construction projects, the case of Ministry of Local government, Public works and National Housing. The research was carried out concurrently with the final semester as a visiting student at the Midlands State University. The major objectives of the study were to establish the existence of the funding policy for construction projects, identifying policy implementation guidelines which are in place, determining controls in ...

The Impact Of Urbanization On Environmental Sustainability: The Case Of Chitungwiza.

ABSTRACT The geometric or unprecedented increase in urban population caused by massive rural to urban migration and natural increase has exacerbated urbanization. Urbanization has manifested itself by the distraction of the ecological footprint and largely violated the principals and traits of environmental sustainability. Land which supports the ecological footprint has been largely degraded by the scrambling and partitioning of land parcels by local authorities and land barons. This paper s...

9466 - 9480 Of 19638 Results