Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

An Investigation Of Students’ Perceptions Of Service Quality At The Namibia Business School

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore students’ perceptions of the service quality offered by the Namibia Business School in relation to its degree and diploma programmes as well as to measure the gap between students’ perceptions and expectations from the Namibia Business School. The study chose a sample of n=114 from a population size of N= 228 of the programmes that ran on a long-term basis, where students would have been engaged with the school for a longer period and these s...

A Gender Analysis Of The Triple Burden Of Production, Reproduction And Community Service In The Rehoboth Constituency

ABSTRACT There has been no research on gender roles and the triple burden of women in the Rehoboth area. Yet women in Rehoboth as many elsewhere are faced with socially ascribed roles in production, reproduction and community. This research seeks to explore and understand the gender division of labour and the gender relations within this community. As a diverse country, Namibia has different cultures, we witness that women and men are taught their gender roles through the use of specific cul...

Estimating potential output per capita for Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was to estimate the potential output per capita of Zimbabwe using Structural Vector Autoregressive method (SVAR). The study used quarterly data for the period 1990 to 2012 on the following variables: Gross Domestic Product per Capita (GDPC), Consumer Price Index and unemployment rate presented as yet, pt and ut respectively. The long‐run SVAR model estimation was done to show the permanent effect of unemployment, consumer price index and gross domestic pro...

The Effectiveness Of The Namibian Student Financial Assistance Fund In Recovering Loans

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the Namibian Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) in recovering loans. The Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) is a scheme designed to replace the Public Service Bursary The scheme, whose purpose was to sponsor students so that they would be bonded to work solely in the Civil Service. Soon after Independence, the demand for recruits in the Civil Service was significantly decreased, following the integr...

Performance Coaching In The Department Of Civic Affairs In The Ministry Of Home Affairs

ABSTRACT Performance coaching (PC) is a tool that management can use in addressing staff performance. It was first employed in the field of sports, work safety, military, health and education. Nowadays, performance coaching is applied in all fields of a profession as an attempt to rectify employee’s performances. Performance appraisal is a measure through which managers can monitor and evaluate employee’s performance which was suspended in the Public Service of Namibia in 1997, left it w...

An Investigation Into The Implementation Of The Sovereign Debt Management Strategy In Namibia

Abstract Sovereign Debt Management has become an important practice in many developing countries and emerging market economies. The debt crisis in 1982 and the recent European debt crisis has triggered the interest of many governments in developing countries to develop capacity in Sovereign Debt Management. Many developing countries had failed to honour their debt obligations and had applied for debt relief from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Namibia had no exception that it...

Social Support To Orphans And Vulnerable Children (Ovc): A Beneficiary Case Study Of The Ministry Of Gender Equality And Child Welfare Initiative Programme In The Oshana Region

ABSTRACT  The phenomenon of the increasing number of orphans and vulnerable children is not overlooked by Namibia. In fact, the situation is aggravated by the deaths of young adults as a result of the Human Immuno Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Subsequently, a huge number of children are left behind and forced to provide for themselves. Families have torn apart as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and relatives die. Children are left alone and disadvantaged. T...

The Association Of Limbic System Activation With Dream, Bad Dream And Nightmare Generation

ABSTRACT Despite the fact that nightmares occur with regularity in the general population, most previous research has focused on clinical samples, and the genesis of idiopathic nightmares remains poorly understood. The aim of the present research was therefore to investigate the neuropsychological mechanisms of idiopathic bad dream and nightmare generation, with a particular focus on the limbic system. High versus low levels of limbic activation and its effect on the frequency of dream, bad d...

SSA Research 248 PAGES (80314 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
A Study Of Factors Contributing To Labour Litigation Against The Swaziland Government

ABSTRACT The Swaziland Government is experiencing employee litigation resulting in financial and staff time costs. The study found that several underlying factors contribute to labour litigation against the Swaziland Government, including the poor qualifications of managers. The Swaziland Government is a public organisation with an objective of providing public goods and services, of which service delivery is the most crucial indicator for the successful implementation of public policy. The ...

An Analysis Of Factors Influencing Housing Affordability In Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Research has consistently shown the importance of the housing sector on the economy, the long-term social and financial benefits and failure of the housing market to provide an adequate supply of well-located affordable housing. Despite various initiatives by the Government and non-governmental organizations, the housing sector is faced with a number of strategic challenges, which provide the basis for policy and strategy decisions by exposing the existing gaps in the housing indust...

Essays On The Economics Of Tobacco And Alcohol Control Policy In Kenya

ABSTRACT This thesis uses data from Kenya to contribute to the literature on tobacco and alcohol control policies in low and middle-income countries. The thesis uses the two most recent household and budget surveys (2005/6 and 2015/16), to examine some of the effects of the tobacco and alcohol control policies that were implemented in Kenya between 2005 and 2015. Chapter 2 considers the impact of consumption and taxation of tobacco and alcohol on household spending patterns. An instrumental v...

SSA Research 205 PAGES (79859 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Effects Of Municipal By-Laws And The Survival Strategies Of Street Vendors In Harare Central Business District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Street vending is a common practice the world over. In cities the streets are swamped with vendors selling various wares and Zimbabwe is no exception. However, in recent years the proliferation of street vending in Zimbabwe, particularly in Harare Central Business District (CBD) has been an eyesore and several questions have been raised as to what is really behind such proliferation and what tactics are these vendors employing to remain in the streets despite efforts by the council ...

Investigating The Relationship Between Agricultural Productivity And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT   Over the years, Namibia has made efforts to promote the agriculture sector in its National Development Plans. The current five-year plan still identifies the agriculture sector with the potential to boost economic growth to address challenges of food security, unemployment and poverty reduction. However, despite these efforts, the sector’s contribution to GDP remains minimal. Even though, economic theory supports the view that agriculture is a pre-requisite to stimulate growth ...

Edu Frontiers 84 PAGES (16894 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Rationalisation Of Namibia's Civil Service: An Impact Analysis Of Public Policies, 1993 To 2003

ABSTRACT  This study is a critical review of the implementation of the Namibian rationalisation policies during the period 1993 - 2004. The main objective of this study was to analyse the rationalisation policies and to assess the extent to which they had an impact on the structure, shape, (and to a lesser degree) the effectiveness of the civil service. It examined the gaps and discrepancies between policy intentions, the implementation process and eventual outcomes, in terms of the siz...

An Assessment Of The Assigned Fiscal Revenue Instruments To Local Authorities In Namibia

ABSTRACT   Local Authorities are closest to people in terms of service provision. The Local Authority Act of Namibia assigns expenditure responsibilities as well as fiscal instruments to raise revenue to fund these expenditure responsibilities.  The research looked at how this assigned fiscal instruments were performing viaa-vis the expenditure responsibilities.  It also assessed their suitability and efficiencies for the purpose they are intended for.  Lastly the research explored ...

10456 - 10470 Of 19638 Results