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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Mobile Phones Use For Combating Of Illegal Fishing In Musoma Municipal

ABSTRACT The study on ―How mobile phones are used for combating illegal fishing activities‖ aimed at assessing the contributions of mobile phones on fishing activities, roles of the government on the management of mobile phones used by fish dealers and analyzing the challenges faced by the government and the community on monitoring and managing mobile phones in combating illegal fishing activities in Makoko and Migobero wards in Musoma Municipality. The study involved two wards and the s...

Assessment Of The Role Of Local Goverment Authorities In Provision Of Library Resources To Ward Secondary Schools: A Case Of Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the role of local government authorities in provision of library resources in ward secondary schools in Temeke. The study had four objectives, namely. To provide an overview of the existing state of provision of library facilities in ward secondary schools in Temeke Municipality, to identify initiatives or approaches being taken by the Local government authorities in establishing libraries in secondary schools in Temeke Municipality. To assess...

Impacts Of Agricultural Marketing And Cooperative Society To The Members’ Livelihood: A Case Of Chabuma In Chamwino District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Chamwino District council at Chinangali ward aiming at assessing the impacts of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperative Society to the members‟ livelihood, a case of CHABUMA AMCOS in Chamwino District. Specifically, the study intended to identify types of membership and mode of participation, to evaluate functions of CHABUMA and to evaluate the implementation of AMCOS function on the livelihood of its members. The study employed cross sectional survey to...

Climate Variability And Constraints To Adaptation: A Case Of Livelihoods Diversification Of Small-Scale Rice Farmers In Bahi District, Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the livelihoods diversification and adaptation constraints as a result of climate variability in Bahi District, central Tanzania which increases vulnerability of the small-scale rice farming. Specifically, the study focused on the climate variability, associated with farm-income variability, which is recognized as one of the main drivers of livelihood diversification strategies in developing countries. As such, analysing determinants of liveli...

Indigenous Usury System And Informal Microfinance In Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Informal microfinance is one of the veritable sources of venture finance in developing countries. While informal microfinance such as rotating savings and credit associations, and cooperative associations have received significant scholarly attention, limited research has been conducted on the features that sustain Indigenous Usury System (IUS) in Nigeria. The IUS provides informal credit to small scale businesses and low income earners at prohibitively high interest rates that have ...

SSA Research 294 PAGES (101133 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
The Assessment Of Factor Leading To Sexual Violence In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Primary School Students Urban West Region

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the factors leading to sexual violence for primary school student in Zanzibar Urban West Region. The objective of this study is to identify the factors leading to sexual violence for primary school student in Zanzibar, assess the status of sexual violence for primary school students in Zanzibar, evaluate the strength of strategies on reducing sexual violence for primary school student in Zanzibar and access the community awareness on reducing sexual viole...

The Assessment Of Factors That Affecting Sustainability Of Water Project Services In Tanzania: A Case Of Kwimba District In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT The researcher focused on factors affecting the sustainability of water supply projects in Tanzania, specifically in Kwimba District. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to assess community participation on the management of water supply project, to examine the awareness and willingness of community members to contribute on the operational and maintenance costs and to evaluate the community members possessing water supply and management skills in the study area. Th...

The Contribution Of The Informal Sector To Youth Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Small Scale Traders In Nyamagana District Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT This study, aimed at examining the contribution of the informal sector to youth poverty reduction. By analyzing the contribution provided by the youth as well as other stakeholders and the government, the study also intended to assess the trading situations of small scale trade which could influence and hence impact the level of youth participation as well as their contribution in the informal sector. The study was conducted at Mbugani and Mirongo Ward of the Nyamagana district in M...

Effectiveness Of Promotion Activities Towards Sales Revenue Intelecommunication Industry: A Case Of Airtel (T) Limited Musoma Urban

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Musoma Urban at Airtel Tanzania. This study was designed to find out the effectiveness of promotion activities towards sales revenue in telecommunication industry taking Airtel Tanzania Limited as a case study. It describes the relationship between promotion activities and sales volume of Airtel Tanzania Limited. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods through questionnaire and semi structured interviews. A simple random sampling design ...

The Effect Of Public Debt On Economic Growth In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This dissertation reports the findings of the evaluation of the effect of public debt on economic growth in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were two: to find out the effect of external debt on the economic growth of Tanzania and determine the effect of domestic debt on the economic growth of Tanzania. References were drawn from the external debt components, namely multilateral debts and external debt, and domestic debt documents reviewed were treasury bills and govern...

Owner-Manager Competencies And Performance Of The Firms: Evidence From Small Restaurant Businesses In Urban Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was set out to examine the influence of owner- manager’s competences on the performance of small restaurant businesses in urban Tanzania since there are patchy empirical evidences on the same. To achieve this, criterion and simple random sampling techniques were employed to obtain a sample of three hundred, ninety two (392) small restaurant businesses from the list of all licensed small restaurants in Ilala and Dodoma district. Information was collected from owner-manage...

Functionality Of Public Health Service Facilities In Local Government Authotires In Tanzania: A Case Of Temeke Minicipality, Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the functionality of public health service facilities at the local levels in Temeke municipality, Dar es Salaam. The main objective of the study was to assess the profundity functionality of public health service facilities in the contextual settings of Local Government Authorities in Tanzania, using the Temeke Municipality as a case study. Thus, the study attempted to examine usefulness and ability of the local public health facilities in provision of he...

Localization Of Millennium Development Goals In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbola Millennium Project In Uyui District

ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the localization of Millennium Development Goals in Tanzania: A case of Mbola Millennium Village Project in Uyui District.The objective of the study was to determine the role and contribution of Millennium Village Project, on the reduction of poverty in rural context of Tanzania. The literature review of the study was guided by theoretical literature review (modernization and dependency theories), empirical literature review, and conceptual framewo...

An Examination Of Challenges In The Management Of Primary Education Funds In Public Primary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Ilemela Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study, was to examine challenges in the management of primary education funds, in public primary schools in Tanzania, Ilemela Municipality as a case study. The study, sought to understand Government guidelines on the management of primary schools funds in Tanzania, to determine the awareness of Government guidelines on the management of primary schools funds, among primary school head teachers to find out the role of public primary school committees in the manage...

Contribution Of Secondary Education Development Program On Quality Of Community Secondary Education In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This research aimed at analyzing contribution of Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) on the quality community secondary education through teaching and learning environment in Dodoma wards secondary schools of Dodoma municipality. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the sources of funds for the schools to purchase facilities. The study used a cross sectional design with a case study that aimed at getting in depth data and study the SEDP once irrespective...

10591 - 10605 Of 19638 Results