ABSTRACT Inadequate access to Ante-Natal Care (ANC) services is one of the factors responsible for high maternal and infant mortalities in Nigeria. Studies have focused on clinical determinants of pregnancy outcomes with little attention paid to belief systems and characteristic features of pregnant women who utilise ANC in spite of the potential role of religious beliefs system on pregnant women‘s choice of health care services. This study, therefore, examined the influence of belief syste...
Abstract Human Resource Management plays a pivotal role in the management process of almost every organisation and has redefined the way in which people, the most valuable asset, are managed. Human Resource Management plays a key role in supporting continuous innovation and new Information and Communication Technologies can enable this process. One notes that ICT is at the cornerstone of the growth, development and enhancement of this field. The growth of the application of ICT tools and app...
ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between the bank rate, unemployment and inflation rates in Namibia, and it also interrogates the policy implications of using the bank rate as a policy instrument not only to maintain price stability, but also to influence the unemployment rate in Namibia. In the same vein, the study aims to find out whether the Phillips curve is applicable to the Namibian economy, by using times series data of inflation, unemployment and bank rate from 1961 ...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to systematically evaluate both the pre and post independence local governance framework and structures. The study will thus, highlight the political, developmental and philosophical differences between the post-independent policy of decentralisation in Namibia and the pre-independence policy of Bantustans. This will be realised by evaluating public perceptions on decentralisation vis-à-vis Bantustans; as well as by investigating the general impact of...
ABSTRACT Tertiary education has become increasingly important, and is seen nearly everywhere as the engine of every country‘s economic growth. Despite the universal importance of tertiary education, fundamental financial problems, such as student debt, faced by institutions of higher education are experienced worldwide. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the defaulted student account receivables at the University of Namibia (UNAM). Furthermore, the reasons investigated we...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to evaluate the financial performance of Islamic and conventional banks, so as to facilitate the bank’s stakeholders (i.e. depositors, bank management, shareholders, investors and the banking sector regulators respectively) with the true state of performance of the banks in the UAE banking sector. To achieve this, we assessed the financial performance of some selected Islamic and conventional banks in the UAE, by measuring their profitability, liquidity, ri...
ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to determine the impact of affirmative action policy on employment of the designated groups at management level for the period 2001 to 2006. The study uses panel data on 35 public and private institutions, selected randomly using the data provided by the Employment Equity Commission (EEC). The study uses the Fixed Effects Model (FEM) and Random Effects Model (REM) to determine whether employment of the designated groups at management level has an impact...
ABSTRACT In Namibia’s Omusati Region, it is a taboo to talk about family issues. For many families, issues such as those of violence against children are kept within the family. However, when children are abused or neglected, social workers from the MGECW in some cases remove them and place them in alternative care with an aim of protecting them and focusing on ‘the best interest of the child’. To increase understanding of this major social issue, a phenomenological study was conducted...
ABSTRACT This thesis is a result of a study carried out to determine farmers ‘gendered modes of adaptation and coping strategies to droughts and how these modes of adaptation can lead to gender inequality in times of droughts in Olukonda constituency in Oshikoto region. The northern regions of Namibia experienced severe droughts in the 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 seasons. In Oshikoto region where this research was undertaken, the impact of droughts on livelihoods was more pr...
ABSTRACT Working capital is the most vital part of any business. Working capital management is one of the ways in which a financial manager manages the operational resources of a business. It involves the decision regarding the composition and amount of current assets and current liabilities. Working capital is the life-blood of any corporate. In this study the researcher has selected the Road Contractor Company, (RCC), from the top 97 State Owned Enterprises, (SOEs). This study is based upo...
ABSTRACT This paper is an attempt to investigate the effects of tax revenue generation capacity on public spending in Sub-Saharan Africa drawing empirical lessons from three East African countries-Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It employs the co-integration and error-correction modeling framework to analyze the effects of erratic and inadequate revenue generation on physical and human capital development in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda using time-series data over the period 1970-2005.The result...
Abstract This study offered unique insight in the challenges and opportunities that exist for adolescent access to sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS) in Gobabis. It focused on exploring adolescent access to reproductive health services through the experiences of adolescent girls and healthcare providers. It was a qualitative case study. The data was collected through interviews with adolescent girls and key-informants who are experienced healthcare providers. This approach provid...
ABSTRACT This analysis look at strategic planning as a component of strategic management, it therefore compares and contrasts the activities of strategic planning in some of the public institutions. The analysis starts on plan formulation and proceeds with the implementation of such plans in organizations such as Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NORED), Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF), the Municipal Council of Windhoek – Electricity Department and Rundu Town Council. ...
ABSTRACT The international Fisher effect (IFE) is a theory in international finance that can be used to predict or estimate the movement in the bilateral exchange rate between any two currencies using nominal interest rate differentials. IFE states that the spot exchange rate between two currencies should move in the opposite direction with the interest rate differential between those countries. The aim of this study is to examine whether the IFE holds between Namibia and each of its five tr...
ABSTRACT The Public Service Information Online Website was introduced in 2003 to disseminate online information to government employees in the Public Service of Namibia. The way information was being disseminated earlier to government employees was ineffective. It was time consuming and cost-ineffective for the Office of the Prime Minister and Personnel Offices to disseminate information manually to government employees. However, no assessment was undertaken to determine the effectiveness an...