ABSTRACT Crime remains a major challenge confronting societies, especially, urban communities which continue to experience influx of people with various criminal orientations. In maintaining safety in communities through crime control, the approaches hitherto in Ghana had been focusing on formal state institutions notably the Ghana Police Service to the neglect of community crime control actors. Apparently, there is a growing concern as to the need for community to participate in crime contr...
ABSTRACT Investing in education that is gender inclusive is indispensable to economic empowerment of the people. Even though gender inclusive education is at the heart of international conventions and protocols, the desired quality is yet to be achieved. Consequently, the study seeks to investigate the implementation of gender inclusive educational strategies and practices in SHSs in the Berekum Municipality of Brong Ahafo Region. A convergence mixed method design was adopted for the study. ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the role of head teachers in curriculum implementation in public basic schools in the Wa municipality with a view to finding out basic school administrators’ engagements in monitoring the implementation of curriculum. The objectives of the study were to examine how head teachers evaluate teachers to check teaching and learning standards, avail teaching and learning materials, motivate teachers and find out the communication channels put in place in schoo...
ABSTRACT Access to and use of formal financial services, namely savings, credit and insurance products, have far-reaching benefits for households and the economy at large. However, there is limited use of formal financial services and rather, a dependence on informal institutions of saving, borrowing and insurance in developing countries. In order to increase demand for formal financial services by households and micro-enterprises, financial sector reforms were carried out extensively in th...
ABSTRACT The experimentation and final adaptation of the Community –based Health Planning and Service (CHPS) as a policy option to address the concerns of access to healthcare is perhaps one of the innovative outcomes made to confront the myriad of developmental challenges facing access to healthcare in sub Saharan African including Ghana. Several studies that have so far been conducted on the CHPS strategy gives premium to the CHPS strategy by concentrating on Immunization with only a cur...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the provision of credit facilities by the Rural Banks and its contribution to Secondary Education in Ghana using Ejisu-Juaben Municipality as a case study. Thirty-six participants comprising of 5 respondents from the 3 rural banks constituting 15 respondents, and 3 respondents from each of the 7 senior high schools selected which also constituted 21 respondents consisted the sample size. A descriptive survey design was used with interview guide and questionna...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the accounting practices utilized by the SMEs, the motivation for and against the utilization of these practices and whether the utilization of accounting practices of interest have performance implications for SMEs with same magnitude. The study adopted a survey research approach to achieve the three study objectives. The study also adopted purposive sampling method to get 90 SMEs who participated in the study. The study utilized correlation mean and s...
ABSTRACT This study set to examine mobile money services and the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mukono Municipality. The study examined the influence of mobile payments on the growth of SMEs, established the influence of mobile finance on the growth of SMEs and determined the effect of mobile banking on the growth of SMEs in Mukono Municipality. A descriptive survey design using a sample of 108 respondents was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the respon...
ABSTRACT Management of working capital which aims at maintaining an optimal balance between each of the working capital components, cash, receivables, inventory and payables is a fundamental part of the overall strategy to create value and competitive advantage in businesses. The study focused on effects of the working capital practices utilized by the SMEs on the growth. The study employed a quantitative research design approach to achieve its objectives. A sample of 94 SMEs was studied. In...
Introduction There is a lot of scandals in the public sector in Uganda and dwindling levels of aid. This deems important for this study to be conducted. Chapter one covers the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research objectives, research questions, hypothesis of the study, conceptual framework, justification, significance of the study, time scope and the definition of key terms.
BACK GROUND In an ever changing world powerful brands have to adopt to the new trends and evolve to match the market demand. Brand revitalization involves the company adapting change in product attributes to challenge the new competition as an attempt to bring back the product to life, to perform better and new approaches are implemented which may include market expansion, modification of product and brand repositioning, (Gregory Hamel, 2016). Consumer belief is influenced by the brand attri...
ABSTRACT This study was set to examine the effect of electronic tax system on the revenue collection performance of Uganda Revenue Authority. The study established the effect of internet payment/filing system on revenue collection performance, examined the effect of mobile payment/filing system on revenue collection performance, analyzed the effect of electronic billing machine on revenue collection performance, and established the relationship between electronic tax system and revenue colle...
ABSTRACT This study explored social constructions of gratitude among orthopaedic patients in Southern Ghana and investigated how gratitude relates to post-traumatic experience in this sample. The sequential mixed method was used in this study. Study 1 was a qualitative study where sixteen (N=16) participants took part in an in-depth individual interview on their constructions of gratitude in relation to their experience. Thematic analysis revealed that gratitude emanated from the feeling of ...
ABSTRACT In this research paper, attempts are made to identify determinants of demand for diesel in Uganda. The study estimates diesel demand using time series data starting from 1981 to 2010. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of demand for diesel in Uganda. In addition it estimates demand elasticity for diesel in Uganda using time series econometric techniques. Accordingly, the study used a double logarithm model to investigate this issue together with a...
ABSTRACT The financial sector plays an important role in every country in terms of resource mobilization and allocation. It is deemed by many scholars as the pivot around which economies evolve. Banks are globally regarded as the major player in financial sector. The expansion in the activities of banks that include, but not limited to, securities markets, fund management, insurance, to a large extent, can be attributed to deregulation in the financial sector. The study sought to examine th...