Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Gold Mining And Disability: Experiences Of Persons With Physical Disability In The Obuasi Municipal Area

ABSTRACT Despite provisions to uphold and safeguard the rights of persons with disability in Ghana, there is evidence that they still encounter several challenges which limit their full and effective involvement in mainstream society, including the gold mining sector. The study sought to explore how persons with physical disability (PWPDs) experience gold mining in the Obuasi Municipal Area. A qualitative research design was used to discover and to understand the experiences of PWPDs regard...

Exploring The Audit Assistants’ Decision To Leave Audit Firms In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study employed the Probit regression method to identify and examine the extent to which the identified factors influence the audit assistants’ decision to leave the audit profession in Ghana. The study identified age, marital status and sex of audit assistant as influential factors to the decision to leave the audit profession. Thus, the study concludes that older, married audit assistants are more likely to exit the audit profession perhaps due to the added domestic responsib...

Brand Avoidance: An Insight From Ghanaian Service Consumers

ABSTRACT Nowadays, supply exceeds demand rendering consumers the opportunity to select, buy and consume brands that equals their personalities. Owing to the fact that several offerings are available in the market, consumers tend to reject some brands. Whereas most prevailing studies are geared towards building robust consumer-brand relationships and nurturing brand loyalty, the area of brand avoidance has received little attention. Furthermore, it is argued that brand emotions act as mediator...

SSA Research 171 PAGES (43786 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Corporate Governance And Transparency: Evidence From Stock Return Sychronicity

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of stock return synchronicity on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The study compared synchronicity levels across firm size, age and industry type. Finally, the study examined the influence of corporate governance on transparency while using stock return synchronicity as a measure of transparency. A ten year panel data spanning from 2000 to 2009 collected from 31 listed firms in Ghana was used. Daily stock returns were also collected ...

Entrepreneurial Disposition And Culture: A Case Of Graduates Of Accra Polytechnic

ABSTRACT It is true that globally unemployment in general and graduate unemployment in particular is scaling, most especially in developing economies such as Ghana. Entrepreneurship has been seen as one of the means to solving this unemployment menace. However, culture has been identified as one of the major factors that influence the entrepreneurial intent of people. This study therefore, sets out to gauge the impact of Ghanaian culture on the entrepreneurial disposition of Higher National D...

SSA Research 142 PAGES (31793 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Explaining Change In Voter Behaviour: A Study Of The Lawra Constituency In The 2008 Parliamentary Elections In Ghana

ABSTRACT No doubt, the Lawra constituency is one of the strong holds of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana. This is amply demonstrated by the fact that the party has won four consecutive parliamentary elections since the inception of the fourth republic. However, in the 2008 parliamentary elections, the party lost the seat to the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the first time. This loss shocked not only the NDC party but other keen political observers. This study se...

Sex Status, Cognitive Style And Report Of Psychiatric Symptoms

a b s t r a c t The aim of this study was three-fold to study (a) sex differences in the report of psychiatric symptoms. (b) sex differences in locus of control and (c) the relationship between locus of control and report of psychiatric symptoms. The study also looked at the relationship that exists between Marital Status, Age and Education and locus of control and the report of psychiatric symptoms. Two self-administered questionnaire were given to 320 Ghanaian working Adults aged between 21...

SSA Research 143 PAGES (25977 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Psychosocial Correlates Of Psychological Wellbeing Among Clergy Of The Presbyterian Church And The Church Of Pentecost In Accra

ABSTRACT The study examined the psychosocial correlates of psychological wellbeing among the clergy of the Presbyterian Church and the Church of Pentecost in Accra. A concurrent mixed-method approach composed of a quantitative and qualitative methods was used. The quantitative involved the use of questionnaires administered to three hundred and six (306) conveniently sampled clergy from some selected congregations among the GA and GA West Presbyteries of the Presbyterian church of Ghana in Ac...

SSA Research 142 PAGES (32272 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
The Determinants Of Non-Performing Loans Amongst Tier 4 Banks In Ghana. A Case Study Of FBN Bank Ghana Limited

ABSTRACT Non-performing loans refers to credit facilities which have gone bad and pose profitability problems to banks. Banks in their daily operations, especially in their credit functions seek to identify risks pertaining to credits under consideration and/or management in order to prevent them from crystallizing into bad debts in their books. In this study, FBNBank Ghana Limited is used as a case study to identify the unique bankspecific factors and customer-specific factors that are con...

Funding E-Government Projects In Ghana: A Case Study Of The Ghana Electronic Government (GEGOV) Project

ABSTRACT Governments and citizens have recognized the potential of using the Internet as a delivery channel for public services. However, the evolution of e‐government initiatives poses a myriad of challenges. One of the most overwhelming challenges is identifying and implementing funding strategy for promoting e‐government projects. In view of limited availability of public sector funding and the increased focus on judicious spending of government finances, the search for alternative f...

Access To Education For Poor Children: A Case Study Of Compassion International In The Agbogba Community, Ghana

ABSTRACT Education has been recognized as an important tool in reducing poverty, especially due to its intergenerational effects. Thus poverty reduction efforts have often targeted the educational sector with national governments leading the way. Government interventions have however been unable to adequately ensure educational access for all. As a result, Non-Governmental Organisations such as Compassion International (CI) have stepped in to provide complementary programmes to make education...

The Moderating Role Of Involvement On Customer Engagement And Loyalty In The Ghanaian Telecommunication Industry

ABSTRACT This study examines the moderating role of involvement on the relationship that exists between the dimensions of customer engagement and loyalty. Explanatory research design is used to establish the relationship between behavioural, cognitive and emotional dimensions of engagement and the loyalty of customers in the telecommunication industry, by way of the social exchange theory. The study employs a self-administered questionnaire to survey 305 mobile network subscribers. Covariance...

SSA Research 129 PAGES (29465 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Capacity Expansion Planning For Electric Power Generation In Ghana

ABSTRACT The Ghanaian electric power system, like most Sub-Saharan African countries, is bedevilled with the problem of inadequate generation of electric power amidst growing demand for electricity. Governments over the years have tried to tackle the issue of inadequate generation capacity and supply of electricity in Ghana to meet the increasing demand for electric power. Yet electricity supply in Ghana remains erratic and inconsistent. The purpose of this study was to develop a long-term (...

Overseas Development Assistance And Economic Development In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship of ODAs in the economic development of Ghana. It subsequently analyzed the association between ODAs interventions and development of education and health in the country by looking at the growth in educational enrollment as well as the increase in Life Expectancy. Based on these aims and objectives of the study, secondary data in the form of time-series data were acquired from OECD, the World Bank and UNDP were acquired for the study. The data acq...

Investigating The Performance Of Manufacturing And Service Firms In Ghana: The Role Of Financial Access And Firm Innovation

ABSTRACT Despite the vast and growing empirical literature focusing on the association between innovation, financial access and firm performance, the combined impact of these factors in one study is dearth even though this relationship seems to be important, especially for developing countries. In this research, a conceptual model is developed applying the Resource-Based-View (RBV) theory of the firm to carry out an in-depth analysis of whether firm performance is affected by financial access...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (15031 WORDS) Finance Paper

11326 - 11340 Of 19638 Results