ABSTRACT The present study seeks to find out the influence of religiosity, social support, social negativity and selected demographic variables on the mental health of women in Accra. A total of two hundred (200) women living in Accra at the time of data collection were used in a cross-sectional survey. Ninety-two (46%) of the participants had a history of various mental illnesses and were reporting for review at the Accra psychiatric and Pantang hospitals. One hundred and eight (54%) had no ...
ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of capital structure on the financial performance of pharmaceutical, food and beverage companies listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange from 2007 to 2016. The performance indicators included Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Capital (ROC) and Earnings per Share (EPS) while capital structure proxies were Longterm Debt to Capital Ratio and Short-Term Debt to Capital Ratio controlling for total asset. The study used panel data analysis as...
ABSTRACT It is assumed that, change and continuity can occur within the same administration or after a change of government. Ghana after independence has experienced several changes in government. Accounting for over two decades of Ghana’s foreign policy, foreign policy decisions between the Rawlings and Kufuor administrations have undergone changes and continuities. Therefore, this study sought to explain why such continuities and changes, in the areas of economic diplomacy and good neighb...
Abstract The education of the girl-child has suffered many setbacks both in the past and at present. As a result, some girls are denied access while others are forced to drop out of school especially in rural Ghana. This study examined the effects of cultural practices on girl-child education in Bolni, a rural community in the Nanumba North District in Northern Region of Ghana. The study adopted a mix method research design and employed questionnaire in collecting quantitative data while in-d...
ABSTRACT The manufacturing firms under the SME sector has and continue to contribute significantly to the national GDP. One challenges faced with SME’s especially in the manufacturing industry is poor finance management coupled with poor working capital management. Firms can’t carry on with their business without working capital even though they have a healthy turnover. Therefore, Firm’s that lack the ability to identify significant working capital management practises will continue to ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the determinants of net interest margins of Microfinance Institutions (MFI’s) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) amidst the surge in commercialization and the drive towards sustainability. The study involved 144 microfinance institutions from 27 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa forming an unbalanced panel from 2005 to 2013 drawn from the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) database. The study used the robust fixed effect technique and corrected for p...
ABSTRACT The Ghanaian banking industry has experienced growth largely driven by the influx of foreign banks, especially of Nigerian origin. Notable among these banks are UBA, Zenith Bank, Access Bank, and GT Bank. The boom in the Ghanaian banking industry has brought about significant changes in product design, marketing and customer relationship management (CRM). Of particular interest to this research is the emergence of the latter, which was almost non-existent in the transaction oriented ...
ABSTRACT It has been documented in the literature that customer engagement, defined as ‘‘customers’ behavioural manifestation toward a brand or firm, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational drivers”, leads to increased profits, sustained differentiation and superior competitive advantage. Scholars for a while have therefore focused on understanding the dynamics of this concept and, in particular, the factors that account for it. They have particularly called for studies that focu...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the performance of Agona West Municipal Assembly (AWMA) as a District Assembly (D.A.) in the delivery on its developmental mandate in the areas of infrastructure, education and health as well as the contributions of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same areas of developments. The study found out that, concerning infrastructural development, AWMA has been constructing markets, toilet facilities, roads, extending pipe borne water and bore holes and ...
ABSTRACT This thesis assessed quantitatively, the improvement of drug availability at two district hospitals, two urban and two rural health centres in the Ashanti Region of Ghana after the introduction of “Cash and Carry” policy in the country. The supply situation of these public institutions in both periods was compared to the coverage of the facilities by using panel data analysis. As an input to the debate on the design of the national health insurance scheme, the work also used cont...
ABSTRACT Ghana is committed to transforming teaching and learning at all levels of education through the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). However, the successful introduction of ICT into basic education depends largely on the availability of ICT infrastructure and the capacity of teachers and students to use them. Using rural and urban public Junior High Schools (JHS) in the Ga South Municipality as a case study, this study investigates the availability and u...
ABSTRACT The work of accountants is all based on principles and ethics and hence demands that members of this profession exhibit high levels of ethical behaviour. However, some recent events of unethical behaviours have been recounted, calling for more research in this area. It is believed that to change the face of the profession and win back the trust of stakeholders, a new revolution of accountants must be raised. This study, therefore, investigates the relationship between values and the ...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the relationship between financial integration, proxy by portfolio equity flows, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve the set objective, we first estimate the baseline growth regression using the Generalized Methods of Moment (GMM) dynamic panel estimation framework, while controlling for initial income, human capital and other factors. The results suggest that portfolio equity flows have a significant positive relationship with economic growth...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of fraud risk management practices in the banking sector of Ghana. The structured questionnaire was used as the main research instrument. Items in the questionnaire were measured on a five-point ranking scale. Both local and foreign universal banks in Ghana, were included study. A total of 100 employees, 50 from the local banks, and another 50 from the foreign banks, were sampled through purposive and convenient sampling techn...
ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of universal banks’ loan portfolio size in Ghana using the system generalize method of moments (GMM) estimator. The study made use of data gathered from Universal banks from 2000 to 2011. It was discovered from the analysis of the study that the determinants of banks portfolio size of universal banks in Ghana are previous periods’ loan size, total investments of the banks, total deposits, credit risk, money supply and the foreign or local owne...