ABSTRACT Internal auditing plays a significant role in the management of most modern organizations. In the public sector of Ghana, internal auditing is meant to drive greater efficiency and help in the delivery of public services. Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) have Internal Audit Units (IAU) as independent appraisal functions to examine and evaluate their financial and operational activities. Despite the potential roles of IAUs in MMDAs, the 2013 Auditor General re...
ABSTRACT This study sought to ascertain the type of leadership skills among heads of department and the satisfaction levels of faculty members in Cape Coast Polytechnic using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) The study also sought to establish the relationship between transformational leadership style of heads of department and job satisfaction of faculty members of the institution. The simple random sampling technique was adop...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the employee performance appraisal practices of the World Vision’s Ghana Rural Water Project (GRWP) and how effective the practices are. The problem under investigation was a fact-finding research so the appropriate research design used was exploratory. The study also used a descriptive survey because it involved collection of data, which informed the answers to the problem stated. The population for the study was the staff of the Ghana Rural Water Project ...
ABSTRACT The study attempted to find out the extent to which the Rural Enterprises Project 11 has promoted the activities of micro and small-scale enterprises in the Bawku West District in the Upper East Region of Ghana, during the period 2004- 2009. The study used the purposive, simple random, cluster and the stratified sampling techniques in the selection of respondents. The interview schedule and questionnaire were used to solicit information from the beneficiaries of the project interven...
ABSTRACT Dissatisfaction with appraisal performance systems abounds and systems are often viewed by employees as inaccurate and unfair. The study was to assess staff perception of Cal Bank performance appraisal system for improved performance. The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive survey on the employees of the bank. The lottery method of the simple random sampling technique was employed in selecting one out of four corridors of the Bank’s operational areas. Using questionnaires...
ABSTRACT It is now a recognized fact amongst both academics and practitioners that Human Resources play a critical role in the success of organizations. This awareness has precipitated the myriad of empirical researches that have explored the link between the HR practices used by firms and the performance firms attain. The objective of this study was to first, identify and examine the extent to which bundles of HRM practices affect performance of Ghanaian manufacturing firms. Specifically, ...
ABSTRACT Rapid urbanization in Ghana has resulted in poor environmental conditions in most urban settlements in the country. Household solid waste disposal by residents, in particular, has become an overwhelming problem in the Wa municipality. The study analysed the underlying factors affecting effective solid waste disposal and ultimately household solid waste management in the municipality and suggested possible measures to resolve the problem. The study used data collectedfrom householdre...
ABSTRACT Proper financial management is essential for business survival because firm’s inability to identify and implement relevant financial management practices can affect its performance. This study examines financial management practices and their relationship with performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. The financial management practices covered financial records keeping, asset management, receivables management, cash management, inventor...
ABSTRACT Increasing public debt in Ghana has been a major concern to the nation. There are several factors that influence the public debt which includes the fiscal balance, that is either a deficit or a surplus. This study investigated the influence of fiscal balance on total public debt. The results reveal that fiscal deficit increases total debt and domestic debt while surpluses lead to an increase in the external debt though the long run relationship between fiscal deficit and external de...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between stock market performance and economic growth in Ghana for the period 1991–2014, using quarterly secondary data. The objective was to empirically analyse the relationship between stock market performance and economic growth using Auto regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach.The study found acointegrating relationship between economic growth and its determinants. The regression results show that stock market performance is a very ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to examine the extent of collaboration in knowledge management (CKM) and to explore the perceived benefits and challenges associated with it in rural banking industry in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It was an exploratory cross-sectional quantitative study with 105 employees surveyed. The study results indicated that there was low level of collaboration in knowledge management among the banks. However, majority of the employees perceived CKM to have benefits...
ABSTRACT The study draws on the Giddens’ structuration theory and the stakeholder theory to examine the accountability of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Ghana. Traditionally, the public sector has been in the fore front in the delivery of public infrastructure and services. However, as part of the neo-liberal agenda, PPPs have become popular arrangements used to deliver public infrastructure and services. Ghana has also embraced the use of this concept in delivering public infrastru...
ABSTRACT The number of players in the insurance industry in Ghana continues to growth. This is of concern to insurance companies in today‟s competitive market environment as it forces them to improve upon their offerings to retain their existing customers, as well as to acquire new ones. However, very few empirical studies have been conducted in the insurance industry to affirm the antecedents of customer satisfaction and its effect on loyalty. This study reports on the antecedents of cust...
ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of media ownership structure on media independence and its implication for democratic governance. Two publicly-owned newspapers and two privately-owned newspapers with different political affiliations were used as a case study. Qualitative case study approach was deemed as appropriate method for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the four newspapers and journalists interviewed for the analysis. The study found out that the str...
ABSTRACT Poverty reduction has become a paramount concern in the international development arena because of the large number of people affected by it globally. The study investigates how the entrepreneurial activities of petty traders with respect to their social and human capital can contribute to the reduction of poverty. Using a cross-sectional survey data, the study built a social capital index, estimated the income level and employed a probit regression model in finding out the effects o...