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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Sexual abuse of children in schools: The need for social work intervention

The present study explores sexual abuse of school children by teachers in senior secondary schools in Botswana. It adopts a cross-sectional quantitative approach. Data was collected from 3 senior secondary schools in the capital city of Gaborone, where the study was conducted. A survey questionnaire was self administered to 330 randomly selected participants of which 300 were students and 30 teachers. Each school comprised 100 students and 10 teachers. The study utilised social exchange theor...

Life after institutional care: Implications for research and practice.

The present study sought to investigate the lived experiences of care leavers from institutional care facility in Botswana. The study objectives were to explore the challenges faced by children after leaving the institutional care, and to identify services that can be offered to them in preparation for life in a society in general. The study adopted a cross-sectional qualitative research approach and data was collected through in-depth interviews which were qualitatively analysed. A total of ...

Improving youth employment in Botswana: The need for evidence based policy and programme development

Youth unemployment is a major policy concern that deserves urgent attention because it has become a threat to the social, economic and political stability of the country. It leads to a variety of social ills, including; poverty, alcohol abuse, crime and social unrests. Policy and programmes response to the problem of youth unemployment are many and varied but have almost always taken the form of social welfare provision and less on promotion of practical education and skills training. Governm...

Challenges to social policies: A critical analysis of youth intervention programmes in Botswana

Young people are an important human resource and Botswana is no exception. The critical challenge facing Botswana is to raise the rate of economic growth to levels incorporating broad based improvement in the standards of living and well-being of youth. The country faces high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality which have hit the youth group so hard. Significant pockets of poverty remain, especially in rural areas. The living conditions of the vast majority of Botswana are deterior...

Economic Impacts of M-Pesa in a Develping Economy: A Case Study of Nairobi CBD

ABSTRACT Access to financial services in a country is essential for economic growth. The term access to financial services refers to the ease with which an individual can use financial services if theywant to. It is thus distinct from usage; an individual may have access to financial services but choose not to use them. It is also possible for an individual to face access constraints even if they are using a financial service. For example, an individual may have a bank account, but may face c...

Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Employee Performance Among Civil Servants in Osogbo, Osun State

ABTRACT  Emotional intelligence is seen as an important factor for an organisation’s performance and development and it plays an important part in the performance of any organization today.  The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on employees’ performance among the Civil Servants In Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was administered to 240 respondents and 176 were dully filled and returned representing 73% response rate. Th...


  ABSTRACT The study was attempted to look at impact of information technology on accounting system in a manufacturing company (a case study of Nigeria bottling company plc, Lagos). The development in information technologies, which have had numerous impacts on both individual and social life and business, have also had an important impact on accounting information system and accounting application in term of every aspect such as concept, scope and operation. The researcher employed the us...

Impact of Terrorism on Nigeria Economic Development

ABSTRACT This study assesses empirically effects of terrorism on the various sectors of the Nigeria economy with the real sector in view. In spite of government counter-terrorism expenditure and efforts, the incidence of terrorism in Nigeria appears to be rising. This paper examines the growth and fiscal consequences of terrorism in Nigeria by estimating the terrorism--macroeconomic relation using different measures of terror incidence. The results show that terrorism has an economically and ...

Impact of Accounting Information System on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria

.Table of Content CHAPTER ONE Background to the Story Statement of the Problem Objectives of Study Research Hypothesis Significance of Study Limitations of Study CHAPTER TWO Review of Related Literature Historical Development of Accounting Information Importance of Accounting Information in Business Decision Making CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology Scope of Study Data Design and Collection Sample Techniques CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation CHAPTER FIVE Finding...

Joseph Kalu 92 PAGES (13168 WORDS) Accounting Project

FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF STOCKMARKET IN EMERGING ECONOMIES: A CASE STUDY OF NAIROBI STOCK EXCHANGE ABSTRACT This study examined the factors that affects capital market development specifically the case study of Nairobi Stock Exchange. It covered the period of 2005-2010 for companies listed on the stock market. In spite of the government trying to provide an enabling environment for stock market development in Kenya there has been development compared to other emerging stock market...

The role of Political Parties in the Consolidation of Democracy in Nigeria (1999-2015)

ABSTRACT The problems of political parties in the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria has been of serious concern. In the course of carrying out the research some fundamental objectives were examined, such as: The role effectiveness of political parties in Nigeria, impacts of political parties in consolidating Nigeria democratic system and ways political parties can consolidate the democratic system. From the following, the study used primary and secondary sources of data collection and si...

Promotional Mix As A Tool For Enhancing Profitability Level Of A Firm. A Case Study Of 7up Bottling Company, Benin City.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page----          -           -          -            --i Declaration ---------ii Certification ---------iii Dedication---------iv Acknowledgements--------v Table of Contents--------vi Abstract---------ix Appendices---------x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background to the Study-------1 1.2Statement of the Research  Problem-----2 1.3Research Questions-------4 1.4Objectives of the study-------4 1.5Significance of the study-------5 1.6Scope of the s...

Assessment of Planning and Control of Capital Expenditure in a Business Organization

ABSTRACT The research focuses on as assessment of planning and control of capital expenditure in a business organization, a case study of global soap and detergent company, ljebu- ode, Ogun- state. The major objective of the study is to determine the application of planning and control have any effect on capital expenditure in a business organization, to examine the relationship between planning and control being adopted on capital expenditure in a business organization. Data were collected...

Poverty and Child Labour: Its Economic Implication on Itiam Community

Abstract: This study examined the issues relating to poverty and child labour, and its economic implication on Itiam Community with particular references to economic status of parents, income of parents, and economic status of parents at childhood. Using chi-square method for the analyses, a total of 473 questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected secondary schools in the three villages that make up Itiam Community. Out of the 473 questionnaires, only 316 were returned. Given the ab...

The Effect of External Debt Burden on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria (1980 - 2015)

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the effect of external debt burden on growth and poverty in Nigeria within the framework of the error correction model, using annual time series data from 1980 - 2015. The study reveals that economic growth and poverty in Nigeria and their hypothesized determinant are generally I (1) series, with one co-integration equations existing among their linear combinations. Our results show that, the variables in the model, debt overhang, stock of external debt, and publ...

14311 - 14325 Of 19445 Results