Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Effective Implementation Of Property Tax System In Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The study was based on assessing the effective implementation of property tax system. It was conducted in Dodoma Municipal Council. This study specifically focused on three issues which are to analyse the extent of property tax implementation in Tanzania economy, Property tax base definition and the property tax systems operating in local government Authorities in Tanzania. The study employed a cross sectional design with a case study meant to get in depth data. Respondents in this ...

Stakeholders Perceptions Towards Brn On Education Sector In Tanzania: A Case Of Secondary School Teachers In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The link between economic growth and human development has been a subject since the year 1970‟s. Education, which is an important component of human development, has been found to explain varying levels of return and economic growth. People‟s opinions have not been taken into considerations which led to a failure of projects which were incepted by the government in different periods of time. The main objective of this study, was to assess the perceptions of stakeholders towards ...

Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of The Students Loan’s Board In Tanzania: A Case Of The University Of Dodoma And St. John’s University Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Student financing in institutions of higher learning is today one of the major challenges facing the education sector in Tanzania. This study assessed the effectiveness of Students Loan‟s Board as an alternative way for financing Higher Education in Tanzania taking the University of Dodoma (UDOM) and Saint John‟s University of Tanzania as a case study. This study employed probability and non-probability in sampling procedures whereby random and purposive techniques in selecting ...

Factors Influencing The Achievement Of Value For Money Compliance In Public Procurement

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence the achievement of Value for Money Procurement at Dodoma Municipality. Various methods of data collection including, questionnaire, interview, documentary review and focus group discussion were employed, a case study design was adopted as to get a deep insight of the study that was at hand. The study revealed various factors that influence the achievement of value for money as it includes; poor post contract mana...

Assessment of Electronic Health Management in Information System at University of Ghana Hospital

ABSTRACT  The incorporation of Information and Communication Technology into the healthcare system has electronically transformed the approaches to medical data collection, storage, retrieval and its management across all health institutions in the world. However, there has been a drift of focus from core issues pertaining to the preparation processes, benefits, challenges, and prospects of such transformative innovation in the health sector. This study, therefore, sought to examine such a f...

Determinants Of Equity Mutual Funds Performance In Ghana

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to identify factors that significantly influences the performance of equity mutual funds in Ghana. The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) like most other West African Exchanges is not robust. The market is not price sensitive to market information and hence the question how and what factors influence the performance recorded by the market. This uncertainty about the main drivers of performance of equity mutual funds in Ghana motivated the research on the t...

Impact of Cooperative Societies on the Development of Kebbi State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ...................i Approval Page ...................ii Dedication .................iii Acknowledgements ..........................iv Table of Contents ..........................v CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study ........................1-4 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem .....................4-6 1.3 Objectives of the Study ......................6 1.4 Hypotheses of the Study ........................7 1.5 Significance of the Stu...

The Effect of Loan Portfolio Management on The Profitability And Sustainability of Selected Microfinance Companies in Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose the study sought to examines the impact of loan management on firm performance of microfinance companies in Ghana. With this study sought to determine the relationship between loan portfolio management in MFIs and financial sustainability, to assess the impact of loan portfolio management on MFI profitability, to recommend strategies for enhancing MFI sustainability. To achieve this the study employed an econometric approach using 10 microfinance firms listed on the Ghan...

Business Plan for KAAGS COMPANY LIMITED - Producers of the Sort Bin APRIL 2014

ABSTRACT The sort bin is a simple compartmentalized bin that encourages the segregation of waste types and seeks to encourage recycling habits in Ghana. This business plan highlights the description of the business, the market and competition, organization and structure, the production process and operational plan, financial highlights and the growth and exit plans. 

An Evaluation Of Donor Funds To Stakeholders In The Fight Against Modern Slavery. A Case Study Of Lake Volta

Stakeholders in the fight against modern slavery play a vital role in the socio-economic development of Ghana. Despite stakeholder’s important role in the fight against modern slavery, donors have been a major contributing force in the fight. This study identifies and discusses the funds received by stakeholders in the course of eliminating modern day slavery. The analysis first reviews the sources of funds for stakeholders by focusing on both external and internal sources. The study t...


ABSTRACT Taxation is not only a major economic policy tool but also a means to encourage positive social behaviour and discourage negative social behaviour. Unfortunately, in Ghana, taxation is almost reduced to a tool for winning political power. Majority of the time, political discourse and economic policy discourse on taxation is at best anecdotal. The objective of this study is to investigate and provide empirical evidence on the relation between tax structure and growth in Ghana in order...

Financial Management Of Ngos In Ghana: A Case Study Of Central Aid.

ABSTRACT Non-governmental organisations are vital to the civil society of every country. The growth of NGOs has brought about much development to all societies because their activities usually tend to involve social interventions that fill in the vacuum where governments usually fail. However, recent issues of mismanagement and weak accountability has caused NGOs to lose credence in the eyes of its stakeholders. Thus, this study aims to investigate how NGOs in Ghana undertake their financial ...

Assessing The Critical Determinants Of Performance Of Microfinance Institutions In Ghana

This study empirically examines the determinants of microfinance performance as well as the influence of microfinance financial performance on its social performance (outreach) in Ghana. The research used data for 165 Ghanaian microfinance institutions (MFIs) over the period 2014- 2018. The research employed the fixed effect estimation technique in estimating the model as suggested by the Hausman test. Taking unobserved firm and year heterogeneity and correcting for heteroskedasticity an...

Bank-Specific Risks And Performance Of Universal Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT The respective impact of the factors that drive bank profitability has been a great source of debate within academia and the banking industry. The objective of this empirical work is to fill the knowledge gap by assessing the impact of selected bank-specific risks on financial performance within the local context of a developing country. The study examined into details the trends in bank-specific risks and examines the effects of these idiosyncratic factors on bank performance in Gha...

Determinants Of Lending Interest Rate And Loan Recovery Rates Of Microfinance Institutions In Ghana: A Case Study Of The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study focused critically on issues of determinants of interest rates and loan recovery rate of Microfinance institutions in Accra Metropolis. With a sample size of twenty (20), Microfinance institutions were examined. Random and purposive sampling techniques were used. Sampling was done by selecting microfinance institutions that give credit to only the informal sector or both the informal and the formal sector. The heart of this research was pairwise correlation. Pairwise correl...

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