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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Internal Auditing and Organizational Performance in Rama Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between internal audit and the organizational performance of public companies in Rwanda with reference to Ia Rwandaise d’Assurance Maladie (RAMA). The objective of the study was to prove out whether internal auditing is contributing or not on the performance of La Rwandaise d’Assurance Maladie. The related literature was reviewed to understand the concepts and to show the relationship between different concepts under st...

Automated Teller Machine System and Service Quality in Commercial Banks in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The unreliable quality of services is greatly affecting the performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. Complaints by customers of delays in cheques between banks, time wastage in long queues, errors as a result ofmanual work andfraudulent cases have been common in 2014 and 2015. The poor service quality saw several commercial banks in Rwanda embracing the technology ofAutomated Teller Machine (ATIv[s), however, several of them have reported poor service delivery. The purpose of this ...

Procurement Practices and Service Delivery in Local Governments: A Case Study of Kumi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study carried out establish the effect of procurement practices in Kumi district local government. To achieve the purpose, this study was guided by three specific objectives included; (i) to establish the relationship between procurement policy on Service Delivery in Kumi District Local Government, Uganda (ii) to determine the relationship between procurement planning and Service Delivery in Kumi District Local Government, Uganda and (iii) to establish the relationship between s...

Humanitarian Support on Delivery of Social Services in Gulu District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of humanitarian support on delivery of social services in Gulu district, Northern Uganda. The study objectively sought to; examine the time frame under which the humanitarian support reached the beneficiaries, assess the achievements of humanitarian agencies in the delivery of services, assess the beneficial effects and responses of the beneficiaries with regards to the humanitarian support provided and to assess the c...

Regionalism and the Enforcement of Human Rights in Nigeria

ABSTRACTS Human rights as we have them today can be traced to the famous United Nations' document, the Universal Declaration of human rights (UDHR) of 1948. All other human rights instruments and Bills of Rights are derived from this document including the two binding instruments, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966 and the International Covenant on Cultural Economic and Social Rights (ICESR). There are regional systems of international human rights law that ...

The Determinants of Poverty in the Urban West Region of Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study focused on the determinants of poverty in the Urban West region of Zanzibar. It sought to find out the poverty levels and its average whether it is high, low or very low and finally the government initiatives and programmes in poverty eradication. The researcher used primary and secondary sources of literature in his review. These were books, journals, magazines, reports and first hand from experts which were relating to poverty. The research report adopted a descriptive l...

Effect of Career Development On Performance of Academic Staff in Selected Private Universities in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This report was about effect of career development on work performance of academic staff in selected private universities in Uganda; with career development constructed as training and promotion. The main object was to examine how career development affected work performance with specific objectives; i) to assess relationship between training and work performance and, ii) to examine the effect of promotion on work performance of academic staff in private universities in Uganda. The r...

Financial Record Keeping and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lira Town - Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the significance of financial record keeping on the performance of SMEs in Lira town, Northern Uganda. The study was guided by three research objectives that included; establishing the extent of financial record keeping among SMEs in Lira town; assessing the level of performance of SMEs in Lira town; and establishing the relationship between financial record keeping and the performance of SMEs.The research employed descriptive correlation study designs. ...

Cultural Practices and the Right to Education of the Girl Child in Mubende District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine Cultural practices and the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda. The study objectives were; to investigate the effect of early marriages on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda, to examine the effect of polygamy on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda and to establish the effect of child labour on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda....

Community Participation and Project Success of Naads’ 11 Livestock Project in Adekokwok Sub-County Lira District, Uganda

ABSTRACT OPIO DANIEL, School of Graduate Studies, Bugerna University, December, 2015.Thesis title; COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION AND PROJECT SUCCESS OF NAADS’ II LIVESTOCK PROJECT IN ADEKOKWOK SUB-COUNTY LIRA DISTRICT, UGANDA. Supervisor: Dr ISAAC ABUGA MUKONO The study was conducted in Adekokwok Sub-county, Lira District. The study objectives were to establish the level of community participation in NAADS II livestock project, determine the level of livestock project success, and examine the rel...

Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Commitment in Telecommunication Industry in Banadir-Region, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of human resource management practices and employee commitment in Telecommunication Industry in Banadir Region, Somalia. The statement of the problem stated that majority of the telecom companies in Banadir are experiencing issues resulting from inappropriate application of HRM practices, Inappropriate HRM policies and practices of some of these organizations due to non-existence of HRM specialists. The study was guided by three specific objectives; (i) ...

Participation of Chieftain Authority in Governance of the Nuer Villages in Post Conflict South Sudan

ABSTRACT This thesis is a modest academic attempt to assess the participation of the Nuer Chieftain Authority in the postconflict governance of the Nuer villages in South Sudan. It aims at establishing the forms of participation the Nuer Chieftain Authority undertaking in governance of the Nuer villages. The study assessed the functional areas of chiefs, administrative sensitivity they exhibit and challenges they encounter in the governance of the Nuer villages. The study employed descriptive...

Procurement Practices and Service Delivery in City Local Government, Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the role of procurement practices and service delivery in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was guided by three objectives that include; to examine the extent to which procurement practices are followed in Mogadishu, to examine the extent of service delivery in Mogadishu and finally to establish the relationship between procurement practices and service delivery in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study adopted a co-relational design with both qualitative and quantita...

Formal Organizational Communication Approaches and Employee Performance at Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The report is based on a study of the relationship between formal organizational communication approaches and employee performance at Kampala International University. The research study was directed by three specific objectives namely, assessing the relationships between downward communication and employee performance; upward communication and employee performance; and horizontal communication and employee performance. The target population for the study was 790 staff members of Kam...

Organisational Conflicts and Employee Performance in Selected Local Governments in Central- Region in Uganda

ABSTRACT The mam purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between organizational conflicts and employee performance in selected districts of Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono in central region in Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to establish the effects of task conflicts on employee perf01mance in selected local governments in central region, to establish the effects of interpersonal conflicts on employee performance in selected local governments in central region, to establi...

1621 - 1635 Of 19638 Results