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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Local Government in Promoting Education in Wera Sub- County, Amuria County, Amuria District -Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about the role of Local Government in promoting education case study of Wera Sub-county in Amuria District Uganda. The study was mainly based on three research objectives which is; To identify the education services provided by local governments, to establish the challenges faced by the local government in the provision of education services in Wera Sub-county, to find out the possible solutions to the challenges. The study employed across section together with descript...

Construction Of Universal Primary Education Classrooms Project in Soroti District

ABSTRACT Since independence in 1962, the education system in Uganda has comprised of three levels under the control of Ministry of Education and Sports, namely, the primary education, post-primary education and higher education,(university). In 1986. The National Resistance Movement formed a series of commissions to streamline the provision of education services and supervision by the Ministry of Education and Sports. Subsequently, the Education Policy Review Commission was established and ma...

Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Mogadishu-somalia

ABSTRACT The study assessed the governance and poverty alleviation in Mogadishu-Somalia. The objectives of the study were to; investigate the governance effectiveness in MogadishuSomalia, to assess the poverty condition of communities in Mogadishu-Somalia, to find out the relationship between governance and poverty alleviation in Mogadishu-Somalia. The research used a descriptive design, descriptive co relational, cross sectional and survey designs. It was descriptive in that it described th...

The Major Challenges Facing Livestock Marketing in Mandera Central District of North Eastern Province of Kenya

ABSTRACT The research is a descriptive survey that aimed to establish major challenges faced by livestock traders in Mandera Central district. It also determines the relative importance of the identified challenges facing livestock marketing. The study targeted livestock traders in Mandera Central district. Purposive sampling was used to select four divisions with market, from the seven available administrative units of the district. The researcher used research assistants to administer quest...

Microfinance and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania: A Case Study of Ilala Municipality

ABSTRACT The study assessed the effects of Microfinance on financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania. Data from Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC 2018) shows that 18% of the SMEs collapse in the third year of establishment, while 20% remains dormant making little profits. The specific objective of the study were to establish the influence of provision of credit facilities on financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises, to determine the effect of savings mobiliz...

Women Empowerment and Their Socio-economic Development in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study carried out an investigation on the role of women empowerment on socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia. The objectives of the study were 1) to examine the women empowerment strategies in Mogadishu, Somalia 2) to assess the socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia and 3) to establish the relationship between women empowerment and socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study employed descriptive/correlational study design which involved both...

Decentralization and Service Delivery in Somaliland.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between Decentralization and service delivery in Somaliland. The purpose of this study was to examine the level of participation, effectiveness and responsiveness in the decentralized public sector service delivery in Somaliland. The study was guided by three objectives. The first objective was to determine the level of popular participation in decision making system at local level, the second one was to determine the effectiveness of decentral...

Microfinance Services and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bujumbura, Burundi

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of microfinance services on the growth of small and medium enterprises in Bujumbura, Burundi. The study was undertaken in Ngagara, Rohero and Buyenzi districts in Bujumbura. Loan Provision, Savings mobilisation and financial skills training were three services provided by Microfinance examined in this study. The objectives were to determine how Loan provisions affect the growth of SME, how the mobilisations of savings affect the growth of SMEs and h...

Decentralization and Service Delivery in Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study is about Decentralization and service delivery Somaliland. The study examined the relationship between Decentralization and service delivery in Somaliland. The specific objectives of the study were to clarify the impact of decentralization on service delivery in Somaliland, evaluate whether the elected local councilors are serving to the Public better than the previous nominated District commissioner, and the third objective was to identify whether local councilors are real...

The Effect of Microfinance Institutions on Socio-economic Development: A Case Study of Inkingi S.A In Kicukiro District

ABSTRACT This report is a result of au academic research entitled the Effect of Microfinance Institntions on socio-economic development, a case stndy of INKINGI S.A in Kicukiro district. The objectives of the stndy were to investigate the products/services offered by microfinance INKINGI S.A, to assess the contribution of products/services offered to socio-economic welfare of beneficiaries, and to identify challenges faced by INKING! S.A in offering products/services. To answer research quest...

External Audit on the Work Performance of Public Financial Institution: A Case Study of People’s Bank of Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This research investigated the effect of external audit to the performance of People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ) from 2004 to 2008. The specific objectives of the research were to determine the relationship between work performance and PBZ, external audit performance and PBZ and independence of external audit and efficiency and effectiveness of PBZ. The study was contacted at People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ) situated along Benjamin Mkapa Road, Western Region, Town District, Zanzibar ...

Non-governmental Organization Water Projects and Social Development in Rulindo District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was an investigation of the effect of water projects provided by Non- governmental organizations on the social development of the people of Rulindo District in Rwanda. According to the Rwanda Ministry of Health, Rulindo District was singled out as one of the districts most affected by problems related to lack of water and sanitation. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to analyze how Water for People Projects have provided safe drinking water...

Decentralization and Local Government Performance in Selected Public Sectors in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine Decentralization and Local government ‘erformance in Selected Public Sectors in Hargeisa Somaliland, the study was guided by our objectives: To determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents, To md out the level of decentralization and local government performance in selected )ublic sectors in Hargeisa Somaliland, to determine the level of local government )erformance in public sectors, to establish whether there is a relationsh...

Political Decentralisation and Service Delivery in Nakaseke District

ABSTRACT The study was “political decentralization and services delivery in Nakaseke District”. It set out to determine the impact of political decentralisation on service delivery in Nakaseke district, and was carried out with three objectives, namely; to examine the level of local people’s political involvement in Nakaseke district; determine the benefits of political decentralization in Nakaseke district, identify the challenges faced by locals in political decentralization in Nakase...

Reward Systems and Employee Motivation in Kampala International University Main Campus, Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study on Reward systems and employee motivation in Kampala International University was conducted with the main purpose of establishing the relationship between reward systems and employee motivation. The researcher carried out this study while being guided by four research objective that were oriented towards determining the respondents profile in terms of gender, age, level of education, type of employment and length of service, to determine the level of existing reward system...

2266 - 2280 Of 19638 Results