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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Impacts of Training and Employee Retention in Organizations: A Case Study of Concern Worldwide Uganda - Nakulabye

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of training on employees retention in Concern World wide Uganda. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between training and retention of employees, to examine the impacts of training on retention of employees in organization, to examine the training methods used in Concern world wide Uganda. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and observations as research instruments. The data collection comprised b...

An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Human Resource Development, Systems and Practices in Organizations in Uganda.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study. Human Resource development as defined by E. Flippo (1999) is the process of improving, molding and changing the skill, knowledge, creative ability, aptitudes, values, commitment etc. of employees based on the present and future jobs and organizational requirements. This functions includes • Training: Which is the process of imparting the technical and operating skills and knowledge to the employees concerned? • Management development: ...

Financial Planning and Accountability in Manufacturing Companies in Uganda, A Case Study of Mukwano Industries Ltd

ABSTRACT The study focused on assessing the financial planning and accountability in manufacturing companies in Uganda, a case study of Mukwano Industries Ltd. The following hypotheses were tested Ho 1. There is no relationship between financial reporting mechanisms and financial accountability; Ho2. There is no relationship between budgeting and forecasting and financial accountability and Ho3. There is no relationship between internal controls and financial accountability. The study adopted...

The Impact of Alcohol Abuse On the Well Being of the People in Slum Areas. A Case Study of Kalalaka Division in Palisa District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the impact effect of alcohol abuse on the well- being of the people in Slum areas of Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district. The objectives of the study were, to find out the causes of alcohol abuse among people in Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district, to find out the effects of alcohol abuse on well-being of life among people in Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district, and to find out ways of preventing alcohol abuse among people in Kalalaka Division in...

Inventory Control and Organization Performance in Manufacturing Companies. A Case Study of Mukwano Group of Companies.

ABSTRACT This paper aimed at assessing the effect of Inventory control and organization informance. The case study was Mukwano Group of Companies Kampala. In this case of inventory control was referred to be an activity that helps in the process of handling 11entories at minimum costs, and for progressive companies can be a competitive : apon. 1e whole idea was to ensure inventory or stock is available and controlled at all times. It important that it is obtained in time when being demanded b...

The Effect of Poverty And Underdevelopment in Uganda: A Case Study: Iganga District

ABSTRACTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDiCATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ACCRONYMSCHAPTER ONE1.1 Back ground to the study ............................... ,...,.,... ,, ~‘11.2 Statement of the problem ....................... ,.,,..,.,.,,,.,,,,,, ,,.,,“,,.“““.“.“,,“.1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Objective of the study 2L4.IGeneral ob1ec1~ve1 .5 Research questinns ....1 .6 Scope of the studya .7Significance of he study1.8 Definition oftru key conteprs1.9 Conceptual I sane workCHAPTER TWO 6LITER...

Logistics Control Systems And Service Effeciency Among Organisations. A Case Study Of Mukwano Group of Companies

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between logistics control systems and service efficiency in mukwano group of companies. The study was to assess the effect of Vehicle tracking system on service efficiency in Mukwano group of companies and to examine the effect fleet management system and service efficiency in Mukwano group of companies. The study was conducted based on a descriptive research design were the data collected was through questionnaires, the data w...

The Employee Appraisal and its Impact On Performance Among Civil Servants, A Case Study of Kisoko Sub-County Tororo District

ABSTRACT The study set out too investigates on the "'impact of appraisal on the employee performance among the civil servants, case study of Kisoko Sub-County, Tororo District Three objectives guided the study these are (i) to identify the types of performance appraisals in civil service, (ii) to examine the extent to which performance appraisal has impacted on employee perfom1ance and (iii) to identify the challenges faced by the appraisers. Research methodology, descriptive survey was used ...

The Impact Of Leadership On Employee Performance Case Study: Mpanga Tea Factory Kabarole District

ABSTRACT The puqiose of the study was to establish the relationship between leadership and employee performance at Mpanga Tea Factory. Leadership is the fundamental oxygen for any of any striving organization for survival, however, Mpanga Tea Factory are lacking such ingredients in its daily operation. This was according to the information revealed in years back. According to the revealed by the company annual magazine, mismanagement, autocratic leadership and arbitrary ter111ination of emplo...

An Assessment Of Dynamics Of Land Use On Wildlife And Their Dispersal Areas, A Case Study Of Nairobi National Park And the Surrounding Areas

Abstract Wildlife and their dispersal areas are undergoing a severe stress currently due to combinations of land use changes that are practiced around their habitats. This has been due to increased human populations, development of the export processing zones, development of estates (housing Units), agricultural development and the development of road networks. These land use changes have had adverse effects on the behavior of animals and their survival rates. This has increased the conflicts...

Work Environment And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Housing Finance Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was intended to investigate work environment and pe'rfonnance in the organizations/ companies The study was carried out in Housing Finance (Eldoret) with respondents being identified from their work places. The objectives of the study were to examine employee's welfare practices and their effect on organization performance, assessing the effects of supervision, evaluating the employee's perception of their job design and its effects on perfonnance. Hypothesis of the study i...

The Effect Of Budgetary Control And Effectiveness of Accountability In Toro Ro Municipality Uganda

Table of Contents DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... . .. ii DEDICATION .................................................................................... . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................

Role Of Computerized Accounting And Preparation Of Finance Reports. A Case Of Centenary Rural Development Bank Limited (Cerudeb), Entebbe Road Branch.

ABSTRACT The research was on "computerised. accounting and preparation of financial reports", in Uganda a case study of Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd Uganda (CERUDEB). The objectives of the study were; • To find out why CERUDEB had to computerize its accounting systems. • To establish the effectiveness of the computerized accounting system in CERUDEB. • To find out the impact of computerization of CERUDEB's accounting system on preparation of financial reports . • The scope of...

Causes and Implications of Tax Evasion and Avoidance in Rwandan Economy Case Study of Rwanda Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT Taxation is the major source of government revenue in Rwanda and developing countries at large. Following the economic crisis of 1994 genocide, Rwanda has made a substantial progress in rebuilding the country's economy and social infrastructure compared to the situation before the war. This economic reform has been possible due to a number of reforms undertaken by the government of Rwanda including tax policy and tax administration reforms among others, the establishment of Rwanda R...

The Effect of Packaging on Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study of Eden Tea- A Brand Of Karirana Tea Company, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe aim of the research was aimed at investigating the effect of packaging on consumer behavior. The types of research used are qualitative and quantitative techniques. The aim of the research is to; research how packaging has improved on consumer purchases. The management through the research has been able to know how the customers are educated about keeping their environment clean and about their safety and health. The management has also seen how lifestyle would really affect ...

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