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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Academic Stress Among Home Economics Students in Federal College of Education Pankshin

ABSTRACTThe study was conducted on Academic Stress Among Home Economics Students in Federal College of Education Pankshin, Pankshin local government area of plateau state. This study employed survey research design. Based on the focus of the study, three research objectives, and corresponding research questions and two basic assumptions were formulated which offers the study a direction. A sample of 50 respondents selected from Home Economics department was used for the study. The instrument ...

Ethical Behaviour in Procurement Decision Making A Case Study of Kipkelion District Procurement Office

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

Effect of Value Added Tax on the Performance of Small Scale Business in Jinja District

ABSTRACTThe study was to establish the effects ofV AT on the performance of small scale business in Nappier market and it was subjected to a number of objectives which were; to establish the benefits and challenges from VAT, to investigate the fat ors that determine the performance of small scale business and establishing alternative ways to improve VAT collection. The study focused on the small scale traders in Nappier market to determine how VAT affects their performance in relation to the ...

Factors Affecting Girl Child Education in Ntuusi Sub-County, Sembabule District

ABSTRACTThe Girl child education has become a real concern in all nations of the World particularly in the developing countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa, and Uganda in particular. Girl child education provides benefits to the family and the society at large and thus factors affecting it should be addressed for the sake of human and societal development The objective of this study was to establish the factors affecting girl child education in secondary schools in Ntuusi Sub County, Sembabule ...

The Contribution of the Youth Livelihood Programme Towards Youths’ Income: A Case Study of Kawempe Division Kampala District

 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .APPROVALDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vLIST OF ACRONYMSTABLE OF CONTENTS viiLIST OF TABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction 1.1 Background to the study1 .2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Objectives of the study 41.3.1 General objective 41.3.2 Specific objectives 41.4 Research questions 51.5 Scope of the study 51.5.1 Geographical scope 51.5.2 Conceptual scope 51.5.3 Time scope 51.6 Justification of the study 51.7 Sig...

Challenges in the Utilization of Modern Family Planning Methods Among Young Women in Buyende District

TABLES OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................ i APPROVAL ..................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... iv TABLES OF CONTENTS .................................................................. v APPENDICES ......

Debt Collection Management and Financial Performance: A Case Study of Pride Microfinance Institution, Kabalagala branch

 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... I APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................ II DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................

An Assessment of The Local Authority Transfer Fund (Latf) as A Tool for Debt Reduction (A Case Study of Mavoko Town Council, Nairobi City Council and Kiambu Town Council)

Contents DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................

Sub County Chief's Supervision Styles And Civil Servants' Job Performance In Karita Sub County- Amudat District

ABSTRACT The study established the effect of supervision styles on civil servants' job performance in Karita Sub County- Amudat District. The objectives included the effect of the Sub county Chiefs use of: clinical, scientific, and developmental supervision styles on staffs' job performance. A descriptive research design was used: employing quantitative approach. Sample size of the study was 87 respondents and data was collected using a closed ended questionnaire; and analyzed descriptively. ...

The Impact Of Credit Policy On The Performance Of Financial Institutions In Uganda: Makindye Division A Case Study Of Equity Bank, Kabalagala Branch.

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing" the impact of credit policy on the performance of financial institutions in Equity Bank of Uganda taking the study to be Kabalagala branch. The study mainly looked at the credit risk policy and the performance of Equity bank and to find out whether this policy was effective to the bank. For effectiveness of the research, the researcher used a research design and data collection and analysis were used to arrange the information in such a way that enhanced...

Non Govermental Organizations And Poverty Eradication A Case Study Of Kawe Ward, Kinondoni District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study examined the roles of Non Governmental Organizations and Poverty Eradication in Kawe ward, Kinondoni district, Tanzania. The research study describes an overview of the background of Non Governmental Organizations in the world, Africa, East Africa and Tanzania. Also it will look at the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, scope and significance of the study. It also describes the review of the related literature from d...

Impact of Loans on Rural Farmer’s Production Outputs A Case Study of Mityana Town Council

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURE ixTABLE OF TABLES xCHAPTER ONE: 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background to the study1.2 Statement ofthe Problems 21.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Objective of the study 31.5 Research question 31.6 Scope ofthe study 31.6.0 Tiir~ scope 31.6.1 Content ofthe Scope 31.6.2 Geographical Scope 31.7 Significance ofthe Study 41.8 Conceptual frame work 4VCHAPTER TWO .6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 Introduction 62.2...

The Effect of Micro Finance Institutions on People's Incomes in Kanungu District: A Case of Kihiihi Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... .ii APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................

"Analysis of Banks' Performance in Satisfying its Customers" Case Study: Stanbic Bank Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .... . ... I Approval. ........... . . .............. II Dedication ... . . ..... Ill Acknowledgement. ....... . . ..... IV Table of contents .. . ··············v Abstract.. ..................... . . .......... vm Definition of terms ...... . . ................. IX Acronyms ..................... . ············x Chapter one I. 0 Introduction .....................................................................................................

The Effects of Inflation on Petroleum Company on Tanzanian Economy: A Case Study of Petroleum Industry

The role of TPDC remains that of exploration for hydrocarbons, production of hydrocarbons, promotion of the industrial base for the petroleum sub-sector, marketing of natural gas, marketing of petroleum products and management of fuel strategic reserves. In order to implement TPDC roles fully, TPDC must have the ability to attract investment in hydrocarbon prospecting and exploitation and be able to finance its planned activities timely and adequately. During the past seven years, TPDC's own ...

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