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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Loan Terms and Level of Satisfaction of Borrowers of Bandaiu Sacco Microfinance Case Study: Employees of Kenya Ports Authority

ABSTRACT The research was carried between December 2005 to February 2006. The research is about loan terms and level of satisfaction of customers who are the employees of Kenya Ports Authority and are served by Bandari SACCO microfinance. The target population was 370 of whom were sent to questionnaires of whom 150 responded, that is 40.54%. The research was to determine as to whether loan terms should be depended upon to determine as to whether loan terms lead to customers satisfaction. The ...

Material Management and Organisation Performance in Public Sector in Uganda a Case Study of Buziga Public Health, Makindye Division, Kampala

Table of Contents Acknowledgment  iiTable of ContentsDeclaration ............................................................................................................ IApproval .................................................................................................................. IiDedication .............................................................................................................. IiiAcknowledgement ................................................

Evaluating the Impact of Female Genital Mutilation on Women's Health: A Case Study of Maragua Division.

ABSTRACT Female Genital Mutilation is a ritual that is carried out to the young girls mostly during their puberty age as a passage to maturity. In Maragua Division it has been performed not only to these young girls but even to women. During this era of HIV/ AIDS the practice has exposed women to acquire this epidemic disease since the equipment which are used tend to be shared. Due to lack of information and concern about this form of violation of women right. This research conist of various...

The Role of Training On Employees' Performance in Ikwoto Central Payam (Ikwoto County) Southern Sudan

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................... .. .iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................ .iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................. .iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... ..... vABSTRACT ...................................................

The Role of NGOS in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Bugiri District: A Case Study of Goal

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest crises the world faces today. According to the figures for 2003, 38 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in the world. In Uganda alone, it is estimated that over one million people are infected with HIV/AIDS and probably over one million people have already died of HIV/AIDS. The government of Uganda in collaboration with local and international partners have designed and implemented several initiatives for the prevention and control of HIV AIDS. NGO...

Disarmament and Human Rights Violation in Karamoja Region: A Case Study of Kotido Town Council, Kotido District, North Eastern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF ACRONYMS ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 1BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 51.3 Purpose of the study 51.4. Objectives of the study 51.5. Research questions 61.6. Scope of the study 61.6.1 Geographical scope 61.6.2 contextual Scope 61.6.3 Time Scope 61.7 Significance of the study 61.7.1 To the community 71.7.2 To the g...

Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies and Poverty Alleviation in Moyok Sub County, Kween District in Eastern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................... .. .......................................................... iAPPROVAL ..................................... ............................................................... iiDEDICATION ..................................... ............................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ........................

Work Stress and Employees Performance in Government Institutions-Case Study: National Bureau of Statistics Juba Southern Sudan

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. .iAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

Causes and Effects of Poverty on the Economic Development of Bulambuli District

ABSTRACT The study concentrates on causes and effects of poverty on the economic development of Bulambuli district. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the causes of poverty in Bulambuli District., to examine the effects of Poverty on economic development of Bulambuli District and to identify the viable solutions to curb down poverty in Bulambuli District.The study used a descriptive research design where both qualitative and quantitative data techniques. The quanti...

The Impact of Pricing Strategies on Profit Ability of Sameer Africa Limited

ABSTRACT The project title is the impact of pricing strategies on profitability of Sameer Africa Limited. The research was conducted under the hypothesis that the pricing strategies functions positively influence the profitability of products that satisfy consumer's needs and wants, thus reducing costs and increasing sales and profits. The study was carried out to analyze market performance of new prices, assess the impacts of pricing strategies in regard with profitability functions and eval...

Value Proposition in Marketing of Banking Services and Its Effects on Local Bank Performance in Kenya; A Case Study of the Cooperative Bank University Nairobi, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................

Impact of Management Training On the Organizational Performance, A Case Study of Coca Cola Kwanza Ltd Tanzania.

TABLE OF CONTENTSpageDeclaration and approval ..................................................................................................................... iAcknowledgement .............................................................................................................................. iiTable of contents •.••••.•••.•.••.•..•••.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.••..•.••.•..••.•.•.••.•..•.•.•..•••.•..••�...

The Effects of Budgetary Control On Organization's Performance (Case Study of East African Breweries Limited- Kenya)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................ , .. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................

Employee Relations and Staff Performance in Jobenta Medical Care, Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT This research is about employee relations and staff performance, a case study of Jobenta Medical Care, Kampala Uganda. It focuses on the different concepts of employee relations, its relevance in the organization, staff performance and ways of boosting and encouraging employees to perform better. The research was carried out in Jobenta a medical care centre in Uganda an.~ it covered respondents from the study area. Employee relations involve providing fair and consistent treatment to...

The Relationship Between Customer Care and Customer Retention a Case Study of Mtn Communication Network Uganda

ABSTRACT This study assessed the relationship between customer care and customer retention a case of MTN -Uganda. The research was based on the bucket-mouth theory of customer retention. The general objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between customer care and customer retention. The specific objective were; to determine the effect of customer care in MTN Kampala district, to determine forms of customer care being used in MTN, to establish ways of how to retain custo...

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