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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Consumer Relationship Management And Longterm Survival Of A Firm: A Case Study Of Chania Flour Mills Thika- Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................···················· i APPROVAL .....................................,,,,,,,,,,,............................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................

The Effect Of Customer Service On Customer Satisfaction

ABSTRACT The design of this project aims at establishing the effect of customer service and customer satisfaction in MTN Uganda. The literature review focuses on how customer service could affect customer satisfaction. The Researcher employed descriptive cross sectional and analytical research where observation interview and questionnaire guides were used. The respondents under study were MTN customers, it involved a collection of primary and secondary data, percentages and tables were used i...

The Impact Of Supllier Base Optimization On Organistional Performance Case Study: Terrain Construction Company

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at the impact of supplier base optimization to the performance of an organization, at Terrain Construction Company in Seguku Entebbe road and it was where 45 respondents were randomly selected with expected sample size of 40 respondents. The study was guided by four objectives that is to say; to examine impact of supplier base optimization to the performance of an organization. To investigate the best approaches to supplier base optimization, ‘fo find out the be...

Management Competence And Performance Of Smes In Luzira Parish Nakawa Kampala

Table of content Approval Declaration . ii Dedication List of Tables iv Table of Content v List of Abbreviations x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1,1 Background Of The Study 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 General Objective 3 1.4 Specific Objectives 4 1.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Scope Of The Study 4 1.6.1 Content Scope 4 1.6.2TimeScope 4 1.6.3 Geographical Scope 5 1.7 Significance Of The Study 5 1.8 Conceptual Framework 6 V CHAPTER TWO • 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction ...

Staff Development And Performance Of Selected Non-governmentalorganisations In Kampaldistrict, Uganda (Hospice Africa,ibfan)

ABSTRACT The study established the effect of staff development programmes on performance of Non-Government Organizations in Uganda especially Kampala District. This study is guided by three specific objectives and these were i) to determine the effects of training and performance of NGOs in Kampala district Uganda. ii) to evaluate the effect of staff empowerment and performance of NGOs in Kampala Uganda. and iii) To examine the employees participation on performance of NGOs in Uganda. This re...

Revenue Collection And Cost Reduction In Local Governmentauthories. Case Of Kampala Capital City Authority

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................... iv ACRONYMS ................................................................................. V TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............

Micro Finance Institutions And The Growth Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises. A Case Study: Kagadi Town Council-uganda.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to examine whether microfinance institutions have a significant effect - - on the growth of small and medium scale business in Kagadi town council, Kagadi district. The study was guided by the following objectives: To identify the different microfinance services offered to small scale businesses, to find out whether small scale businesses are growing in Kagadi town council and to find out the relationship benyeen microfinanc~ institutions and small and mediu...

Effects Of Population Increase On The Socio-economic Welbeing Of The People In Apac District: Case Study Of Inomo Sub County

TABLE OF CONTENTS  DECLARATION .................................................................................... i APPROVAL ....................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDEGEMENTS ..................................................... iv INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND .......................................... 1  1.1 Background of the ...

Child Labor And Children Performance In Schools A Study Of Mpondwe Lubi1uiia Town Council, Kasese District

ABSTR&CT The research investigated the effects of child labor on children performance in schools of Mpondwe- Lhubiriha town council, Kasese District. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between child labor and children perfonnance in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council. The research case study was designed to get an estimation of the respondents’ views in regard to the objectives of the study. The target population was; selected people in Kasese district putting a greater f...

Product Customization And Customer Satisfaction A Case Study Of Century Bottling Company Limited Namanve Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between product customization and customer satisfaction. Customization of products is a marketing strategy that the company employs aimed at meeting the expectations of the customers effectively and efficiently. It ·is a marketing strategy that is designed to provide consumers with a product matched to their individually stated needs in one or more product dimensions. Specifically, the study investigated the extent of product...

Internal Controls And Cash Management Of Manufacturing Companies In Uganda: A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study investigate how effective internal controls on cash management can help expansion of Uganda Clays Limited. The study was based on the following 3 objectives; (i) to determine the effect of control activities on cash management and expansion of Uganda Clays Limited; (ii) to establish the effect of control environment on cash management and expansion of Uganda Clays Limited; and (iii) to establish the effect of corporate governance on cash management and expan...

Organisational Conflict And Service Delivery In Jinja: Case Study Of Municipal Council

ABSTRACT Conflict is an ever-present process in human relations. As people are organized into groups to seek a common goal, the probability of conflict greatly increases. All conflicts are not the same, they are different levels. Conflicts occur within family, friends, and co- workers. The purpose of this study is to investigate and study the impact of dysfunction conflict on auditing performance in public organisation.Again it examines some of strategies for resolving conflict at Jinja munic...

Drug Abuse And Domestic Violence In Uganda (A Case Study Of Nagongera Subcounty Tororo District)

ABSTRACT The study intended to examine the relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence in Nagongera Sub County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the causes of drug abuse in Nagongera; to identify efforts to curb drug abuse and domestic violence in Nagongera; to establish the effects of drug abuse in Nagongera Sub County. The study took a period of two months, from May to July 2017, due to the limitation ofresources for a longer period in the field obtai...

Effect Of Motivation And Employee Performance A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The study set out to explore the affiliation connecting motivation and the level of employee performance. The study had three objectives: to examine the motivation practices used in KIU, to examine factors affecting employee performance in KIU, and to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study used a case study strategy which is Kampala International University and an explanatory research design. To achieve the set objectives the study used stra...

District Government Budgets And Health Service Delivery In Hoima Referrel Hospital

ABSTRACT The research report gives an over view of the study results in which District Government budgets and Health service delivery was assessed. The types of Health services, components of budgetary control and relationship between district budgets and health services was investigated. The study was based on a sample of 50 respondents of which 30 were patients and their care takers and 20 were Health administrators and workers and these were selected using simple random sampling. Data was ...

2911 - 2925 Of 19638 Results