TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .BAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGMENTLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ix1.1 Introduction 11.2 Background 11.3 Statement of the problem 31.4 Purpose of the Study 31.5 Research Objectives 31.6 Research Questions 41.7 Scope of the Study 41.7.1 Content Scope 41.7.2 Geographical Scope 41.8 Significance of the study 42.1 Introduction 62.2 Forms of rewards 62.3 Challenges for implementing reward systems 92.4 Recommendations for improving reward systems 132.5 Conclusion3.1 Introd...
TABLE OP CONTENTSDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiABRIVIATION AND ACRONYMS ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION I1.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Research objectives 31.3.1 General Objectives 31.3.2 Specific Objectives 31.4 Research questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Geographical scope 41.5.2 Content Scope 41.5.3 Time Scope 41.6 Significance ofthe study 4CHAPTER TWO .6LITERATURE REVIEW .62.0 Int...
The study investigated gender-role orientation and self-efficacy ascorrelates of entrepreneurial intentions. A total of 350participated in the study, comprising of two hundred and six maleand one hundred and forty-four female students of Enugu State Universityof Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. Participants responded togender-role inventory, self efficacy scale and entrepreneurial intentionquestionnaire. It was hypothesized that gender-role orientation and selfefficacy will not be sign...
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of subjective career success (SCS) in the relationship between proactive personality, social support (SS), and pre-retirement anxiety. The result indicated that proactive personality, SS, and SCS showed negative relationships with the dimensions of pre-retirement anxiety (financial preparedness, social obligation, and social alienation). Subjective career success mediated the relationship between proactive personality and p...
Since the onset of the Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid 19) in 2020 the SMEs have been drastically affected in-terms of growth and services delivery. Small to medium enterprises have undergone immense changes in their operations as they adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since end of March 2020, Zimbabwean SMEs are facing a dynamic change in their business operations. These changes caused a great impact on the general performance of SMEs in Zimbabwe, hence this research worked to assess how the COVI...
The study was to determine the impact of promotion strategies on organisational performance with special reference to PCCZ. The aim of this study was to measure promotion strategies such as advertising, personal selling and public with relation to sales volume and market penetration. . A descriptive research design was used in this study whereby questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The respondents were selected using random sampling techniques. The research outcomes reveal...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTSCHARPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction i1.l Background to the study I1.2 Statement of the problem 61.3 General objective 111.4 Specific objectives ofthe study 111.5 Research questions 111.6 Significance ofthe study 121.7 Scope of the study 121.8 Conceptual frame work 13CHARPTER TWO 14LITERATURE REVIEW 142.0 Introduction 142.1 Related studies 142.2 Understanding stress in different contexts 172.3.Causes of stress elsewhere...
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ................................................................................................. ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vABSTRACT .........................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ..................................................................................................... iiApproval ....................................................................................................... 1111Dedication ............................................................................................................... ivAcknowledgement .................................................................................................. vAbstra...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURE xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Research Objectives 31.3.1 General Objectives 31.3.2 Specific objective of the Study 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Subject Scope 41.7.2 Geographical Scope 51.7.3 Time Scope 51.7 Significance of the study 51.8 Operational Definition of key terms and concepts 51.9 Conceptual Framework...
Internal Auditing and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda: A Case Study of Equity Bank Kampala Uganda TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration iApproval iiTable of Contents iiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Objectives of the study 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope of the study 31.6.1 Geographical scope 31.6.2 Content scope 41.6.3 Time scope 41.7 Significance of the study 41.8 Definitions of operational terms 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Status of HIV/AIDS in Africa and the world 52. 2 Causes of...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VLIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ixOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE 1GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Objectives of the study 41.3.1 Main objective of the study 41.4 Specific objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 51.6 Scope of the study 51.6.1 Content scope 51.6.2 Geographical scope 5v1.6.3 Time scope .51.7...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABBREVIATION/ACRONYMS vABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 11.0. Introduction 11.ll3ackground of the study 11.1.1 Children’s Rights promotion in the Developed World 11.1.2 Children’s Rights promotion in Africa 21.1.3 Children’s Rights Promotion in South Sudan 41 .2 Statement of the problem 61.3 Purpose of Study 71.4 Objective of the Study 71.5 Research questions 71.6 Scope of the study 81 .6.1 Content scope 81.6.2 Geographi...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the contribution of on women involvement in financial generating activities In Iganga(\ga The objectives of the study were: To find out services offered by KSCS to women, how KSCS has helped women to get involved in income generating activities and to find out the problems faced by women dealing with KSCS. Related literature was reviewed about the services, norms and challenges of micro finance institution and in particular related to women ...