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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Credit Management System And Performance In Private Enterprises Case Study: Tem Gumi Comp Any Limited

ABSTRACT Credit Management system is a set of policy measures that are designed by each individual business entity to minimize costs associated with extension of credit while maximizing the benefits from it. The purpose of the study is to establish the effectiveness of credit management system in preventing financial resource loss through bad debts. With effect to increase in trade debtors and bad debts, the researcher sought to study and find out the relationship between credit management s...

The Impact Of Agricultural Modernization On Economic Development In Rural Communities Of Uganda A Case Study Of Apac District, Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The impact of Agricultural modernization on economic development” aimed at establishing the relationship between agricultural modernization and economic development in Uganda. The focus of the research also analyzed the modernization techniques in agriculture and how this would enhance and improve the lives of poor households. The investigation also based on the metrics relevant to economic development and the effective mechanisms required in establi...

Cash Management And Profitability Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Bugiri Town Council. A Case Study Of Dembe Enterprize (U) Limited

ABSTRACT The research report was caiTied out from Bugiri Town Council in Small and Medium Enterprises, case study: Dembe Enterprise with the purpose of finding impact of cash management on profitability. The rep01i contains information about cash management on profitability as the background, its position and functions, problem statement, objectives, research questions, scope of the study, conceptual framework and significances. The report also contains information about the achievements and ...

Organizational Health & Health And Employee Efficiency In Gapco Uganda Limited

Abstract Health and safety of the employees is an important aspect of a company's smooth and successful functioning. It is a decisive factor in organizational effectiveness. It ensures an accident-free industrial environment. Companies must attach the same importance towards achieving high OH&S performance as they do to the other key objectives of their business activities. This is because, proper attention to the safety and welfare of the employees can yield valuable returns to a company by ...

Financial Rewards And Employee Performance In Health Services, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between financial rewards and employee performance in the health services sector. It was guided by four specific objectives that were set to determine the respondents profile in terms of gender, age, level of education, position and experience, the level of financial rewards and the level of employees' performance in the health services sector and to establish if there is a significant relationship between financial rewards and employees' perfo...

An Inquiry Into Low Participation Of Women In Development Programs In Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine an inquiry into low participation of women in development programs in Wakiso District. Thus, to achieve the purpose of the study, research objectives were formulated and these included: to establish the level at which political factors influence low participation of women in development programs in Sub-County; to determine the level at which social factors influence low participation of women in development programs in Sub-County; and to as...

Influence Of Youth Participation Towards The Social-Economic Development Of The Community: Acase Study Of Kashari Subcounty Mbarara District In Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted u/thin Kashari sub—county Mbarai-a districtwhich ii’a.v found being underdeveloped as/ar as 50cm—economic development was concerned in the stutdy the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of youth participation in sOcio—econOnhic development of the conununity in Kashari sub—county lvibarara di.ctrict. Under this of the study. the study was guarded by three major objectives these included, the roles of youths in socm—econom...

Microfinance Institutions And Economic Empowerment Of Women 1n Lira Municipality The Case Study Of Finca Micro Uganda Limited

Abstract  The study was conducted to establish and document the contribution of microfinance to the economic empowerment of women by taking the case of Lira Municipality. The study particularly sought to establish and recommend the kind of proactive gender policy in microfinance institutions that can enhance the economic empowerment of the women. The study was conducted through a cross sectional research design examining the small scale enterprise at a given time. The study established that ...

An Inquiry Into Problems Of Implementing Universal Primary Education In Kenya. Case Study: North Eastern Province

ABSTRACT Lack of education has been a common problem in the third world countries .This has led to high rates of illiteracy and many people have been living below poverty line. This has been caused by unaffordable school fees for the low income earners. This study was conducted in the North Eastern province in Kenya, which includes Wajir and Marsabit district respectively. The study will create awareness among people of Wajir and Marsabit on importance of Education. The researcher used vario...

The quality of financial reporting and access to donor funds in non-government organizations. (ngos) a case study of friends of children association (foca) - mengo kampala

ABSTRACT  The study was undertaken with the main purpose of establishing the effects of the quality of financial reporting on access to donor funds in Non Government Organizations. The study was a survey research on Friends of Children Association (FOCA). The objectives of the study were to investigate and establish the quality of financial reports, accessibility to donor funds in case of friends of children organization and to establish the relationship between the quality of financial repo...

The Impact Of Tendeh.Ing On The Performance Of Public Organisations, Case Study Of Ad.Jumani District Local Government

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Property Tax And The Management Of Revenue In Lira Municipality

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was on the property tax and the management of revenue in LMC. •The major objectives of the study were to examine how assessment on property tax affect management of revenue, to find out how the mode of property tax collection affect management of revenue, to find out the extent to which the amount of revenue on property tax affect the management of revenue and to assess the effect of sensitization of local community on property tax and the management ...

The Role Of Decentrausation In Community Empowerment For Poverty Alleviation: The Experience Of Endinzi Sub County, Isingiro District

ABSTRACT This report documents the findings of a study on the role of decentralization in community empowerment for poverty alleviation. Endinzi Sub County in Isingiro district was taken as a case study. The study’s main objective was to examine the role of government decentralization in empowering communities for sustainable development. The study adopted questionnaires and interviews as key research instruments. These were administered on the key respondents who included local people and ...

The Impact Of Internal Controls On Accountability In Organizations Case Study: Uganda Red Cross Society

ABSTRACT In this research, the focus was on the impact of the internal controls on accountability in Uganda Red Cross Society. It was prompted by the continued audited financial reports of 2006 - 2009 which show gaps in URCS internal controls as adequacy and effectiveness of ICS implementation is concerned. This was attributed due to failure of URCS to effectively account for funds sent by its donors (about 200million shilling was refunded due to misappropriation of funds). It involved ident...

Effects Of Internal Controls On Inventory Management Case Study: Tanzania National Parks Authority (Tanapa)

ABSTRACT Inventory is said to be an idle resource of a finn because about 75% of the assets of a finn are in this fonn, which cannot be used for i1mnediate commitments compared to cash. Poor management especially when the stocks are ordered, received, recorded and stored, many firms or organizations experience losses. It is on the basis a research is intended to be conducted citing TANAPA as a case study. Internal control has been defined as the whole system of control, financial or otherwis...

4726 - 4740 Of 19445 Results