The research topic was therefore to establish the effect of credit policy on the performance of commercial banks. Specific objectives of the study were to; determine the relationship between credit policy and performance of commercial bank, establish the effect of credit policy on performance of commercial bank and identify the various credit policy by the banking institutions. The research was particularly carried out at Equity Bank, Nakuru Branch, Kenya. The data was collected using both qu...
ABSTRACT This research studied the impact of public procurement reforms on services delivery in public enterprises, a case study ofBudaka district local government. the objectives of the study include; To establish the procurement systems that were in place before the public procurement reforms in Uganda; to identify the impact of Public Procurement Reforms on services delivery in Uganda; to examine the roles under taken by the different stakeholders during Public Procurement Reforms Planning...
The stuc6; 11·as intended to determine the impact ofvanilla production on the welfare qffcmners in Nagojje Sub County, Mukono District. Tn the review ofrelated literature, all secondary sources viewed relevant to the study were re-visited. The study employed a descriptive design and questionnaires together with interview guides .formed the mina tools for data collection. Data collected was sorted, edited, coded and presented in percentages·equency distribution tables. The findings fi...
ABSTRACT The researcher explored the topic impact of motivation on productivity in a business setting with an aim of establishing the relationship between the variables. The objectives of the study were; to identify the various forms of motivation, to establish factors affecting productivity in the company and lastly to identify the relationship between motivation and productivity. The research was based on the review of literature relating to the study variables using secondary data from pr...
The research was carried out in Luwero town council Luwero district and was focusing on population growth and economic growth in Uganda. The study was based on the objectives like; to determine the level of population growth in Uganda, to determine the level of economic growth in Uganda, to establish the effect of population growth on economic growth in Uganda. It involved a sample population of 50 respondents across different backgrounds that were cultural, religion, economic welfare, educat...
The study was conducted on the effect of recruitment and selection on employee performance. The study was conducted so as to provide an alternative to the to the already existing applied techniques in methods of recruitment and selection. It was this situation that stimulated the researcher to under take the study on the relationship between recruitment and selection on employee's performance. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of Recruitment and Selection on employee perform...
This study is thus basically going to investigate the impact of micro fiance services on poverty reduction in Nebbi district, FICNA as a case study and the specific objectives are:-To detennine the levels of poverty reduction in Nebbi Disirict; to determine the level of Micro Finance services offered by_ fINCA in Nebbi District; ·to establish the significant relationship between Micro Finance servictes ai,;_d poverty reduction in ·Nebbi District; to determine the profile of the respondents....
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the effects of cash management on the growth of small scale businesses in Gayaza market. The main research objectives were to assess the role played by cash management skills on the growth of small scale businesses in Gayaza market; to find out the cash management skills used in businesses in Gayaza, to investigate on the relation between cash management skills and the growth of small scale businesses in Gayaza market, to know the challenges facing ...
In today's world, the industrial environment is turning more competitive, new techniques and new models are essential for manufacturing industries to survive where by the future belongs to flexible customers with focused industrial capabilities. One of the ways for survival is using' quality control measures for efficiency to activities that are considered of less critical importance which are part of the industrial survival and performance, such as technology management, new techniques are a...
This research las based on the topic "the effects of financial record keeping on the pcrforman,·c of an organization". The challenges of not writing financial record keeping i11ciu,k poor allocation or resources, poor performance, embezzlement, poor record keepi11g. Crauduknt activities, corruption, miss use of resources and many others. This stud) las carried out to determine the different types of financial record keeping that I liima cement as an organization, that it would use to find ou...
The general objective of this study was to investigate the marketing strategies adopted by Caltex Company to effect its operations. Specifically, the study aimed to find out the marketing strategies of Caltex Company; to examine the marketing policies of Caltex Company with a view to recommending how it could effectively tap on potential oppmtunities to strengthen its market share and to investigate customer's attitude towards service provided by Caltex. The study used a descriptive study des...
The study was carried out on staff retention and the organization performance in King Faisal Hospital. It intended to examine the relationship between staff retention and organization performance and was based on three objectives. Namely; the factors that contributed to staff turnover in king Faisal Hospital ,benefits of staff retention in King Faisal hospital and the relationship between staff retention and organization performance. The study sampled 80 respondents from King Faisal Hospital....
Domestic violence continues to be a significant social problem in our society. Consequently, various sections of society have intervened to stop the domestic violence. Several programs have been developed to protect the victims and new laws against domestic violence are being enforced. Police departments, family and criminal courts, and victim witness programs, are examples of various systems working to decrease domestic violence and protect the victim. Domestic violence research is another i...
The study sought to establish the role of direct taxes on the performance oflocal government in Uganda and was driven by three objectives. To achieve these objectives, the researcher sampled sixty respondents (60) from Tororo municipal council. The study utilized qualitative and quantitative research methods; four data collection instruments were used, structured interview guides and questionnaires and the collected data was presented in tabular and analyzed statistically to decipher findings...
The research study was conducted from June 2017 in Kapchorwa Main hospital covering the local community, civil servants and local leaders such as the councilors. The study was intended to sample forty respondents, but a number of them turned up for interview while District health officials also turned up to participate. The research was aimed at finding out how decentralization has impacted on the water, establishing the challenges faced in decentralized provision of water services and sugges...