The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesisDissertation of no significant relationship between Local governance and Health service provision in Nakawa division,to generate new information on Governance and Service Delivery and to bridge the gaps from the exiting review of literature.the study was guided by three specific objectives that include;to investigate the level of health service delivery in Nakawa division,to determine the extent of local governance in Nakawa division in relat...
Almost every business has a trading name, from the smallest market trader to the largest multinational corporation which is used to distinguish the company's themselves and their products. Brand is a distinctive symbol or name created with the intention to identify and recognize the goods or services of one seller or a particular group of sellers. Another purpose is to differentiate such goods or services from its competitors. As such a brand signals to its customers the specific source of ...
The announcement ofthe presidential election results' in 30th December 2007 led to an escalation of posts in various parts of Kenya. The post election violence experienced in Kenya since 30th December 2007 has resulted in a number of deaths and displacement of people from their homes in various parts of the country. Various sectors ofthe Kenyan society have been affected. This paper examines the effects of the post election crisis on education in Kenya with reference to the learners, teachers...
This is a research report on the effects of budgetary controls in a "not for profit" organisation called AAU. It is a study on budgetary control as a financial tool in guiding the making of optimal financial decisions to attain high-level performance. It was carried out to investigate on budgetary practices (budgetary controls) in AAU, to evaluate the performance of the organisation and whether there was a relationship between these controls and the organisation performance of AAU. To achieve...
The study carried on the relationship between interest rates on loans sizes disbursed specifically agricultural loans and mortgage loans obtained the data from bank of Uganda website. Interest rates was measured as percentage wei õhted lending rates, mofigage loans as percentage mortgage loans of billions of shillings, agricultural loans as percentage agricultural loans of billions of shillings during the 1994-2012 period. The objectives were to establish the trend of interest rates, agricul...
This study set out to investigate the relationship between salary and employees motivation in Wakiso District Local Government. The study was carried out in Wakiso District Local Government headquarters and selected sub-county headquarters in the District. The study was carried out along a number of objectives which were; to examination the effects of salary on employees attitude to work, to establish the relationship between salary and retention of employees in local Government and to establ...
The pupose of the study was to establish the impact of group work on employee performance in Uganda Wild Life Education Center. The objective of the study was to exarnine the impact of group work on employee performance, to establish the relationship between group work and employee performance and to identify the objectives of group work. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews as the research instruments. The data collection comprised of both primary and secondary data. Also data w...
ABSTRACT The researcher was interested to investigate on e-procurement and service delivery in organisations: a case study of Uchumi Supermarket, Kabalagala Branch. The researcher set objectives which were intended to; establish the benefits of e-procurement in delivering services to customers at Uchumi supermarket, to determine the factors hindering the implementation of eprocurement at U chumi supermarket and to explore measures that can be adopted in implementing e-procurement for service...
Abstract The fast growth in communication and information systems around the world generally and in East Africa in particular, has made it easier for major institutions to better organize their databases. In the case study of the Rift Valley Railways, the objective was to develop a costeffective computerized human resource management system. The researchers developed a system which was user-friendly and could be readily adopted by other organizations. A database was developed to store the use...
ABSTRACf A key indicator of financial performance and efficiency is the spread between the lending and deposit rate. If this spread is large, it works as an impediment to the expansion and development of financial intermediation. This is because it discourages potential savers due to low returns on deposits and thus limits fmancing for potential borrowers. This has the economy wide effect of reducing feasible investment opportunities and thus limiting future growth potential. It has been obs...
ABSTRACT The study was intended to examme the relationship between advertising and sales performance. Some companies put in efforts to advertise but in the end register low sales. This was based on secondary data from textbooks, journals, and internet and primary data from different respondents The objectives of the study were to identify the various advertising Medias, to identify methods used in deciding the advertising budget, other promotional mix elements and relationship between adverti...
ABSTRACT Empirical studies across many developing countries document that improving crop farming is the main pathway out of poverty .It’s for this reason that the main Objectives of the study was to find out the contribution of crop farming on economic welfare and other objectives were to identify major factors that affect crop farming and to establish the relationship between crop farming and economic welfare. This study considered crop farming as the independent variable and economic welf...
ABSTRACT Th~ study was carried out at Kampala International University (K. l. U) along Ggabba Road- Kansanga, Uganda. The study focused on challenges of International Human Resource to Performance of employees in an organization. The study objectives were as follows; 1. To find out how language can affect performance oflnternational Human Resource. 11. T u ftiid uut huv religion ~an affect performan.:e of lntemational human resource. 111. To find out how compensation plan can affect performa...
ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The violation of child rights and the status of children in displacement camps of Northern Uganda” was aimed at establishing human right violations committed against children in the Pabbo camp in Gulu. The focus of the research also analyzed the socio-economic needs of children in IDP camps of Pabbo, Gulu district. The investigation was also based on the metrics relevant to the rights of children and the effective mechanisms required safeguarding thei...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is aimed at finding out how microfinance institutions lead to the economic development of street vendors in Kampala district. The study analyzed the level of street vendors' business participation in micro finance activities and it critically shows the role of micro finance institutions in economic development of businesses. The researcher used a cross sectional design in finding out the level of street vendors participation in micro finance activities and ...