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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Loan Characteristics And Repayment Performance At The Higher Education Loans Board In Kenya

The Higher Education Loans Board aims to enhance access and retention of qualified needy students in university education through loans. In Kenya, it was essential to come up with a higher education loans board due to the increasing cost of tuition. The prices of education meant that students were highly dependable on parents and guardians. The loans board provides loans to the students; however, the problem arises when it comes to the process of recovery. Studies show that around 65000 loan...

The Effects Of Job Satisfaction On Organizational Performance The Case Of Kenya Medical Training College

Work force is said to be the most vital asset playing pivotal role in the development and performance of companies. But the question that whether all of the employees are equally important asset for organizations requires a great attention. Best performing and satisfied workforce can offer greatest return and help organization to achieve desired outcomes. The effects of job satisfaction on organizational performance at KMTC was chosen for this study because, KMTC plays an educator role which ...

Strategic Capabilities And Organizational Performance: A Case Of Private Universities In Kenya

Private Universities in Kenya have continuously faced a number of challenges such as declining quality of educational programs, quality of research, authenticity of degrees granted, flexibility of the university programs, innovations created and efficient utilization of resources at their disposal. Despite the increasing number of students seeking higher education, these numbers have not translated to better performance in these Universities. Modern business environment calls for organization...

Performance Of Poverty Eradication Donor Funded Projects In Mwingi Sub-county -kenya.

The research project was undertaken to determine the performance of donor funded projects in Mwingi-sub-county in Kenya. Donors play a crucial role in the development process in many areas of the world. They assist nations with acute shortage of funds, experiencing natural disasters like hunger and floods among others which results into predictable environmental circumstances, the level of the citizens per capital income decreases and severely limits their ability to acquire the goods and ser...

Management Practices And Performance Of The National

Management Practices play an important role in organization’s governance structure and performance. This study sought to establish the effects of management practices on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority. The specific objectives were; to examine the effects of team work on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to establish the effects of participatory decision making on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to assess the effe...

The Effect Of Capital Structure On Profitability Of Financial Firms Listed At Nairobi Stock Exchange

Capital is the financing for a business and is made up of, primarily, owners’ funding and funding from lenders. The combination of the sources of business funding is referred to, as the capital structure of that business.Capital structure is thus the mix of company’s long term debt, specific short term debt, common equity and preferred equity; that is, how a firm finances its overall operations and growth using different sources of funding. This is composed of equity (rights issue) and de...

Challenges Facing Project Implementation In Selected Public Sector Organizations In Kenya

To enhance service delivery to its citizen, the Government of Kenya established Parastatals by enacting necessary legislations to entrench state corporations and to give them legal impetus thereby bestowing upon them authority and legitimacy to operate. Due to globalization, competitiveness, and streamlining, these parastatals are left with no choice but to execute business strategies by managing tasks through projects and enhance quality of products and service, optimize resources within lim...

Selected Organizational Restructuring Strategies And Employee Commitment At Kenya Revenue Authority

Strategic policy makers often neglect the impact of organizational restructuring strategy and employee commitment. The purpose of the study was to investigate how selected organizational restructuring strategies affected employee commitment at KRA. Specifically, the study sought to; establish the effects of change of job description and employee commitment at KRA, determine the effects of grading structure change and employee commitment at KRA and to determine the effects of remuneration stru...

Effect Of Banks And Market Specific Characteristics On The Use Of Derivatives Among Commercial Banks In Kenya

Since the global financial turmoil in 2008, which led to the fall down of financial institutions, there is an increased focus on risk management practices in financial institutions globally. Being an essential tool for risk management and investment reasons, the usage of derivatives has grown speedily lately. Interest rate and currency risks represent the key forms of risks faced by the banks due to their volatility. While several empirical studies have been conducted in the developed financi...

Relationship Between Physical Resources And Internal Efficiency Of Public Secondary Schools In Tana River County, Kenya

Education creates a platform upon which economic, social and political prosperity of any nation is founded. Investment in education can help bring about economic growth, improve productivity, contribute to social and national development and lead to reduction in social inequality. This study was therefore to affirm the above sentiments by confirming whether physical resources in any way relate to internal efficiency in secondary schools of Tana River County. The study specifically sought to e...

Dynamic Capabilities And Performance Of Selected Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

Performance of food manufacturing firms has been on a declining trend leading to the relocation of some firms to other countries. As a result, the country has been experiencing frequent food deficits. The search for how performance can be enhanced has led scholars and managers to consider dynamic capability to be at the heart of firm strategy. This study, therefore, sought to examine how dynamic capabilities influence the performance of selected manufacturing firms in Kenya. The specific obje...

Efficiency In Resource Utilization In Primary Schools In Kenya: A Case Of Gatundu North District, Kiambu County, Kenya

The Kenyan government introduced free primary education in 2003 in order to fulfill the commitments of the World education forum of 2000 as well as to make education accessible to all school age children irrespective of their social class. This initiative led to an upsurge in primary school enrolments with the resultant effects of numerous strains on human and material resources, high dropout rates and poor performance in national examinations. As a result of this, the government has been und...

Effect Of Credit And Education On Performance Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Kenya

Micro and small enterprises are pivotal to the Kenyan economy through employment creation, provision of goods and services, fostering innovation and enhancing competition. Research has however shown that most of these enterprises experience stagnated growth with 46 percent closing business within the first year of their operation. Key among the reasons for closing business is due to shortage of operating funds and lack of proper managerial skills to carry out the day-day operations of the ent...

Economic Convergence, Political Integration And Prospects Of A Monetary Union In The East African Community

The East African Community partner states are in the process of forming a monetary union and it is expected to be complete by the year 2023. The idea of a monetary union is not new in East Africa, this is because, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania already had a monetary union during the British colonial administration under East African Currency Board. These countries had the East African shilling as a common currency. However, the East African countries have been unable to form a monetary union in ...

Prudential Regulations And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Banks are the primary intermediaries for the reason that in various countries of the world, they carry out financial intermediation. Through the years, different countries have gone through an unprecedented number of failures in the commercial banks internationally. These failures have prompted the need for a more serious focus on suitable methods of improving the financial performance of national financial systems. Further than the intermediation task, the banks’ financial performance of b...

5206 - 5220 Of 19445 Results