The study looked at the impact of E-procurement on service delivery at Ntungamo District local government . The study objectives were; To examine factors influencing adoption of E-procurement at National Medical Stores. To determine different forms of E-procurement used at National Medical Stores. And To determine the relationship between E-procurement and service delivery. A sample of 30 respondents were determined using Krejcie Morgan (1970). The findings of the study were the followin...
ABSTRACT The researcher in this research attempted to investigate the impact of poor nutrition among children below five years as case study of Muhinda village in Kasulu district. The researcher found that most children in the village were very malnourished with stunted growth and infant mortality rates were very high following the problem of poor nutrition. Among the diagnosed cases were underweight according to their age and associated with conditions including Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, and M...
ABSTRACT This research study titled “the Impact of Drug Abuse on the Socio- Economic Development of Youths in Kanyaryeru Sub-County, Kiruhura District. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which drug abuse has affected the youths socioeconomically especially in the aspects of marginalisation, poverty, crimes and unemployment. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used through Questionn...
ABSTRACT The overview of uncontrolled and fluctuating level of imports in Uganda basically accredited to the tax administration system in place. The fact that taxes are the biggest sources of government revenue, custom duties constitute the biggest percentage of total tax revenue. Given Uganda's tax system and increasing the tax ratio, as part of the tax administration and management system on the varying volume of imports is deemed necessary The study was taken to have a critical look at th...
Version:0.9 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000007216 StartFragment:0000000141 Micro finance institutions carry on the business of financial institutions on commercial basis, which entails, among others, acceptance of deposits/savings, and withdrawal by cash, cheque or otherwise participation in inter-bank clearing systems on behalf of the customers (Microfinance Support Center Journal, 24th November 2006) Personal and business savings and revenue stream comprise, transactional products wh...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to examine staff performance and employee rewarding using a case study of Uganda Clays Kajjansi limited. The study was guided by three objectives including: To identify the different types of rewarding systems being used by Uganda clays Kajjansi Limited. To establish the effects of employee rewarding on staff performance in Uganda clays Kajjansi limited. To establish the relationship between employee rewarding and staff performance in Uganda clays Ka...
The overall objective of the study was to find out the impact of inventory management and perfonnance of private organizations in Uganda while considering Coca Cola plant- Namanve. The study was guided by three objectives; to find out the techniques of inventory management used at Coca- Cola Namanve branch, to establish the relationship between inventory management and performance of Coca- Cola Company Namanve branch and to find out the challenges faced by Coca- Cola Company Namanve branc...
ABSTRACT The research established the relationship between Corporate social Responsibility and Organizational performance in Total Kampala Limited. The study was guided by the following objectives: l )To determine the level of Corporate social Responsibility in Total Kampala Limited; 2) to determine the level of Organizational performance in Total Kampala Limited and 3) to establish whether there is a significant relationship between Corporate social Responsibility and Organizational perform...
Effective financial management is a comer stone to business growth and expansion of an organization. Most organizations which have competed well and expanded in the business exercise effective financial management. Therefore, if there is reluctance in the financial management, the institution growth is retarded and even may collapse given the current stiff competition in the business world. Post bank, Uganda seem to have all these qualities and if nothing is done it is increasing alarmin...
Abstract Raw materials, these are materials that turn goods into finished products. Personally, these are materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing of a good. Raw materials are often natural and artificial resources such as oil, iron, wood and machinery respectively. Raw materials are often referred to as commodities which are bought and sold on commodities exchanges around the world. Raw materials are sold in what is called the factor market. This is because raw...
This research report looks at the effect of procurement ethics on contract management as the topic of the study was conducted in the ministry of works and transport Kampala Uganda. The research study examines objectives which included assessing the effect of confidentiality on contract management, the effect of competition on contract management and finally the effect of transparency on contract management in the ministry of works and transport. The researcher while with the help of too...
ABSTRACT The study was set to establish the impact of debt management on financial performance of commercial banks in Uganda. A case of centenary bank, Uganda Kabalagala branch. It was guided by the following objectives; to find out the different debt management strategies used by commercial banks, to examine the financial performance levels of commercial banks, and lastly to assess the relationship between debt management and financial performance in commercial banks. The study adopted a de...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at exploring the relationship between internal control systems and Cash management using Family Diet Limited as a case study. A sound internal control system is important as it enables an organization to can-yon business in an orderly manner, safeguards the organization's assets and ensures completeness and accuracy in their records to achieve high perforn1ance. The study documented and evaluated the adequacy of internal controls and its perf01mance at Family Diet Li...
The purpose ofthis study was to establish the relationship between the contributions of insurance companies and the growth of SMEs in NIC basing on the following objectives; to examine major factors that affects the growth of SMEs; to assess the contribution of insurance companies to the growth of SMEs; to investigate the factors inhibiting the purchase of insurance cover by SME operators and to determine the strength of the relationship between insurance companies and growth of SMEs. Th...
This study was carried out to asses the extent of application of the procurement procedures on the disposal of assets in Kole local government headquarters Kole district,in Northern Uganda. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires accompanied by observation and interviews. The study involved 20 respondents; these were all involved in different activities at different levels. The study also sought to establish whether the application of the procurement and disposal procedures ...