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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Employee Relations On Organizational Performance (A Case Study Of Siaya Town Council - Siaya Kenya)

LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Classification of respondents according to age .................................. 17 Table 2: Classification of respondents according to sex or gender. .................. 18 Table 3: Classifications of respondents according to marital status ................ 19 Table 4: Classification of respondents according to education level. ............... 20 Table 5: Relationship between employee relations and employee performance21 Table 6: Is it relevant for employees to relate...

Income Tax Assessment And Performance Of Small Scale Business Enterprises. A Case Study Of Fabtechnoid Electronic Hardware And Softwares In Mukono District

ABSTRACT The study was to evaluate the income tax assessment and performance of small scale business enterprises of Fabtechnoid Company in Mukono District. The study was based on three specific objectives; to assess the perfo1mance of small scale business enterprises of Fabtechnoid Company Mukono District, to find out if tax payers are aware of all their tax obligations and policies of Fabtechnoid Company Mukono District and to find out problems affecting tax payers and their business of...

Impact Of Employee Relations And Employee Productivity In An Organization , (Case Study Of Umeme Kabalagala Branch Uganda )

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of employee relations on employee productivity in ill,.-1E~1E. The study was guided by the following objectives, the nature and effectiveness of employee relations in UMEME, the employee relations that boost employee productivity in UMEME and solutions to the challenges raced with poor employee relations that hinder employee productivity. The study was carried out against the background that the poor employee relations in UMEME suc...

The Impact Of Youth Participation In Local Elections And Youth Empowerment In Makueni District, Kenya,

ABSTRACT This study of Assessing the Impact of Youth Participation in Local Elections was carried out among the youth in Makueni district and was aimed at; examining the level of youth participation, their attitude, challenges and available opportunities to improve youth participation. To figure out this problem of the study, the researcher carried out documentary reviewing on the literature on the election process as provided from different authors. The study employed a descriptive explo...

Poor Public Policy Making And Commumty Services Delivery In Makindye East Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study was set out to find out to examine the relationship between poor public policies and community services delivery in Makindye East Division, Kampala district. Sixty (60) respondents were interviewed using self.administered questionnaires for rating opinions about the given statements. The questionnaires used involved open and closed ended questions. The researcher used tables and figures to represent the data collected from the field and while analyzing the data, perce...

An Assessment Of Maternal Knowledge About Health In Pregnancy And Early Childhood In Rural Tanzania: Case Study Of Lindi Rural District - Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to describe maternal knowledge about health in pregnancy and early childhood in rural Tanzania. It was also discovered that perceptions of risk during pregnancy shape behaviours in pregnancy and at childbirth, and influence pregnancy outcomes as well as neonatal health and survival. Identifying local understandings of obstetric risk is a key strategy for the development of appropriate behaviour change communication strategies to improve pregnancy and birt...

Corporation Tax Administration And Revenue Performance. A Case Study Of Ura In Jinja District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................ ........ ..... ...................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................... ......... ............................................... ........ ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................. ............................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEME...

The Effects Of Service Delivery On Perforl\Iance Of Banking Institutions: A Case Study Of Equity Bank, Kabalagala Branch, Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study focused on the effect of service delivery on performance of banking institutions. The study was guided by the following objectives; e To determine the relationship between service delivery and performance of equity bank • To establish the effect of service delivery on performance of equity bank e To identifY the different services delivered by equity bank to its customers The methodology used was questionnaire and a bit of interviewing. The respondents selected from among...

Assess Of Factors Affecting An Employment Of Youth In Otuke District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................... ...................... .. ...................... .... ... ......... .......................... ....... .. ...... ....... i APPROVAL ....................... ................................................. .... ...... .. .............................. .. .. ..................... ii DEDICATION .. ................. .. ......... ................... .. ........................... ......................................................... iii I ...

Internal Control System On Cash And Credit Management. Case Study: Equity Bank Kisoro Branch

ABSTRACT During my research I was very touched when interviewing different categories of people in the bank at work place, the employees of the bankabout the internal control system on cash and credit  management system I found out whether the internal controi system has an effect on cash and credit management. That is why this research report is about the internal control on cash and credit management a case study Equity Bank Kisoro branch. The duration of this report was within the ti...

Role Of Microfinance Institutions In Promoting Savings In Uganda: (A Case Study Of Pride Microfinance Mukwano Arcade Branch)

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the role of Microfinance institutions in promoting savmgs. The objectives of the study were to determine the impact of micro finance programmes on the household welfare of rural poor; Find out if micro finance programmes savings reduce vulnerability and risks of rural poor; and to find out how micro finance promotes empowerment of rural poor. Qualitative and Quantitative Designs were employed where convenient san1pling was applied to select th...

Regulation Of Capital Market And Amount Of Capital Market Investors In Uganda A Case Study: Capital Markets Authority

ABSTRACT The project sought to identify the impact of capital markets regulation on the investor ~onfidenee in Uganda. There have been several national and international economic setbacks in :he capital markets. These setbacks which include the global crisis also known as the credit :runeh have led to the erosion of investor's wealth and the collapse of several financial nstitutions. hese happenings have led to some investors shying away from the capital markets and opting o invest in other ...

Causes Of Stress Among The Workers Of Entebbe International Airport (Eia)

Abstract The study was carried out at the Directorate of Airports and Aviation Security (DAAS) which is one of the five departments under the Civil Aviation Authority an organization managing Entebbe Intemational Airp01i and other up-countr·y airfields in Uganda. The objective of the study was to investigate the causes of stress among the Employees of Entebbe Intemational Airport (EIA). The researcher involved 100 respondents out of which 60 were male and 40 female. These were selected...

Impact Of Diversification Strategy On Performance Of Manufacturing Companies A Case Study Of Dangote Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT A number of wide raising factors account for the strategic appeal of corporate diversification. Au organization may consider diversification because of market saturation, competitive pressures, product line obsolescent declining demand or fair of anti-trust action. Diversification has evolved as a resistible tool of increasing a finn's revenue and consequently profit. It involves expanding the scope of operations of a company into other product lines. This entails some restructur...

5866 - 5880 Of 19638 Results