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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Microfinance Services In The Development Of Small Scale Enterprises Case Study: Busia Municipal Council, Eastern Division

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the micro finance services in the development of small scale enterprises in Busia Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the extent of development of small scale traders In Busia Municipal Council Eastern Division in Busia Municipality Uganda, to examine the impact of Micro Finance services on development of small scale business and to find out if there is a relationship between microfinance and development of small sc...

Credit Policy And Customer Satisfaction In Financial Institution A Case Study Of Cairo Bank, Kampala- Uganda Institutions

ABSTRACT This study established credit policy and customer satisfaction m Cairo bank Uganda ltd in Kampala. The study was based on the following objectives and these are, to establish the profile of the respondents in financial institutions, to establish the key elements of credit policy for Cairo bank and to examine the relationship between credit policy and customer satisfaction. The study employed descriptive cotrelation design; data was collected using researcher devised questionnair...

The Contribution Of Ngo’s In The Promotion Of Girl Child Education In Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Education is a Fundamental human right. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This research work explores the extent to which Non-Governmental Organizations provide support to the girl child education in Kampala district. The report is based on both primary and secondary data analysis. More specifically, the Study aimed to (i) establish the contributions of NGOs in educating the girl child; (ii) identify some of the factors that limit the gi...

The Inventory Management And Customer Satisfaction; A Case Of Mukw Ano Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the inventory ri1anagement and customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies by taking objectives to determine the impact inventory levels on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies, to examine the challenges in managing inventory and consumption, to establish the relationship between inventory management on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies. Inventory management plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfactio...

Kampala International University School Of Business And Management

ABSTRACT The banking sector has increasingly become competitive. A dwindling economy, increases in the number of banks, high interest rates have all led to a rise in operational costs and consequent reduction in profits. This has necessitated banks to develop strategies that enable them to provide superior service at minimum costs. The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which "Rubbing" (a process of reducing costs whereby banks are using remote locations where labour...

Impact Of Quality Management On The Competitiveness Of Organisations; The Case Study Of Roofings Uganda Limited-Lubowa

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of Quality management on organizational competitiveness; the case study of Roofings Limited (Lubowa) The objects of the study were:- 1) To determine the impact of customer focus (value & satisfaction) on organisations' competitiveness 2) To assess the impact of training on waste reduction and productivity 3) To establish the impact continuous improvement on product/service quality The research was principally descriptive involving both qualitative and q...

The Impact Of Hrm Practices On Organisational Performance: The Case Study Of Sacco Bank

ABSTRACT This. research looked at the impact of HRM practices on organisational perfonnance in · the case of some rural banks in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Research over the years, has established significantly a positive correlation between HR practices and organisational performance. The assumption underpin.rung the practice of HRM is that people are the organisation's key resource and organisational performance largely depends on them. Therefore, if an appropriate range of HR policies ...

Impact Of Population Gro\Vth Rate On Unemployment Case Study Kansal~Ga Parish

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out how population growth rate affects unemployment 111 kansanga parish, in Kampala-Uganda. At a population growth rate of three percent per annum, Kansanga has one of the highest growth rates in Kampala. The country depends predominantly on agricultu re as the backbone of its economy. The sector employs well over 81 percent of the country's 35 million people and contributes about 34 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But despite the importance ...

The Effects Of Loan Capital .And Performances Of Small Medium Enterprises; A Case Study Of Owino Market

ABSTRACT The study loan capital and performance of small-scale businesses was conducted in Kampala District specifically in Owino market. The main pmpose of the study was to find out the relationship between loan capital and perlonnance of small-scale businesses. Other objective inchJ.ded to examine the importance of loan capital on small-scale businesses to examine the weaknesses of loan capital on small-scale businesses to establish the relationship between k>an capital and perlonnance of ...

Counting Records And Performance Of Small Scale Business Units: A Case Study Of Lira Main Market

ABSTRACT The study was about the effect of accounting record keeping and performance of small scale business units in lira main market basing on the following objectives; to find out whether traders in lira main market keep accounting records, to find out performance level of small scale business units in lira main market and to establish the relationship between accounting record keeping and performance of small scale business units lira main market. The study design comprised of a combinat...

The Impact Of Taxes On The Performance Of Small Scale Business In Uganda, Case Study Kikuubo Lane Kampala City.

ABSTRACT The study was about the impact of taxes on the performance of small business in Uganda case of Kikuubo lane-Kampala city. Kikuuko lane was selected because it is the busiest small business center with over 1000 traders. As regards the study 250 small business firms were selected and this gives a fair representation of small business. Many small business owners have not given greater attention to a wide range of taxes levied on their businesses and the methods used by the tax au...

Corruption And Procurement Management. Case Study: Public Procurement And Regulatory Authority

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to assess the impact of corruption m Procurement Management. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives; • To identify the impacts or effects of corruption in Procurement Management. • To investigate the initiates to put forward to reduce the rate of corruption in Procurement Management. The procedures used during data collection included questionnaires, interviews and data was analyzed by the use of the table through a research proj...

Family Planning Methods And Societal Perceptions A Case Of Tororo Municipality, Tororo District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the reasons of low participation of people ofTororo municipality, Sub-county in use and response to various family planning methods and generate knowledge on how to divert people's negative attitudes about family planning. Three specific objectives guided the study which included; to investigate the roles played by medical personnel in promoting the use of family planning, to establish the relationship between perception and beneficiaries participat...

Inventory Management and Profitablility: THe Case of Shoprite Lugogo Kampala

bstract The major purpose of the study was to review the inventory management techniques, other factors that affect profitability, and its relationship with inventory management. A review of writers, scholars was used. The employed exploratory and descriptive design. The fmdings showed that inventory management techniques were unsatisfactory and that it had effect on profitability. Recommendations like computerizations of the system, perpetual inventory counting procedures and holding just en...

The Performance Of Alternative Basic Education For Karamoja Development In Kotido District

ABSTRACT The research described the performance of Alternative Basic Education to development in Kotido district. The study was guided by the following objectives: To describe the conceptual understanding of Alternative Basic Education for development of Kotido district. To establish the causes of low performance of Alternative Basic Education for development in Kotido district. To find out how low performance of Alternative Basic Education affects development in Kotido district. This st...

5851 - 5865 Of 19638 Results