Workplace conflict is a specific type of conflict that occurs in workplaces. The conflicts that arise in workplaces may be shaped by the unique aspects of this environment, including the long hours people spend at their workplace, the hierarchical structure of the organization, and the difficulties (e.g. financial consequences) that may be involved in switching to a different workplace. In this respect, workplaces share much in common with schools, especially pre college educational inst...
ABSTRACT Artisanal mining has been for many years disregarded, where large scale mining that involves large scale extraction of minerals such us valuable metals, oil and gas has been documented and given much concentration. Small scale mining however has had a significant role to play in the developing countries, where it takes opportunity of the abundant available labor while only requiring limited amounts of less than abundant capital. Nevertheless, this sector of the economy surrounded by...
Within the complex operation in project management in the 21st century, the school heads play a very vital role in the management of school projects. However, the management of these projects has not been smooth. For example, in Mathira constituency there are many examples of stalled infrastructure projects, projects that have taken too long to complete and which eventually lead to escalating of the project cost, unsatisfied needs in the schools community that was supposed to benefit fro...
ABSTRACT Competition in the modern world requires consultancy firms to adopt operations strategies that will ensure superior performance. Previous studies have identified challenges facing consultancy firms which have led to their poor performance such as uncertainty of returns, poor reputation, development of sustainable strategies and inadequate resources. Strategic management literature has not addressed performance dimensions of these firms and the dimensions used by practising firms hav...
ABSTRACT Information Technology (IT) within organizations has been identified as a tool for building competitive edge in the market. Rapid technological change often lead to frequent obsolescence of information technology used by organisations, therefore the frequent need for investment in information technology. Companies have therefore been at crossroads trying to decide whether to outsource information technology services or provide them inhouse. The purpose of the study therefore was ...
ABSTRACT Over the last few years, there has been a concern among the public in Kenya about increasing rates of crime and the rising social costs of crime. This study assessed public perceptions of the effectiveness of policing and the social costs of crime in Nairobi policing region. The research adopted a cross sectional study design. It targeted both middle and low income residential areas of Nairobi policing region in jurisdictions of two police divisions, namely; Buruburu and Kajiado. In...
ABSTRACT Sensible employee behavior translates to a healthy work culture, a motivated and engaged work force which translates to productivity and efficiency. Employees can at times exhibit patterns of behavior that might be considered as toxic behavior. How employee behavior in a service company is very important as it can determine whether organizations will meet their goals, this is because customers are the most important component in this industry. The human resource and administrative un...
ABSTRACT Corporate governance is of great importance for financial performance. In Africa, Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) have been growing as a strong tool to meet financial needs. This is because, cooperatives are well placed to bring about equitable development and justice. However, SACCOs like any other business, are faced with challenges in their quest for growth and corporate governance stand as one of the main challenges facing SACCOs. Some of these SACCO sh...
Some firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, in the non-financial sector, have continued to record poor performance as evidenced in declining share prices. This study sought to establish the effect of financial management practices on financial performance of non-financial firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The independent variables of the study were liquidity, Capital budgeting and Leverage. The main objective of the study was to establish the effect of financial ...
ABSTRACT Maize is a staple food and its adequacy is a measure of food security in Busia County and across Kenya. Despite myriad efforts to increase its yield, the national level has remained low at 1.6 tons/ha relative to world average of 5.5 tons/ha and Busia County experiences much lower yield of 1.2 tons/ha. This low yield in the county coupled by high population growth rate arising from a fertility rate of 6 percent in the county when national level is 4.6 percent and a large population ...
ABSTRACT Selected trade unions activities area is key in study and considerations are made for any unionized organization in Kenya especially the public sector. University education is centered on quality based on the participation of all the involved members and aiming at long term success through expansion. This eventually benefits all members of the unions and the organization at large. Public universities in Kenya have been growing significantly over the last few years due to increased e...
The banking sector primarily differing from the other section of the market vast quandary for administration and financiers comparable is whether or not a most favorable capital structure exists and the way numerous capital structure choices each immediate and lasting persuade business level of performance. The choice on which capital structure to select is among the foremost important and decisive choices within the banks as a result they have an influence on the financial performance o...
Globally most of the businesses are exploiting areas where they can improve performance in the organization.SACCOs have been facing challenges from competition from commercial banks and limited resource. Based on capabilities and resource, proper strategies can be engineered to improve performance and develop in high competitive environment. The study aimed at establishing the influence of implemented strategies on organizational performance at Kenya Highlands Savings and Credit Coopera...
Total Quality Management has been proposed to improve customer satisfaction and has received considerable attention in the recent studies. Despite the recent effort on Total Quality Management, little work has been done on the effect of TQM on Customer satisfaction in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. This study sought to establish the effect of Total Quality Management practices on Customer satisfaction in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. A case of selected universities...
ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) make up the biggest chunk of any country’s economic block with its capacity to gainfully engage the highest number of workforce. Effective and efficient performance of the economic sectors is critical to economic growth. Sadly, though a lot of resources have been pumped to the sector by the Kenyan government, much is yet to be attained. The sector has been experiencing failure for the last decade. The study looked at how knowledge management str...