Determination and compensation of wages are concepts whose determinants may not necessarily be the same. Different sectors have a stipulated system of pay whereby workers are paid depending on their ranks or job grades, while others use individual characteristics such as education level, sex and work experience. In Kenya, minimum wage determination and fixing form an integral approach of wage setting in the domestic services sector aimed at protecting the domestic workers from exploitati...
ABSTRACT The ever increasing demand for university education, overstretched residential facilities and the need for continued learning have led to the emergence of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Kenya. These ODL programmes have however been faced with challenges which this study sought to identify. The focus of this study was on ODL delivery models in Kenya, training and motivation of staff, cost and consistency of the programmes delivery across geographical locations, learner‘s inte...
ABSTRACT The internal environment of organizations is one of the main factors that determine project performance in different industries. The study specifically examined how various variables such as the structure, culture, resource capability and employee competency affect projects success. The resource dependency theory, resource-based view, and the open systems theories were used with a descriptive research design. The research targeted responses from 49 registered local construction firm...
Employee performance is about the timely, effective and efficient completion of mutually agreed tasks by the employee, as set out by the employer. It is evident that employees are a crucial resource hence it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the company aims and goals as a means of sustaining effective performance. Better employee performance is realised because of excellent training programs that results to employee inspiration and the fulfilment of their needs. ...
ABSTRACT The banking industry has experienced a rapid growth in terms of profits, deposits and revenues in the recent past. This trend has triggered a lot of competition in the banking industry. Most commercial banks have managed to weather this competition to stand out among the most successful Kenyan businesses today. These banks have introduced and are currently thriving on agency banking business as well. This paper analyzes the strategies that are being used by bank agents to compete in...
ABSTRACT While recent studies indicate a high diversity of lichens in the tropical regions of the world equaling or even surpassing that of temperate areas, studies of lichens in these regions remain rare and Kenya is no exception. The aim of this study was to enhance our knowledge of lichen diversity in Mt. Kenya forest. Diversity, composition and altitudinal distribution of corticolous lichens was evaluated in Chogoria a wet forest type and Sirimon a dry upland forest. At every 200m elevat...
ABSTRACT Crude oil is one of the main drivers of economic growth and a key ingredient to sustainable development. It is therefore vital that crude oil products be efficiently and competitively priced in order to accelerate economic growth. Realization of a 10 percent economic growth in Kenya by the year 2030 requires a massive development in the energy sector. Kenya suffers from a shortage of internal energy resources, including oil and as a result, Kenya continues to be in the category of n...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting the collection of turnover tax revenues in Nairobi and find out suggestions of the possible remedies to the challenges. The study was therefore conducted as a survey with the sample of the responding firms being from Block 7 of East of Nairobi region as classified by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). A structures questionnaire was used to collect the data based mainly on the Likert Scale. This study found that the S...
ABSTRACT Youth projects aim at improving the lifestyles of the youth through empowerment and employment, resource mobilization, improving access to economic and social services. By so doing, the poverty level among the youth in the society is reduced considerably. However, for those projects to serve their purpose, the project team members must understand that each project is unique in nature and therefore has a unique set of risks which must be handled throughout the project’s lifecycle. R...
ABSTRACT Accounts receivable constitute a significant portion of current assets in manufacturing firms. Management therefore has to formulate strategies of effectively managing this important yet sensitive asset. This study aimed at investigating the principles and practices adopted by manufacturing firms in the management of accounts receivable in Kenya with specific reference to manufacturing firms in Thika municipality within KiambuCounty. The study further aimed at examining the strengt...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze consumer perceptions, attitude and patronage towards purchasing locally-produced versus imported apparel among public servants in Kenya. The objectives of the Study were: to establish the attributes that professionals consider in selecting apparel; to determine the perception of public servants towards locally-produced and imported apparel; to establish the factors that influence the perception, preference and attitude of public servants towa...
An Aberdeen Group survey 2004(as cited by Markus, 2004) of managerial and technical employees in service organizations found that 99% had some form of performance evaluation. Watson 2004(as cited by Markus, 2004) survey found a participation rate of approximately 90%. In a 2003 international survey of businesses of all sizes, 59% reported using some form of performance management tool, an increase of 18% compared with a similar survey two years earlier. It is obvious from the recent surv...
The ability to retain Volunteers has proved a challenge to many international organizations. This is no exception for many volunteers engaged in international organizations. Volunteers are more intrinsically motivated compared to extrinsic motivation and their need is to make a valued contribution by giving back to the community and skill acquisition. The aim of this study was to establish the factors determining volunteers‟ turnover with a special focus on United Nations National Vol...
Orienting employees to their workplace and their jobs is one of the most neglected functions in many organizations. An employee handbook and piles of paperwork are not sufficient anymore when it comes to welcoming a new employee to your organization. The most frequent complaints about new employee orientation are that it is overwhelming, boring or that the new employee is left to sink or swim. The result is often confused new employee who is not productive and is more likely to leave the...
Pricing of loanable funds without a proper rationale or framework leads to uncertainty and unpredictability on the incidence of the next or expected interest rate. The uncertainty and unpredictability lead to high interest rates to cover for any eventual loss. High interest rates may lead to high cost of capital, low investment, reduction in aggregate supply of goods and services and a vicious circle that reduces economic growth. It also reduces credit availability and increase the risk...