Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction Among Account Holders Of Deposit Taking Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Global competitive environment characterized by technological advancement and customer dynamics have continued to increase pressure to businesses in the financial industry forcing them to re-think their customer satisfaction strategies for sustainability. Technological advancement has brought about consumer awareness resulting into consumer rights groups, availability of competing brands and substitutes that have increased consumer demand. A report by the DT SACCO regulator on the in...

Total Quality Management Practices And Service Delivery Of Horizons Offices Limited, Kenya

ABSTRACT The service industry has consistently been characterized by persistent operational inefficiency and poor customer services and in order to address the problems of inefficiency in service delivery these organizations are fast adopting TQM in order to make them effective in meeting public demands. Despite the fact that quality management practices have been recognized by many organizations as capable of transforming the quality culture and producing substantial financial results for la...

Effects Of 2008-2012 Strategic Plan On Organisational Effectiveness In The Ministry Of Local Government

ABSTRACT Strategic planning is important for strategic management of companies. The concept of strategy may have had its original underpinnings in the military and its war efforts, over many decades it has become a mainstay and a major process in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Strategic planning in the Ministry of Local Government is now being appreciated not only as an external tool introduced under the Public Sector Reforms Programme but as an important medium term planni...

Accounts Receivable Management And Financial Performance Of Embu Water And Sanitation Company Limited, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Accounts receivable represents money owed to a business in return for goods already delivered or services already rendered. Proper maintenance of accounts receivable helps an organization maintain customer loyalty, track customer credit and uncollected profits. However, many organizations nowadays encounter numerous challenges in regard to their invoicing and accounts receivable process. Embu Water and Sanitation Company limited operate in conditions which limit its ability to maximi...

An Investigation Of The Effects Of Expansion Strategies On Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya A Case Of Banks On Tier One

ABSTRACT Implementation of structural adjustment program and ensuing market liberalization opened the Kenyan market, leaving businesses at the mercy of market forces. As a result, businesses face stiff rivalry and register low performance in terms of profits growth and sometimes even losses are incurred. This could be credited to lack of proper strategic expansion planning. Some of the forces of change that have greatly influenced the banking industry include intense competition, regulations ...

Detecting Financial Distress In Kenyan Local Authorities

Abstract In creating local authorities, the vision of the ministry of local government is to have "viable, autonomous, accountable and responsive local authorities." Finance is critical to the achievement of this vision since it directly affects the operation of local authorities and the wide range of services that they are responsible for delivering. This study sought to establish if Kenyan Local Authorities suffer from financial distress and if so the extent of such distress. It furthe...

Monitoring And Evaluation And Performance Of Constituency Development Fund Projects In Garissa County , Kenya

ABSTRACT Monitoring and evaluation is a crucial aspect of project management which collects systematic data of any project fro inception to implementation.The Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Act of kenyaand Implementation Guidelines from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Board focuses on the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects monitoring and evaluation, a responsibility tied ondifferent stakeholders of the project. Overtime, there have been various and varying problems faci...

Relationship Between Students’ Fear Of Self Disclosure And Help - Seeking Behaviour Among Secondary School Students In Nakuru District

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out whether students in the selected schools in Nakuru District feared revealing information to their teacher counsellors and whether there was a significant relationship between students’ fear of self disclosure and help seeking behaviour. It further investigated factors that lead to fear of self disclosure like content of disclosure, fear of lack of privacy/confidentiality, vulnerability avoidance, fear of perceived negative feed back and fear of change i...

Investigating The Effectiveness Of Rehabilitation Programmes Of Street Girls And Boys In Nyeri Municipality, Nyeri County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the problem of children living on the streets has long been regarded a perennial problem of the urban areas of the country, often viewed with disdain by most people in the society due to the menacing behaviour of the children. The number of these children has been increasing at an alarming rate prompting the Kenya government, NGOs, churches and private sectors to set up rehabilitation centres for the children living on the streets and their families. Based on this, the stud...

Capital Structure And Financial Performance Of Companies Listed Under Manufacturing And Allied Sector At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Capital structure is a prevalent subject that has continued to pose a challenge among the scholars in the field of finance and has increased remarkable attention since 1950’s. Capital structure is a word used to signify the composition of debt and equity that a firm uses to finance its operations. The capability of a firm to define its capital structure is a complex assignment to attain. The key sources that organizations may get their finances from are internal funding which are r...

E-Marketing Strategies And Performance Of Registered Rated Hotels In Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Electronic marketing has become central part to efficient operations of many sectors of the economy. In recent years hotel sector has experienced poor performance due to emerging technological trends, competition, security and economic growth of hospitality industry. Hence, many studies have propounded influence of E-commerce on performance of tour firms as a key determinant. While some others postulate that internet marketing determines the performance of hospitality industry, many ...

The Influence Of Iso 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification On The Competitive Advantage Of Kenya's Universities. A Survey Of Selected Iso 9001 Qms Certified Universities In Nairobi, K

ABSTRACT ISO9001 Quality Management Systems certification is a business strategy aimed at bolstering the wayorganizations are managed and direct them towards realization of their competitive advantage. It is a strategic business approach that creates standards for business management systems expected to exceed customers' expectations (Tricker and Sherring-Lucas, 2005), and comprises eight principles structured in sections which show aspects of quality (Evans and Lindsay, 2009). On the other h...

Internal Control Systems And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks Listed At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Internal control systems are put in place to ensure safe custody of all assets, detect, and safeguard against probable frauds. Commercial banks in Kenya are struggling with liquidity problems, untimely financial reports, and inefficient accountability for the firm's financial resources. Financial and accounting issues, such as financial misappropriation and fraud are currently rife in the Kenyan commercial banks. In the recent past, CBK had put three banks under receivership. The stu...

Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers And Productivity Of Domestic Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT During the recent years, it has been observed that countries compete with each other to attract foreign investment. Countries have gone further than simply removing barriers to inward foreign investment and have taken a more pro active approach towards attracting FDI through the use of fiscal and financial incentives. This has been done owing to the notion that when foreign companies invest in a host country, productivity gains are assumed to accrue to domestic producers from spillov...

Hospitality Management Graduate Certification And Employability In Lokoja, Kogi State Capital City, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is the need to address the global outcry on graduate unemployment with particular focus on Nigerian employability skills that underpin certification of the hospitality graduates feared not to have been optimally matched with the industry‟s expectations and entrepreneurial opportunities available at the grass root like Lokoja, the Kogi State capital. The study population (981) involved 55 employers and 283 employees in selected hospitality firms in Lokoja; ...

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