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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Dividend Policy On Share Price Of Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Dividend policy is a widely researched topic in the field of corporate finance; however, it still remains a mystery as to whether dividend policy affects the share prices of quoted firms. During the period under review (2001-2011), share prices of listed firms in the Nairobi Securities Exchange severely fluctuated making it difficult for investors to make informed investment decisions. The general objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dividend policy (cash and sha...

Challenges Affecting Implementation Of Talent Management In State Corporations – A Study Of Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

ABSTRACT In today‟s rapidly, dynamic, moving uncertain and highly competitive global markets, firms worldwide are facing major decisions and challenges in global talent management. The study sought to explore the challenges affecting talent management in the public sector with specific reference to Kenya broadcasting corporation. The study specifically aimed at investigating how organization culture affect talent management, determined how career management influenced talent management, ass...

Youth Travel As A Potential Market Segment For Tourism Industry Among The Young Travelers In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Nairobi National park in Nairobi County and focused on assessing youth travel as potential market segment for the tourism industry in Kenya. Exploratory and descriptive survey design was adopted in this study using a sample size of 140 that was selected using purposive sampling from the youth population of 1,319,131 aged between 15-30 years. The study used secondary and primary data to achieve the objectives of the study. Data was collected using semi-struc...

Credit Accessibility And Performance Of Small Scale Farms In Taita Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture is considered the backbone of the Kenyan economy since it contributes to approximately 25 percent of the gross domestic product. It earns a significant amount of foreign exchange since it provides for all food supplies in the country in addition to creating employment to almost 70 percent of the entire population in either a direct or an indirect manner. The study therefore focused on evaluating Agricultural credit as well as its effect on small scale farm production in T...

Employee Training And Performance Of Civilians In British Army Training Unit Centers In Kenya

ABSTRACT Employee training is a tool that managers can utilize to help employees bridge the gap between their present level of performance and their desired level of performance. Employee performance is the ability of an employee to carry out tasks as expected by the management. The amount and quality of training carried out varies from organization to organization due to factors such as the degree of external change and also the extent to which the organization supports the idea of employee ...

Trade Liberalization And Performance Of The Manufacturing Sector In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT International trade has broadened possible opportunities available to countries for upgrading economic activities, including the development of manufacturing. Since the late 1980s, Nigeria has progressively pursued trade liberalization which has significantly exposed manufacturing activities to the international market. The goal was to raise the GDP share of manufacturing, share of manufactured exports in total merchandise exports, and manufacturing sector capacity utilization to 25 ...

Land Rights Challenges Among Widows In Boro Division, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research addresses land rights and property ownership of widows in Siaya county Boro Division. Rights to land and property include right to own, use, access, control, transfer, exclude, inherit and make decisions about the land and related resources. The objectives of this study were to establish the land rights challenges among widows in Boro Division, Siaya County of Kenya, to establish the effects of customary law on land and property ownership among the widows; identify the ...

Internal Controls And Credit Risk Among Commercial Banks Listed In Nairobi Securities Exchange Kenya

 ABSTRACT Inappropriate credit policies, as well as inadequate, limited institutional capacity by Kenya's financial sector, led to several of the banking institutions collapsing over what was termed as poor management of credit risks which resulted to increased amounts of loans that were not being serviced. The main aim of the research project was to establish the effects of internal controls on credit risk among the banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The distinctive goals include...

Shariah Banking And Financial Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT As of December 2017, the Kenyan banking sector registered a decline in performance with the subdued economic activities. The industry reported a decrease in profit after tax by 9.6 % during the year 2017. A decline in asset quality was reported, with the NPLs ratio increasing to 12.3 % in December 2017 from 9.3 % in December 2016. The general aim was to establish how financial performance of selected Kenya commercial banks is affected by shariah-compliant banking. The research was g...

Interest Rate And Loan Repayment In Commercial Banks In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Interest rates are ordinarily the drivers of financial institutions’ financial performance. They are the ones that determine the size of the profit margin for every transaction between a financial institution and its customers. Yet, there are many reported cases of defaults in loan repayment in commercial banks in Nyeri County. In fact, there is plenteous confirmation that the financial/banking emergencies in Kenya were preceded by high nonperforming loans. When borrowers default ...

Financial Flexibility And Corporate Investment Among Non Financial Companies Listed On NSE, Kenya

ABSTRACT The existing evidence indicates that listed companies on the Nairobi Securities Exchange Kenya are financially flexible. However, these firms have not managed to undertake corporate investments of the magnitude achieved by other countries where firms are financially flexible. Previous studies have shown that financial slack, spare debt capacity and dividend decisions directed at maintaining financial flexibility in corporate entities can enhance investment ability of the firms. This...

Effect Of Marketing Communication Mix On Sales Performance Of Soft Drink Companies In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The most fundamental feature of any company is sales of their product(s) because it support any business’ survival. Selling entails the use of advertising, sales promotions, publicity and direct marketing. Companies respond differently with their marketing communication mix decisions even when subjected to almost the same macro environmental factors. The macro environmental factors like competition and market factors facing the soft drink companies have not been addressed successf...

Determinants Of Operational Sustainability Of Micro Finance Institutions In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Many people in developing countries have been given access to formal financial services through microfinance programs. Nevertheless, millions of potential clients still remain un-served and the demand for financial services far exceeds the currently available supply. Given significant capital constraints, expansion of microfinance programs remains a formidable challenge facing the microfinance industry. Moreover, it is observed that microfinance organizations have had various degree...

Quality Management Practices And Firm Performance Among Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT A firm’s performance is a function of how well managers use quality management practices to improve the quality of products and services. In today’s global environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to expand and improve their businesses in terms of quality to enhance performance. Quality management practices have been used by manufacturing firms in Kenya to improve on performance. However, customers are still complaining that the quality of manufactured products...

The Effects Of Co-Education On The Performance Of Girls And Boys In KCSE In Taita Taveta District Of Coast Province In Kenya

ABSTRACT An analysis of academic performance in reports at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has often indicated that performance in single sex secondary schools tends to be better than in mixed secondary schools .. This study investigated the environmental factors in coeducation at public secondary schools that affect leamers' performance. The environmental factors include gender ascribed roles that inhibited learners' achievements. The study also assessed the effects of coedu...

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