ABSTRACT Past studies have found that a firm which is socially responsible acknowledges that it exists and operates in a shared environment. This is characterised by a mutual impact of a firm’s relationships on a broad variety of stakeholders, who are affected by and can eventually affect the achievement of an organisation’s objectives. This study sought to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on the performance of organizations in the media industry. ...
Abstract A GIS-based multi-criteria land evaluation was performed in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania in order to avail decision-makers and farmers with an evidence-based decision support tool for improved and sustainable rice production in this important region for agricultural investment. The five most important criteria for rice production in the area were identified through literature search and discussion with local agronomists and farmers. The identified criteria were 1) soil properties, 2) ...
ABSTRACT Community development has remained one of the major preoccupations of various governments all over the world. In Nigeria, the rural areas, which constitute over 70% of the country’s population and largely made up of poor people, lack the basic infrastructural amenities required to meet basic human needs. Consequently, government efforts over the years have been directed at how to provide local communities with basic infrastructure as a means of ameliorating their conditions in ord...
ABSTRACT Sugarcane and soybean are emerging value chains in Awendo Sub-County of Kenya with the potential for alleviating the perpetual problems of food and nutrition insecurity, poverty and unemployment among the rural households. Agricultural extension officers have educated farmers on the economic benefits of sugarcane-soybean integration but the uptake and performance of this cropping system has not been evaluated. This study therefore aimed at contributing to increase in farmer’s house...
ABSTRACT Liberalization in the finance industry in Kenya has led to increased access to credit facilities to Kenyan employees. Primary school teachers are among the beneficiaries. Credit facilities include both secured and unsecured loans. For employees, unsecured personal loans have become more popular due to the relative ease and speed at which they can be obtained. The objectives of this study were to: evaluate the effects of school fees loans on household financial health of primary schoo...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the role of formal and informal institutions in implementing REDD+ at local level in a REDD+ pilot project, Rungwe District, Tanzania. The study was conducted in four villages adjacent to Rungwe forest reserve, namely Ipuguso, Kandete, Kibisi and Ndala. Household questionnaire and PRA techniques were used in data collection. Content analysis technique was used for qualitative data while quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS software version ...
ABSTRACT Mangala Village Land Forest Reserve is a productive forest under Community Based Forest Management being managed by the Mbangala Village Council. The forest reserve was established in 2010, at Songwe District in Songwe Region. Sustainable charcoal production in Songwe District has not received a systematic research assessment. To what extent the so called sustainable charcoal production adheres to sustainability principle is not clear. The aim of this study was to assess charcoal pr...
ABSTRACT This study sought to establish factors that determine consumers’ patronage to mobile phone service providers in Kenya with a specific focus on Safaricom Kenya Ltd. Safaricom has faced intense competition in recent years in the Kenyan mobile phone market due to entry of other service providers in the industry. The competition has been mainly price based with competitors emphasizing on price reductions. While Kenyans generally exhibit price sensitive buying behaviour, in this case, t...
ABSTRACT This work examined the influence of leadership on employee commitment to job performance in Ivo Local Government of Ebonyi State. This was motivated by low productivity of Ivo Local Government workers in terms of job performance. Path goal theory of leadership was used as framework for the study. Both primary and secondary sources were equally used in data collection. In analyzing the data, the researcher used likert 5 point scale, frequency and percentage. The hypotheses in this wo...
ABSTRACT The sudden presence of refugees significantly altered the lives of the local population in Kibondo District. The present study was carried out to determine the socio-economic effects of refugees on the local community. It was geared specifically to determine the economic status of local people in the Kibondo district after the refugees’ influx. Furthermore, the study investigated the social effects of refugees on the hosts, attitude of people towards the refugees and mitigation ef...
ABSTRACT The study was done to determine the willingness to pay (WTP) for improved watershed services by downstream water users in Babati District using contingent valuation method in the form of close and open-ended WTP questions. Specific objectives were (i) to assess the level of awareness of the downstream water users on the importance of watershed in the provision of sustainable water supply (ii) to estimate willingness to pay for watershed services by the downstream users (iii) to ana...
ABSTRACT Soil degradation attributed by erosion threatens agriculture production in many regions of Tanzania, consequently food insecurity and drawback poverty reduction efforts. Though various soil conservation measures (SCM) have been introduced and practiced by farmers, the extent of their adoption and sustainability are not clear. The objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing adoption of soil conservation measures, their sustainability, and socio-economic impacts amon...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. The aim of the study was to explore the potentials on provision of information on bottled mineral water and other beverages in order to improve its effective use in environmental management The specific objectives of the study were (i)To identify the existing information provided on the bottled mineral water and plastic bottled beverages (ii) to evaluate society’s awareness on the information provisio...
ABSTRACT The growth of tobacco production in Tanzania has become a threat to the woodlands due to the amount of firewood used for curing the crop. The overall objective of the research was to assess the economic feasibility of substituting firewood with sawdust and/or rice husks in curing tobacco. The specific objectives were to: (1) determine calorific values of sawdust briquettes, rice husk briquettes and firewood, (2) examine quality of tobacco cured by sawdust briquettes, rice husk briqu...
ABSTRACT Given the reality that trade-offs are rules rather than exceptions, there is a need to acknowledge them and assess how different groups of people influence conservation and development choices. This study was conducted on the Uluguru Mountains to assess the socio-economic factors influencing conservation and development trade-offs. Specifically, the study aimed to identify the major conservation and development trade-offs existing on the Uluguru Mountains, assess the socio-economic ...