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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Factors Determining Consumers’ Patronage To Mobile Phone Service Providers In Kenya: A Case Of Safaricom Kenya Ltd.

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish factors that determine consumers’ patronage to mobile phone service providers in Kenya with a specific focus on Safaricom Kenya Ltd. Safaricom has faced intense competition in recent years in the Kenyan mobile phone market due to entry of other service providers in the industry. The competition has been mainly price based with competitors emphasizing on price reductions. While Kenyans generally exhibit price sensitive buying behaviour, in this case, t...

Employment Conditions And Their Influence On Employee Retention In The Small And Medium Enterprises Furniture Manufacturing Sector In Zimbabwe

This mixed methods study aimed to critically examine employment conditions in the Small and Medium Enterprises sector (SMEs) in Zimbabwe; and their contribution to the retention of employees, within the furniture manufacturing businesses in Glen View Home Industry Complex in Harare. The research adopted a pragmatic study approach where statistical and narrative data were generated and correlated through questionnaires and interviews. The quantitative data was analysed using SPSS version 21.0 ...

Influence Of Innovation Strategies On The Performance Of Firm’s Listed In Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholders’ expectations. However, research on predictive power of innovative strategies on the performance of firms listed in the NSE is inadequate. This study aimed at exploring this area in the hope of providing important answers to how innovation can be used to leverage pe...

Emotion Regulation, Dispositional Mindfulness And Length Of Stay As Factors In Somatic Symptoms Among Prison Inmates

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate emotion regulation, dispositional mindfulness and length of stay as factors in somatic symptoms among prison inmates, cross-sectional design was used. Participants were two hundred and nine (209) prison inmates. Their ages ranged between 18 – 62 years, with mean age of 30.9 and standard deviation of 8.68. Three instruments were used for data collection: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Mindfulness Awareness Attention Scale and Somatiza...

Determination Of Factors Influencing Adoption And Control Of Prosopis Juliflora In Marigat, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prosopis juliflora was introduced in Kenya to address the increasing demands of forest resources and to improve the vegetation cover. The extent and spread of Prosopis juliflora is a threat to ecosystem (erosion of biodiversity, allopathic interactions and negative health on both animals and human) that supports livelihoods in Marigat Sub-county. To control its spread, several management and control technologies were promoted in the area in early 2004. They include clearing and plant...

Influence Of Perceived Organizational Support And Self Efficacy On Burnout Among Nurses

ABSTRACT The study investigated influence of perceived organizational support and self efficacy on burnout among nurses. Two hundred and nine (209) nurses from Federal Medical Centre Umuahia participated in the study. Among them were 2 males and 207 females. The Perceived Organizational Support Scale, General Self Efficacy Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to elicit the participants’ responses on burnout. A crosssectional survey design was employed and 2-way ANOVA was used to ...

The Effect Of Teacher Characteristics On Information And Communication Technology (Ict) Integration In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru Town Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the effect of teacher characteristics on ICT integration in public secondary schools in Nakuru Town Sub-county, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: To establish the effect of teacher educational beliefs on ICT integration; to establish the effect of self-efficacy on ICT integration; to establish the effect of attitude on ICT integration; to establish the effect of motivation on ICT integration; and to establish the overall effect of teacher character...

Effect Of Dividend Policy On Share Price Performance: A Case Of Listed Insurance Companies At The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Dividend policy remains a source of disagreement despite many years of theoretical and empirical research findings. Paying large dividends decreases the risk and therefore influences Security prices. Dividends are relevant because they signal and have informational benefit to investors. The main question to be answered here is how much dividends should be given back to their shareholders?, companies must take this crucial decision period after period. The optimal dividend policy is t...

Classification Of Chagga Agroforestry Homegardens And Their Contributions To Food, Income And Wood Energy To Communities Of Rombo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The present study was carried out in 2014 in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, in order to classify Chagga agroforestry home gardens and establish their relative contributions to food, income and wood energy to the local communities. The study methodology included random selection of four divisions, one ward from each division, one village from each ward and 30 households per village forming a total sample of 120 households. A social survey was subsequently carried out using q...

Effect Of Group Lending On Accessibility Of Micro Credit Facilities Among Low Income Households In Keiyo South Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to address the impact of group lending on accessibility of micro credit facilities among low income households in rural and sub-urban regions of Keiyo South Sub-county. The study specifically sought; to determine the effect of joint liability on accessibility of micro credit; examine the effect of group size on accessibility of micro credit; determine the effect of group members’ education on accessibility of micro credit and to establish the impact of group divers...

Analysis Of The Constraints And Effects Of Value Addition In Honey Among Producers In Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Baringo District is one of the districts in Kenya that is categorized as an ASAL area, characterized by high poverty and food insecurity. Subsistence farming and pastoralism have been and still are the main source of livelihood for majority of the people. However, since crop and livestock agriculture are susceptible to drought, beekeeping has become the sole most important alternative form of sustenance. Despite documented potential benefits of value addition, honey is majorly produ...

Economic Efficiency Of Selected Income Generating Activities In Villages Surrounding Magamba Nature Reserve In Lushoto District, Tanga Region

ABSTRACT Despite that income-generating activities play a vital role on reducing the dependency of local communities on forest resources, in some cases the performance of practised income generating activities has been a challenging issue. This study was conducted to assess economic efficiency of tree nurseries and beekeeping income-generating activities, asses factors affecting the economic efficiency of tree nurseries and beekeeping IGAs, asses its impacts on forest conservation and to ass...

The Ecology And Livelihoods Of The Local Community In Ombeyi Wetland - Nyando Sub County, Kenya

 ABSTRACT Wetlands cover about 4–6% of the earth‟s surface and are the most productive ecosystems on earth. However, they are under threat from natural and anthropogenic factors with more than half having disappeared, largely through factors related to increase in human population such as; conversion to agricultural use, urbanization, transport and communication, human settlement and infrastructure expansion. This study assessed water quality, vegetation status, socio-economic status as...

The Influence Of Desmodium And Manure On The Agronomic Performance Of Fodder Plantsin Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Animal feed scarcity and mostly the availability of high quality forage, is one of the major limiting factors to dairy productivity improvement in Lushoto District. This is a result of soil fertility losses due to soil erosion, deforestation practices and to the decrease or the abandonment of mineral fertilizer use. Thepresent study was conducted in Ubiri Village, Lushoto Districtto assess the influence of desmodium and farmyard manure on the agronomic performance of fodder plants s...

Effect Of Work-Family Conflict On Organizational Commitment Among Police Officers In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The situation of insecurity in Kenya has triggered this research in unravelling how police officers are faced with various challenges while fulfilling their work and family roles. A considerable number of police officers experience work overload, burn out, and are often posted to work in areas, sometimes highly dangerous locations thus leading to stress resulting from work/family conflict. This has been prompted by lack of balance between the pressures of their profession and family...

7921 - 7935 Of 19638 Results