Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Analysis And Interpretation Of Financial Statement As A Managerial Tool For Decision Making

Abstract  Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation is a very vital instrument of good management decision-making in business enterprise.  Good decisions ensure business survival, profitability and growth.  Without financial statement analysis in investment decisions, an enterprise is likely to make decisions, which could spell its doom.  Poor or lack of qualitative financial statement analysis could lead to investment returns, low profitability and even inability to identify viable...

A Review Of Motivation as a Management Tool for Increasing the Productivity of Employees (A Case Study Of Emenite Limited)

ABSTRACT  This research examines “the review of motivation as a management tool for increasing the productivity of employees, a case study of Emenite Limited, Emene, Enugu State. The researcher adopted descriptive survey design. The population of the study is 224 while the sample size is 144. The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data.  In view of this, four research questions were formulated to generate expected answers. Literal works were reviewed for proper understa...

A Comparative Analysis Of the Impact Of Inventory Valuation Methods On Financial Report Statement In Some Manufacturing Companies In Enugu State

ABSTRACT  This research work was conducted on with special reference to the impact inventoryvaluation methods has on financial report statements of manufacturing companies. For a longtime now the Accounting profession has not been able to come up with any particular technique or method to be used uniformly in valuing inventory. This research work examined if the method used was as a result ofthe prevailing economic circumstances. A survey research design was adopted for the study; data colle...

Comorbidity of Autism and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Draft Informative Essay)

The purpose of this paper is to inform others of how DMDD can go hand in hand with ASD, and what signs to look for, as DMDD is as I said a fairly new diagnosis. It is an important subject to me as my son is diagnosed on the spectrum and until recently with DMDD as well as PTSD. According to Haruvi-Lamdan, Horesh, Zohar, Kraus, and Golan (2020) although PTSD has not been widely studied as a co-occurrence with autism a study was done with 25 adults with ASD and 25 adults without in regards to s...

Access and Secure Storage Based Block Chain Scheme with IPFS Implemented in Electronic Medical Record in Lahore, Pakistan

Access and Secure Storage Based Block Chain Scheme with IPFS Implemented in Electronic Medical Record in Lahore, Pakistan Abstract: This work is now contributing to creating a system built on the effective sharing of secure IPFS (Interplanetary file system) for electronic medical records and, in addition, implementing a cipher text policy system in conjunction with the interplanetary file system (IPFS) and the most recent developments in blockchain technology. This strategy helps to govern th...

Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Environment Performance and Competitive Advantage

Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Environment Performance and Competitive Advantage Abstract  Supply chain contains all roles which is involved through directly or indirectly to fulfil the customer demand.  The  important  factors involved  in supply chain  are  customer,  manufacturer,  purchasing, wholesaler,  transportation  and  retailers.  Supply  chain  management  take  the  responsibility  of designing, planning, executing, controlling and monitor...

Efficiency of Power Distribution Companies in Pakistan (Application of Non Parametric Approach)

Efficiency of Power Distribution Companies in Pakistan (Application of Non Parametric Approach) ABSTRACT  Electricity  is  very  significant  at  global  level  that  is  used  the  most  useful  type  of  energy in  modern world. We will evaluate the distribution system in DISCO. This paper is focused on grounds regarding the grid, through this research of distribution network input & output characteristic, dependent about which is establishing a more objective estimation va...


CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND COST OF CAPITAL: EVIDENCE FROM ASIAN MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES ABSTRACT This  research  aimed  to  examine  relation  of  governance  practices  with  cost  of  capital  for multinationals in 24 Asian countries from 2011-2020 for 372 top multinationals of the world as these giant companies has significant contribution in economic growth of Asian countries. The dependent variable of this study is WACC, whereas, the independent variable is the quality of corp...

The Effects of Information Asymmetry, Accounting Information and Personal Values on Investment Satisfaction Mediating by Direct Investment Decision Makers

The Effects of Information Asymmetry, Accounting Information and Personal Values on Investment Satisfaction Mediating by Direct Investment Decision Makers ABSTRACT: Purpose: This research is conducted for investment decision and satisfaction with the behavioral value of an individual investor of Pakistan stock exchanges. The effect of independent variables like information asymmetry, accounting information, personal behaviors & values on dependent variable like satisfaction on investing purpo...

Efficiency of Power Generation Companies in Pakistan: Application of Non-Parametric Approach

Efficiency of Power Generation Companies in Pakistan:Application of Non-Parametric Approach

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Human Resource Management: The Mediating Role of Artificial Intelligence

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Human Resource Management:The Mediating Role of Artificial Intelligence

Impact of Ethical Leadership on Creative Work Performance: The Empirical Mediating Roles of Work Engagement and Attitude Toward Performing Wells in Construction Organizations in Pakistan

Impact of Ethical Leadership on Creative Work Performance: TheEmpirical Mediating Roles of Work Engagement and AttitudeToward Performing Wells in Construction Organizations in Pakistan

Creative Work Performance of Healthcare Professionals in Lahore Hospitals, Pakistan

Creative Work Performance of Healthcare Professionals in Lahore Hospitals, Pakistan

An Analysis of Technical Education Programmes in Nigeria: A Study of Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia 2001-2007

Since the 80s Nigeria has been struggling to build a solid base for economic development and growth, which has seen little success. Our technical institutions, especially the polytechnics are only for the theoretical training which does not respond effectively to the needs of our socioeconomic development nor our changing national environment. This absence of an indigenous capacity to conduct basic and applied research work in emerging areas of science and technology has continued to engender...

916 - 930 Of 19638 Results