ABSTRACT Youths in Zimbabwe constitute the majority of the population but are either sidelined or alienated from electoral processes, weakening the very ground-works of citizenship and democracy. Young people in Zimbabwe are facing different challenges ranging from unemployment, poverty, drug abuse, crime, prostitution, lack of funding for tertiary education, and HIV/AIDS. These problems have been exacerbated by an undemocratic and unyielding ZANU PF government which has been in power since 1...
ABSTRACT The study explores the impact of climate variability on smallholder farmers in Makoni District and in order to gain full appreciation of the problem, the study zeroed down to Ward 9. The research juxtaposed qualitative and quantitative methodologies because the researcher saw the need to refer to statistic and numeric data in form of quantifiable responses whilst on the other hand the research largely aimed at revealing and unearthing perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and opinions of r...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to explore challenges faced by mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP) attending the Jairos Jiri Association (JJA) First-Step Inclusive Pre-school, in Bulawayo. Relevant literature was reviewed, inclusive of Bourdieu’s theory of practice which formed the theoretical framework of the study. Previous studies were discussed from which a knowledge gap was identified. The researcher used a qualitative research paradigm and an exploratory design. Targeted were mothe...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the experiences of compassion fatigue and caregiver burden among familial caregivers of relatives with schizophrenia. The objectives of the particular study were to understand familial caregivers lived experiences with compassion fatigue and caregiver burden, to identify the perceived predictors of caregiver burden, how caregivers cope with the challenges of caregiving and to recommend possible measures that could be implemented to assist caregivers and re...
ABSTRACT The research analyses the link between Results Based Management and service delivery, the case of Buhera Rural District Council was used. Results Based Management is a new concept introduced in local authorities as a panacea to improve service delivery since most local authorities have been performing poorly in service provision. The Buhera Rural District Council is one of the few local authorities which have adopted Results Based Management in Zimbabwe. In the introductory chapter t...
ABSTRACT The research was on the disaster preparedness of the city of Gweru. Using qualitative research methodology the researcher managed to collect data that was used in the research. The research discovered that there is need for strengthening of the disaster preparedness especially in the field of community involvement. Disaster preparedness has proven to be viable way of effective response hence the extent of the city preparedness affected its response to disasters. However the disaster ...
ABSTRACT The rise and rapid advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been at the centre of global socio-economic revolutions. The use of these ICTs has become a vital component for business success in developed countries. ICTs affect the performance, growth, expansion and services delivery of any business or organization. However Zimbabwe is a developing country and as such lags behind in terms of ICT adoption. This study focused on ICT adoption and use in Rural Counc...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out to assess the role of corporate identity management on influencing company performance in the insurance industry. The objectives of this research were to establish the effectiveness of corporate design on insurance policy sale growth, to determine if corporate communication improves Gross Premium Written( GPW) and to find out if corporate behavior influences customer retention. These objectives were used to gather literature from several authors to get an...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the prevalence of intimate partner violence among HIV infected women. The research was conducted at FACT Chiredzi New Life post-test support centre. The research was prompted by the realisation that the prevalence of intimate partner violence, combined with the severity of its impact at many levels, on HIV infected women affects their ART uptake and wellbeing. Simple random sampling was employed to get a sample of 60 participants who were HIV infected wom...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine how the participation of women in the informal sector has impacted on household livelihoods in terms of food security, income, level and quality of education, asserts, health care and standards of living, in Zengeza 4. Particular attention was given to examine also the extent of women participation in the informal sector. Only a sample of 26 women informal operators were selected as respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires, and interview...
ABSTRACT The beliefs about dreams lay people hold, in most cases, are irrational and not true. The study aimed at bringing out that there is a strong relationship between common dream interpretations and diminished Psychological well-being. Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis in their Cognitive Behavioural therapy, argued that, emotional problems such as Anxiety, depression, and stress are a result, not of the actual event, but of one’s beliefs and thoughts about the event. In the same way, the bel...
ABSTRACT This study aims to assess the impact of credit control techniques on revenue collection and financial performance of the firm using NEC Agriculture as the case study. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of credit control techniques on revenue collection and financial performance, to assess the cost associated with credit control techniques against the revenue collected and also to compare the credit control techniques implemented in other countries or organizations ...
Abstract The study focused on the effects of Gender Based Violence on children in Chikanga ward 14, a high density suburb in Mutare. The children have experienced the violence at home due to poverty, unemployment, infidelity and economic challenges among other causes. Twenty children from this area were identified as a sample of the study to have experienced the effects of violence directly or indirectly. All twenty of the children are of school going age between the ages of 10-18 years. The ...
ABSTRACT The study analysed the trends in the adoption and implementation of environmental accounting and reporting at CAFA Ltd in Zimbabwe. Emphasis was placed on environmental accounting practises which include elaboration of environmental budgets and calculation of environmental costs. Reporting on environmental costs, liabilities revenues and contingencies was also analysed. Major factors influencing the adoption and implementation of environmental accounting and reporting pertaining to t...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the challenges of local service delivery at Bulawayo City Council. The researcher used analytical survey method which enabled the researcher to collect a lot of information regarding the study. Secondary source of available literature relating to the council was used. The researcher used random sampling; questionnaires were used to capture data from 13 residential areas. Questionnaires were distributed in 5 departments of Bulawayo Municipality t...