iv ABSTRACT Corruption is acknowledged as one of the greatest challenges affecting urban councils in Zimbabwe. It is common to open a newspaper and discover a story highlighting the ethical violations and corrupt activities of urban council officials. The prevalence of corruption in Zimbabwe’s urban local authorities is considered in this study as the litmus test on the capacity of the existing ethics architecture to fight corruption. Ethics architecture refers to systems and structures in ...
ABSTRACT The urban councils of Zimbabwe’s local authorities have witnessed poor corporate governance for decades, as cases of lack of adherence to good corporate governance have been increasing especially after the Inclusive Government. Urban Councils are Local Government Authorities which draws their mandate from the Urban Councils Act 29: 15. The major mandate of urban councils is to champion government of Zimbabwe’s development agenda at local level. The study discovered that promotion...
ABSTRACT This study sought to come up with viable solutions to increase revenue at BDO Zimbabwe. The research was prompted by noted decreases in revenue from audit services at BDO Zimbabwe during the period 2012 to 2015. The research explored literature for enhancing an understanding on the measures accounting firms can adopt in order to increase revenue and foster growth. Relevant information was gathered through the use of questionnaires and interviews directed at 25 respondents at BDO Zimb...
ABSTRACT Premier Tobacco Auction Floors is a newly established company in the Zimbabwean Tobacco Industry. The industry has high revenue generation because agriculture generally plays a big role in Zimbabwean economy. The Tobacco is sold between February and August and it is during this time that the company makes the bulk of its proceeds in a year .The company faces problems in handling and distributing this vast amount of cash and sometimes there is mismanagement of cash. By the time the to...
ABSTRACT Norton Ton Council has over the past two decades plagued corruption and mismanagement by both elected and non-elected officials. Resultantly service delivery has been has been very poor as the interests of the residents are cast aside. The study therefore focused on the nurturing of social accountability at Norton Town Council. The study sought to examine and assess the extent to which social accountability was being promoted at the local authority. A descriptive research design was ...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the effectiveness of the youth revolving fund in alleviating poverty in Zimbabwe. This will be brought about through using a case study of the Youth Agenda Trust’s involvement in Zengeza Suburbs from the period 2007-2014. The researcher made use of the questionnaires and interviews to collect data. A purposeful sample was used in choosing the beneficiaries of the youth revolving fund. Interviews were also conducted with the beneficiaries of the youth revolvin...
ABSTRACT “Local Government is the heart and soul of any Government for the people and by the people. It is through local authorities that a country’s development is realized. Every investor has to work with local authorities for taxation, rates and other services offered in both rural and urban areas” (Harare Residents’ Trust 2017). This study seeks to recommend how Local Governments can improve their role in promoting Local Development by using the Developmental model of Local Govern...
ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking industry has witnessed major changes in the number of participating banks during the period 2000-2012, as it moved from pre-consolidation regime to government-induced and, lately, to market-led consolidation period, with no clear indication of impact on concentration, competition and profitability. This study empirically examines, if changes in structure, proxied by bank concentration and measured by the HerfindahlHirshman Index (HHI), have effect on the degree ...
ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean urban LAs are facing a lot of challenges in service delivery due to a number of reasons but financial constraints being the major cause. The main focus of the research study was on water supply and wastewater management in urban areas and the impact they pose on human health, the case of Chiredzi town. The study sought to achieve the following objectives; to determine the impacts of poor water supply and waste water management on human health” , to identify the relat...
ABSTRACT This research seeks to analyze the contribution of the informal sector to the urban social and economic development particularly the furniture manufacturing industries in Glenview area 8.the furniture manufacturing complex was established by the government in 2005 after the devastating Operation Murambatsvina as a compensatory measure to the victims of the clean-up campaign. The government constructed the complex after they realized that many people were left with no sources of incom...
ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Facebook marketing on firm competitiveness in the Real Estate Sector in Zimbabwe focusing on Trevor Dollar Real Estate Gweru Branch’s case. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the role of Facebook advertising on increasing company profit, to assess the importance of Facebook engagement on firm’s market share and to assess the influence of Facebook publicity on enhancing corporate image. Literature of Fac...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of revenue collection strategies employed by local authority using Beitbridge Town Council (B.T.C) as a case study. The main objective of the research was to analyze the revenue collection strategies employed by council and evaluate or to judge to what extent did those strategies managed to improve revenue collection at B.T.C. the research revealed that B.T.C used debt collection method, the use of Information Communication...
ABSTRACT This paper investigated on the use of Coaching for Performance as a tool for employee bonus allocations in an organisation. The argument was based on the over expenditures being experienced at World Vision Zimbabwe on bonus payments every year. The performance measurement tool in use at World Vision Zimbabwe was evaluated and its practicability on offices in the organisation that provide services that cannot be measured quantitatively was evaluated. The paper discussed the practicabi...
ABSTRACT The effects of recession has seen many companies in Zimbabwe going through financial distress. Having seen that the company is now under financial distress, the stakeholders seek methods of resuscitating their operations. The methods sought are either judicial management, bailout or scheme of arrangement. The main objective of this research was to analyze the challenges of judicial management as a resuscitation tool for distressed companies in Harare District. Literature in the field...
ABSTRACT Aim The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of competition on the financial performance of MBC Accounting Services (Pvt) Ltd. It was prompted by the noted decline in the annual profits and gradual decreases in the clientele base from the year 2013 to 2016 despite efforts by management to improve the financial performance. Methodology The study was conducted on a survey descriptive approach which uses quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A census of 19 ques...