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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assessing The Effectiveness Of The Community Child Care Workers (Ccws) In The National Case Management System In Child Protection. Case Of Zhombe Ward 9 And 10..

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Community Child Care Workers in child protection case management. The study interest cropped up after realizing some diversion of the CCWs from meeting the set goals; increased frequency in unreported cases of child abuse in form of sexual, physical, psychological/neglect and emotional; unreported cases of child marriages, child labor, out of school and school dropouts as well as increased child headed households and increased prevale...

The Impact Of The Indigenisation Policy On Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study Of Shamva Community Share Ownership Trust

Abstract The research focused on the impacts of indigenisation policy on socio-economic development with interest only on Community Share Ownership Trusts / Schemes and using Shamva Community Share Ownership Trust of Shamva district as the case study. Face to face interviews and questionnaires were the instruments used to extract data from the members of the Board of Trusties who were the key informants as well as residents from ward 21, 22 and 23 (Wadzanai Township) and ward 10 and 11 (Chako...

An Analysis Of The Role Of Security Service In Promoting Peace, Security And Development In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Zimbabwe Prison And Correctional Services (ZPCS).

Abstract. Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS) cannot afford to adequate resources for prisoners from various prison centers. These centers are Chikurubi Maximum Prison, Mutimurefu Prison, Mutare Prison, Harare Central Prison and Whawha Medium Prison. Prisoners are facing challenges to access health facilities and good hygiene, transport, food, clothes and other basic items which they may need for example sanitary pads for women . Juveniles lack stationary to upgrade themselves in...

The Rationale Behind Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy Re-Alignment In The Context Of Re-Engaging The West (2009 - 2016)

Abstract This research examined the rationale or the fundamental reasons behind the recent Zimbabwe’s foreign policy re-alignment in the context of re-engaging the West. Several aspects were looked at by the researcher so as to establish the reasons why Zimbabwe should engage. The main reason being the current economic situation in Zimbabwe where the Finance Ministry is at times even struggling to pay the civil servants, there is high rate of unemployment and the university graduates are no...

An Assessment Of Financial Data Processing At Minerals Marketing Corporation Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This project was undertaken to try and assess the financial data processing at MMCZ. The problem of financial statements being unreliable at MMCZ led to the need for the research. The research was conducted using questionnaires and literature survey methods. Closed ended questionnaires were used to gather information which led to return rate. The sampled population was obtained through the use of judgmental sampling. Several recommendations which were drawn from this are that entitie...

An Investigation On The Impacts Of Budgets And Budgetary Controls On Profitability Of An Organization. Case Of Marsh Zimbabwe Private Limited

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the impacts of budgets and budgetary controls on the profitability of Marsh Zimbabwe Private Limited. The increase in the use of budgetary controls to attain profits have moved Marsh Zim (Pvt) Ltd to implement budgetary controls and move away from just a mere operation without budgetary control methods. As a result, it is the objective of this study to investigate the impacts of budgetary control on the operational and financial performance (profitabil...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Diversification On Profitability And Growth: A Case Of Fidelity Life Assurance Company Zimbabwe (Flaz)

ABSTRACT The study was taken to analyze the impact of diversification on the profitability of Fidelity Life Assurance Company. The study covered the period from 2012 to 2015. The researcher reviewed prevailing literature by several authors to identify the research gap on diversification‘s impact on profitability of Fidelity Life Assurance Company. The research adopted the case study approach and made use of both primary and secondary data. The target population consisted of Fidelity Life As...

The Impact Of Community Share Ownership Trust On Rural Poverty In Tongogara Rural District

ABSTRACT The research sought to establish the impact of Community Share Ownership Trust on poverty in Tongogara rural district tracing the background of poverty in Tongogara Rural District and how the Tongogara Community Share Ownership Trust have tried to address the problem. The research fulfilled set objectives which included assessing the knowledge of the Tongogara rural community about the operation of the Trust, the socio-economic benefits of the Trust as well as the sustainability ques...

Students Disciplinary System

ABSTRACT This initial phase of the project development first highlights the background of Midlands Christian College (MCC). The scope of the problem (Problem Definition) is then outlined, which clearly outlines that the project was being initiated because there was a problem. Objectives are then formulated suggesting how the proposed system will resolve these perceived problems. A hypothesis on development methodology, tools, development costs and estimated duration for the project is made. A...

An Investigation Into Factors Which Limit The Effectiveness Of The Office Of The Auditor-General In Meeting The Statutory Deadline For Tabling Of The Auditor-General’s Annual Audit Report

ABSTRACT The Office of the Auditor-General has not been able to meet the statutory deadline of June 30 of each year for the tabling of the Auditor-General‟s annual audit report since the year 2011 in contravention of the Audit Office Act (2009). The challenges faced were due to late submission of accounts and returns for audit, flight of skilled labour, shortage of resources and constrained legal framework. This dissertation was carried out with the aim of evaluating the factors which limit...

The Women Development Fund And The Socio-Economic Empowerment Of Women In Zimbabwe: A Case Of Insiza District

ABSTRACT The study’s main aim is to explore the contribution of the Women Development Fund by the Zimbabwean Government on the lives of women. Looking at the marginalisation of women in African countries, Zimbabwe not being an exception there is need for development policies to ensure the empowerment of women so that they participate in reviving the country’s economy. This study was carried out in Insiza District, where qualitative research approach was applied through the use of intervie...

The Socio-Economic Impacts Of The Establishment And Development Of Jerera Growth Point In Masvingo Province Since

Abstract The research focused on the socio-economic impacts of the establishment and development of growth points in Zimbabwe. Jerera was used as a case study to depict these socio-economic impacts. The study sought to analyze to what extent the establishment of growth points have affected the rural livelihoods. A qualitative research design was used in the research and interviews and questionnaires were used as data mining tools. A review of literature was conducted with the aim of helping f...

An Analysis Of The Funding Gap On The Performance Of Mines. A Case Of Hwange Colliery Company Limited (Hccl)

ABSTRACT The research study examined HCCLs funding policy. The study was motivated by numerous cases when HCCL was let down by its lenders due to funding costs non compliance. HCCL received countless final warning documents from debt collectors and financial institutions. Related literature was reviewed to strengthen the thrust of the study. Descriptive approaches with a sample size of thirty five questionnaires and five interviews were used in gathering primary and secondary data. Tables, gr...

The Impact Of Zimstat Data In Financial Planning In Organisatons. A Case Study Of Zimstat.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency data in financial planning in organisations. The study used quantitative methodology with self-administered questionnaires to obtain data from employees of the. Structured interviews were also used to determine the impact of ZIMSTAT data in financial planning of organisations. The results from the findings shows that there is statistical gap in developing countries. Limited literature using Afr...

An Evaluation Of Governance Structures And Sytems In Non-Governmental Organisations: The Case Of Local Non-Governmental Organisations In Mutare

ABSTRACT Governance is one of the most important facets that determine whether an organisation succeeds or not. However, there are a number of factors within the governance structures and systems of local Non Governmental Organisations that are mitigating against the proper running of the organisation The study sought to evaluate governance structures in the local NGOs in Mutare.The study utilized purposive sampling in coming up with the respondents because the researcher sought to look for s...

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