ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the contribution of projects funded by capital development grants on socio-economic development in Dodoma region. The main purpose of the study was to asses the impact of projects funded by capital development grants on economic development in Dodoma region. This study used a sample size of 135 respondents (60 local government officials, 3 village chairman and 74 village residents). A cross-sectional survey method was adopted in order to colle...
ABSTRACT The study was motivated by persistent operational risk exposures which could be pointed in daily operations at PSMI Westend Hospital and challenges have led to failed quality services and smooth running of operations in the organisation. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of operational risk practices at the organisation and to establish alternatives which can be used to mitigate and take control of the operational risk exposure the organisation is facing. The r...
Abstract Following the 1980 Berg Report, and the injection of “political conditionalities” by the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWI), in particular the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in their financial relationships with the developing countries, the intellectual issue of how best to attract and stimulate foreign direct investments (FDI) became subsumed within the great debate ignited by the famous Report. As the debate raged on, there was the lack of specific foc...
ABSTRACT This chapter presents an introduction on the study on the effectiveness of tax incentives on the Zimbabwe’s food industry. The chapter contains background to the study, problem statement, conceptual framework, research questions, research objectives, significance of the study, delimitation of the study, limitations, abbreviations and acronyms
ABSTRACT The informal sector has grown over years as people fail to get employment in the formal sector. In Zimbabwe, the sector is dominated by women and the majority of the people in the sector are aged 15 years to 30 years. Although the sector has made significant contributions to improving people`s livelihoods, the growth of the sector has impacted negatively on WASH service provision in urban areas as the existing WASH infrastructure was not designed to cater for these large numbers of ...
ABSTRACT E-Governance solutions in educational sector incorporates the latest technology to bring a system that combines administrative and university management functions that are necessary for successful handling of all issues relating to the academic affairs and the challenges for smooth functioning of an educational institution The study was conducted within the Dodoma Municipality at the University of Dodoma. The main objective of the study was to examine the challenges of introdusing a...
ABSTRACT This study explores Factors Affecting Tax Compliance in Tanzania: A Case Study of the Tanzania Revenue Authority in Dodoma Municipality. It attempts to examine the Tax Compliance which has encountered a number of challenges, such challenges as difficulties in tax collections /reluctance of people towards paying taxes and poor record keeping and non-issuance of receipts on sales made are some of the notable problems facing TRA within the context of tax management. The study used a sa...
ABSTRACT Local authorities face a general problem of having huge debts. This suggests that self-generated revenue is no longer sufficient for municipalities to undertake their service delivery activities. This study addressed three research questions. What are the possible reasons why some consumers are failing to pay for services? What are the contributing factors for non-payment of services on service delivery? What strategies exist to encourage and maintain the payment for services? The st...
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the associationof capital injection, restructuring and financial performance of a company, To investigate the reasons why capital injection and restructuring are failing to translate to desired performance levels and provide guidelines to protect the integrity of the association in a bid to guard against retarded financial performance. Design/methodology: The research made use of primary and secondary data at the disposal of the resear...
ABSTRACT Partisan politics has become an obstacle to countries in Africa and the rest of the world. Zimbabwe, like other African countries, has implemented reforms to decentralize political authority to local government and introduce multiparty elections. This however creates opportunities for partisanship struggles to emerge in local authorities and influence service delivery. In this document it was found that partisan politics undermines service delivery in Kadoma in several ways. Many loc...
Abstract: Despite that reviews have been done in intellectual capital and the performance of firms, their status has remained uncertain in the emerging economy. Previous studies have generally focused on single industries and have overlooked the input of the service and manufacturing sectors as a whole. This study offers new insight into the area of intellectual capital and its relationship with firms’ performance in Tanzania and evaluates intellectual capital within the service and manufa...
ABSTRACT This study focused on investigating institutional dimensions in management of small-scale mining: A case of Winza Ruby Mining at Mpwapwa district by looking on the managerial aspects and awareness of small-scale miners on mining policies and laws, examine the factors influencing informal and illegal SSM, investigate the environmental impacts of SSM and law enforcement mechanism towards execution of monitoring and evaluation of environmental plan, and examine the challenges and prosp...
ABSTRACT The study was about the role of Ward Tribunals in solving Land Disputes particularly in Karatu District, Tanzania. Specifically it was guided by four specific objectives which are: to investigate the rationale of establishing Ward tribunals in solving land disputes, to examine the challenges faced by ward tribunals in solving land disputes, to analyze the legal implication of ward tribunals in solving land disputes and to find out the nature of land disputes which is addressed by th...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Fiscal Decentralization (FD) on service delivery in Local Government Authorities, taking Dodoma Municipal council as a case study. Specifically, this study intended to examine the institutional capacity of the municipal council and the community, benefits of the FD and Obstacles to FD on service delivery. Based on the sample of selected wards, data were collected to assess the impacts of fiscal decentralization on services delivery at...
ABSTRACT Generation of power using hydropower-plants suffers from water resources fluctuation in power generating reservoir, considerably during extended dry periods. This, impacts negatively on power supply stability as a result of constant power disruptions due to ever-increasing demand for electricity. The use of wind turbines as alternative source for power generation is in worldwide demand. A sit is a green grows and economically attractive option, it harvests reliable, clean and effic...