ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the extent of local participation in Community-Driven Development Projects (CDDPs), in four villages of Mundemu, Ibihwa, Chikola and Mtitaa all in Bahi District Council. The objective of the study was to, among other objectives, determine if the beneficiary community is involved in development as a parameter of participation in the CDDPs. The variables that were measured to assess community participation in the CDDPs are who gets involved, how they get invol...
ABSTRACT Namibia’s topographical nature, lends it ideally suited for livestock production. Livestock in Namibia is very competitive since it’s raised on natural free ranging pastures. Unfortunately due to its small domestic market, Namibia is a net exporter of livestock meat and meat products. This has resulted in the Namibian government developing policies and strategies to add value to the abundance of raw material, with the main objective being that of employment creation and improved ...
ABSTRACT This study focused on examining the efficiency and effectiveness of NaTIS One Stop Centres in rendering services using the Roads Authority (RA) of Namibia as a case study. Emphasis was on the following research objectives; determine the efficiency and effectiveness of NaTIS One Stop Centres on operations, to analyse the level of service delivery at NaTIS One Stop Centres from the customers’ perspective and to examine the current levels of customers’ satisfaction at NaTIS One Stop...
ABSTRACT The teaching environment is a vital factor towards provision of quality education and the contribution of SEDP is expected to be an important addition to improve the teaching environment in Tanzania secondary schools. The study aimed at assessing the contribution of Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) to the improvement of teaching-learning environment in Tanzania by using public secondary schools in Dodoma municipality as a case study. The literature reviewed has reveal...
Abstract Traditional agricultural extension services intended to serve agro-pastoralists in Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa at large have failed to make significant impacts, due partly to the lack of knowledge-sharing practices to disseminate timely agricultural and livestock-keeping information. A key problem has been inadequate access to information due to weak linkages and interactions between agricultural and livestock research institutions; including, the lack of knowledge and informatio...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between economic growth, exports, and FDI in Namibia using quarterly data for the period of 1980:Q1 to 2013:Q4. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach to cointegration was used to carry out the study. The study used foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows as a proxy for FDI, export values as a ratio of GDP as a proxy for Exports, and Real Gross Domestic Product as a proxy for economic growth. The results from the study found that economic ...
ABSTRACT The primary purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the Strategic Plan (2011-2015) of the University of Namibia. It was also the objective of this study to establish what measures were put in place to ensure the implementation of the strategic plan and to provide recommendations on improving the implementation of the strategic planning process. The case study applied the mixed methods research approach. The study utilised the survey method for the quantitative appro...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to assess the funding arrangements available to SMEs in Dodoma region. Specifically the study assessed the source of funds that exists for the start-up of SMEs in Dodoma Municipal, outlined the main challenges to credit for start up of SMEs in Dodoma Municipal, identify sustainable sources of funding start up of SMEs in Dodoma Municipal and Identified ways of improving credit availability, accessibility and delivery to SMEs in Dodoma Municipal. A c...
ABSTRACT This dissertation reports on the influence of push and pull factors on the selection of tourism sites in Tanzania. Using the descriptive research design coupled with mixed research approach, data were collected from 89 respondents, i.e. 80 tourists and 9 national parks officials, using a questionnaire and interviews in three national parks located in Iringa Region, i.e. Kalenga, Ismila, and Ruaha national parks. In this study, the logistic regression model was used since the dependen...
ABSTRACT The Namibian Defence Force (NDF) is 18 years in existence and, like any other organization is responsible for the maintenance of discipline within the institution. However, the legal system of the NDF contains more than the ordinary disciplinary hearings as provided for in the Public Service Act, (Act 13 of 1995) and Labour Act, (Act 6 of 1992) as it has jurisdiction over any criminal�...
ABSTRACT Despite the good development and vital role played by SMEs in Tanzania the corporate governance of SMEs and its effects on capital structure has been a puzzle. Therefore, this study assesses the impact of corporate governance on capital structure of SMEs in Tanzania. The study examined board compositions, board size, number of non-executive directors and CEO duality on capital structure. The study adopted causal research design where simple random sampling was used to select 400 SMEs...
ABSTRACT The major aim of this study was to assess the contribution of retirement benefits on the economic wellbeing of pensioners in Dodoma city, Tanzania. Specifically, the study addressed three objectives: (i) to assess the economic wellbeing of the pensioners, (ii) to determine the relationship between retirement benefits and economic wellbeing of pensioners, and (iii) to examine the effects of retirement benefits on the economic wellbeing of pensioners in Dodoma city. A cross sectional r...
ABSTRACT Unemployment in Tanzania is a problem that has brought severe impacts on lives of many youths. The rapid growth of labour force and the inability of the economy to generate enough jobs for youths is a time bomb which is being left undiffused and is likely to explode and shatter peace and economic growth that the country has been enjoying since independence. This problem has and continues to draw great attention of national, international bodies and scholars in looking for solutions. ...
ABSTRACT Since the introduction of mobile money in developing countries, the way business transactions operate changes tremendously. This study examined customer preference's implication on the relationship between mobile money services and the income of hardware retailing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Dodoma city. Specifically, the study examines the influence of the number of agents, mobile money microcredits, and mobile money saving opportunity on SMEs' income. Also, it examined t...
ABSTRACT Appropriate measurement, data and information are crucial pillars in facilitating the design of financial inclusion policies and interventions. The lack of reliable data is a barrier to financial inclusion and related evidence based policy making in developing nations. Whereas substantial work has been done on the gathering of demand-side financial inclusion information in Namibia through the FinScope consumer surveys of 2007 and 2011, comparatively less has been done on compiling th...