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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Reaction Of Stock Prices To Dividend Announcement And Market Efficiency In Namibia

Abstract Stock prices are generally found to be very sensitive to specific changes in a number of variables. For instance, information that may be released into the market unexpectedly could cause a reaction in stock prices of firms trading on a stock exchange. This is especially true when such specific information is vital to the economy. When new information is released into the market, economic analysts might try to profit from it by taking advantage of the information asymmetry that may e...

Exploring The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Or-Ganizational Performance: The Case Of The Ministry Of Public Service, Swaziland

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the impact of organizational culture on organizational performance in Swaziland using the Ministry of Public Service as a case study. The key objectives of the study were to evaluate the existing organizational culture and its impact within the Ministry of Public Service, and to determine the organizational culture that is most effective for the Ministry of Public Service so that this informs human resource management strategies and policy. A mixed method...

An Evaluation Of Gender Diversity In Small To Medium Enterprises Situated In The Windhoek Central Business District Area, Brb Building, Ausspannplatz, Namibia

Abstract Workplace gender diversity in Namibia Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has been a topic hidden in obscurity over the past years. This research explored the attitudes of SME employers towards gender diversity, the perception of employees and the effects of gender diversity in the workplace using examples from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) situated in Windhoek Central Business District Area at BRB Building Ausspannplatz, Namibia as a basis and framework for analysis. Workplace...

An Exploration Of The Possible Factors Contributing To Domestic Violence Against Women In Tsumeb, Namibia

ABSTRACT Domestic violence is a sensitive issue and challenging to discuss. In Namibia, domestic violence is a social issue of major concern, as the country is entrenched in a culture of male domination. At least one out of three women worldwide has reported physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by an intimate partner in her lifetime. The purpose of this study was to explore the possible contributing factors of physical violence to women in Tsumeb, Namibia. The study further examined the prev...

Development Of A Solid Phase Extraction-Gas Chromatography Method For The Determination Of Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides In Water From Water Treatment Plants.

ABSTRACT A solid phase extraction (SPE) method for the gas chromatography analysis of pesticides was developed, optimised and validated for the simultaneous determination of pesticides from the Gammams water treatment plant (GWTP) and the Unique Janitorial & Maintenance Services (UJAMS) wastewater treatment plant (UWWTP). Parameters including, sample volume, elution solvent and ionic strength were optimised to improve the performance of the SPE method. After optimisation, the method gave good...

An Analysis Of The Causal Relationship Between Agricultural Exports And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the Granger causality between agricultural exports and economic growth in Namibia over the period 1998 – 2016. The study used the simple pairwise Granger causality to determine the existence of such a relationship. An Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test was used to test for stationarity. The results of the study found that there was no causality running from either economic growth or agricultural exports as both variables are independent. Based on the finding...

Analysis into the Factors influencing the Level of Small Scale Household Farmers’ Off-Farm Income amongst the Grape Farmers in Dodoma Tanzania

Abstract The grant aim of this study was to assess the various factors that determinethe level of small scale household farmers’ offfarm income amongst grape farmers in Dodoma. Thestudy appliedthe Tobit econometric technique in investigating the factors that may explain the households’ decision on whether or not to participate in various off-farm income generating activities, using household data collected from grape farmers in Dodoma. Due to its failure in specification tests, the study ...

An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Accounting Indicators And Share Price On The Namibian Stock Exchange

AbstractExtensive research has proven the stock market to be a catalyst for economic development, more so in emerging African economies. Over time, finance has established several methods used to evaluate performance of stock markets. One of these is the return model which describes the relationship between stock returns and accounting earnings, this model has roots in behavioral finance and is the reference point for this study. Other models have proven to be too complex for most small and d...

An Assessment Of Rural Women Land Ownership Rights And Its Effects On Household Food Security: A Case Of Rural Women In Hai District

ABSTRACT Despite the efforts and strategies geared towards women in realizing property rights in terms of empowerment, participation and decision making in the global context today many African societies are still characterized by social economic and political inequalities between men and women. This situation is worse in Tanzania rural areas where women land ownership rights are violated as a result of culture being regarded as a daily routine that provides the basis and ways of owned and di...

Organisational Attitude To Open Performance Review Appraisal System (Opras) In Tanzania Public Sector: A Case Of National Insurance Corporation Headquarters Daes Salaaam

ABSTRACT This study examined the organisational attitude to performance appraisal practices in the Tanzania public sector. Specifically, the study examined the employee’s feelings towards Open Performance Review System (OPRAS), the management attitude towards OPRAS and how OPRAS practices are implemented in the organisation. The research undertaking was limited to only one public institution the National Insurance Corporation, at its headquarters in Dar es Salaam. The findings of the study ...

Factors Influencing Management Of Donor Funded Water Projects In Dar-Es-Salaam Region

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining factors influencing management of donor-funded water projects in Dar es Salaam region. Specifically, the study focused on determining the influence of project monitoring and evaluation capacity of contractors and political influence on management of donor-funded water projects in Dare es Salaam region respectively. The study used a cross sectional research design and a sample of 49 respondents was involved. Data collection methods included interview, que...

The Impact Of Decentralization On Public Participation In Secondary Education Service Delivery In Tanzania: A Case Of Kagera Region

ABSTRACT Local governments are the nearest tier of governments to the citizens and therefore represent instruments of responsibility and accountability to local communities, and constitute a means for delivering public policies and public services more efficiently because they are more aware of local problems and the policies needed to resolve them. The history of local government in Tanzania mainland has been on and off due to daunting and difficult adventure. This is to say, it was introduc...

Assessment Of The Impact Of Community Conservation Banks On Conservation And Livelihood In Serengeti District

ABSTRACT This study assessed impacts of Community Conservation Banks on conservation and livelihood in three villages of Serengati district adjacent to Serengeti National Park. The villages were Bonchugu, Rwamchanga and Robanda. The study involved 60 COCOBA members who were selected through systematic random sampling procedures. Besides, the study involved 4 officials who were purposively selected. Data were mainly collected through questionnaires, interview, physical observation and focus gr...

An Evaluation Of The Selection Process Of Employees In The Ministry Of Defence In Namibia

ABSTRACT The most important consideration is how the recruitment is conducted in the Ministry of Defence. The military adding thousands of new recruits every single year, yet most do not know how the process works. If you are considering joining, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of the military recruitment process. This study aims to analyse the selection process in the Ministry of Defence. To determine the effectiveness of the selection process of employees in the ministry of d...

Availability And Functionality Of Secondary School Facilities In Improving Learning And Teaching Environment In Tanzania: A Case Of Rungwe District Council

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the availability and functionality of secondary school facilities in Tanzania. A descriptive research design was employed whereas Rungwe district was used as a case study. A sample of 10 public and private schools were used. It utilized a sample of 152 participants whose responses were collected through the survey, interview and observation. Secondary data were collected from school records, documents, journals, books and internet. The data were given both ...

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