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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Gendered Decision Making In The Adoption Of Maize Storage Technologies In Ushetu And Mbulu Districts

ABSTRACT Existence of Post-harvest loss is still a threat that does not only affect the state of food security, but also significantly compromises the livelihood of the majority. To mitigate this different stakeholder from the government and non-governmental institutions have put several programs to popularize loss reduction innovations specifically at the storage level. Among the initiatives introduced enhanced knowledge and training on the use of metal silo and hermetic bags. Despite the ef...

Analysis Of Source And Cost Of Fuel Energy For Household Use In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aspires to bring answers to the source and cost of fuel for the household use in Tanzania. The study was conducted on two sampling sites of Kisasa and Ntyuka village from Dodoma municipal. A total number of 200 respondents formed the study samples and 100 respondents were taken from Kisasa and 100 respondents from Ntyuka village. The methods of data collection included structured interview and documentary review. The instruments used in data collection were interview sched...

The Impact Of Redd + Project On Local Community’s Livelihood: A Case Study Of Kondoa District

ABSTRACT This study is entitled as “The impact of REDD+ project on community livelihoods” which was conducted in Kondoa District, in two selected villages namely; Kolo and Mnenia. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey, Focus Group Discussion and Interviews. Eighty respondents and four key informants were involved in the study. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16, and content analysis was used for qualitativ...

An Assessment Of Decentralized Funding And Rural Development In Tanzania: A Case Of Constituency Development Fund (Cdf) In Babati Constituency

ABSTRACT Constituency Development Catalyst Fund (CDCF) is a decentralized fund that aims at catalysing developmental projects in constituencies and to reduce poverty at community level by supporting the community identified projects. This study analysed the extent to which decentralized funds such as CDCF catalyses development, involves community in projects identification, implementation, management and implementation. The objective of the study was to find out whether the community is aware...


ABSTRACT This dissertation informs on the factors affecting employees‟ performance in the Local Government Authorities (henceforth LGAs). The study area was Dodoma City Council of Dodoma City. 82 respondents were sampled using simple random sampling and purposively sampled departments. The data for the study were generated through questionnaire, interviews and documentary review. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse data. In specific, the study sought to ident...

Factors That Hinder Access To Credit By Small And Medium Enteprises In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar Es Salaam Region

ABSTRACT This study investigated factors that hinder access to credit by small and medium enterprises in Dar es Salaam region. It employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. Using purposive sampling, a total of 47 respondents were selected to take part in the study. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, structured questionnaire and documentary review. Quantitative data from questionnaires were subjected to descriptive analysis. The findings show that both Small and Me...

Effectiveness Of Women Self Help Groups In Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, women have limited access to employment o pportunities in the formal sectors. As a result, many have to adopt survival strategies through the informal sector where many operate without the support of extension services or credit. Most of the women don‟t engage in Income Generating Activities (IGA) as they don‟t have sources of capital. Because of lack of source of capital, women have decided to engage in self help groups‟ which offer different kind of services incl...


ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to assess the contribution of Primary education on poverty reduction in Tanzania. Specifically, it provides an overview of education provided to pupils, and identifies subjects taught in primary schools linked to poverty reduction. Another objective besides were examining the contribution of primary education to poverty reduction, and to identify the challenges facing primary education in contributing to poverty reduction. The study employed interv...

Financial Literacy Of Undergraduate Students And Its Impact On Spending And Saving Behavior: A Case Study Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study aimed to examine the financial literacy of undergraduate students and its impact on spending and saving behavior; a case study of the University of Dodoma. Data were collected from sample size of 120 respondents consisting of 105 students and 15 key informants (staff). The study employed questionnaire survey and interview as methods of data collection. Quantitative data were analyzed using MS Excel software supported by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version ...

Impact Of Trainings Programs On Performance Of The Health Sector Personnels: A Case Of Kondoa District Hospital

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at evaluating the Impact of Trainings Programs on Performance of the Health Sector Personnel at Kondoa District Hospital as a case study. The specific objectives for this study were to examine the training programs given to the employees, to determine the increase in level of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of the employees, to what extent employees are transferring their Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes to work output and lastly to determine the relationship betwe...

Challenges Facing Women In Public Sectors In Zanzibar : A Case Study Of Urban District

ABSTRACT The study examines the Challenges Facing Women in Public Sectors and focus in Urban District of Zanzibar. Likewise, it explored the measures that could be taken to reduce these challenges facing women in public sectors in these areas to both individual and institutions. It involved theoretical frameworks such as Feminist Theory and Empowerment Theory. A case study design was employed involving mostly qualitative method, but also quantitative in somehow in both data collection and ana...

An Assessment Of The Applicability Of Servqual And Servperf In The Higher Education Context Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT SERVQUAL and SERVPERF are the most widely used instruments to measure service quality across various service sectors. However, these scales have been designed and successfully used in the retail sector with a commercial perspective; hence little is known about their applicability to the higher education sector. In addition, there is much debated controversy in the extant literature about the superiority of these models and their dimensionality across different settings and contexts. ...

Government‟S Accountability In Education Delivery: A Case Study Of Secondary Schools In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study is about assessing government accountability in the education delivery for the case of secondary schools in Dodoma Municipality. The study involved a sample size of 75 respondents who were interviewed and filled questionnaire. This sample size was obtained by a purposeful sampling from each public secondary school selected. The objective of the study was to assess the government accountability in education delivery. Data were collected and analyzed by using descriptive sta...

Social Accountability To Public Social Service Delivery In Tanzania: The Case Of Health Sector In Chamwino District Region

ABSTRACT The study analyzes the contribution of social accountability to public social service delivery: the case of health sector in Chamwino District. The rationale of the study was drawn in the puzzle between realization of human rights and capabilities. Although, accessibility and satisfaction of needs depend on a number of variables, citizens‘ capabilities to demand and monitor accountability is central to all. To address this, the study embarked on three objectives: to examine the rol...

Contribution Of Urban Agriculture On Improving People’s Livelihood, In Urban Areas: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the contribution of Urban Agriculture on the improvement of people‟s livelihood in Dodoma Municipality. The study focused on identifying the types of Urban Agriculture practiced in the study area, analyzing the characteristics of household involved in Urban Agriculture and ascertaining the contribution of Urban Agriculture on household food and income generation. Four wards namely Kilimani, Kikuyu North, Kikuyu South and Mkonze were involved in the study. A samp...

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