Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Education, Inequality And Earnings In Ghana

ABSTRACT This thesis uses the fifth and sixth rounds of the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) conducted in 2005-2006 and 2012-2013, respectively, to examine the themes of education, inequality and earnings in Ghana. Three key objectives are pursued. The first objective is to assess how educational attainment, measured by the average years of schooling, relates to inequality in education. The second objective is to examine how education influences inequality in earnings through an assessme...

Opportunities And Constraints Towards Attracting Private Investors In Wildlife Management Areas: A Case Of Wami-Mbiki

ABSTRACT This study which was conducted between October and December 2017, explored the opportunities and constraints for attracting private investors in Wami-Mbiki WMA in Bagamoyo District. The study guided by three specific objectives; (i) to determine investment opportunities found in Wami-Mbiki WMA that can attract investors, (ii) to examine factors for lack of private investors in Wami-Mbiki and (iii) to develop a win-win public-private partnerships (PPPs) framework for Wami-Mbiki WMA. ...

Political Security In West Africa: An Appraisal Of Two Ecowas Protocols

ABSTRACT The menace of Political Insecurity is a major challenge in developing countries and more grave in the West Africa sub-region. This study sought to appraise two Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Protocols; the Protocol on Conflict Prevention (1999) and the Democracy and Good Governance Protocol (2001), and how they address the Political Security challenge in the sub-region. The study adopted the qualitative research approach. Both primary and secondary data were used...

Role Of Human Resource Management In Redressing Employee’s Turnover In The Higher Learning Institutions: A Case Study Of The University Of Dodoma And St John University Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the role of human resource management in redressing employees‟ turnover in the higher learning institutions a case study of the University of Dodoma and St John University of Tanzania. A general objective was to examine the role of human resource management, in redressing employee‟s turnover, in the higher learning institutions. Specific objectives were to determine the magnitude of employee‟s turnover at the University of Dodoma and St. John U...

Influence Of Attitudes And Personal Values On Willingness To Remain In Rural Areas Among Human Resource For Health In Tanzania: A Case Of Kigoma And Tabora Regions

ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of attitudes and personal values on willingness to remain in rural areas among Human Resource for Health (HRH) in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Kigoma and Tabora regions as they have the lowest HRH densities, where, two districts were selected from each region. The study employed explanatory cross-sectional survey using data collected in one point of time. The study involved 230 participants who responded to questionnaire and 11 key informant...

Financial Management Of Churches In Ghana: A Case Study Of Legon Interdenominational Church

ABSTRACT  This paper reviews the financial management system of the Legon Interdenominational Church in light of the financial mismanagement issues of misconduct arising in recent times. It focuses on the cash management, investment management and internal control and accountability mechanisms of the church as they present a more reflective depiction of the entire system. It was a qualitative study that employed the use of interview, observation and document reviews as tools to appraise the ...

Relationship Between Employee Retention And Customer Satisfaction In The Banking Industry In Tanzania: A Case Of Finca Microfinance Bank

ABSTRACT The study has investigated the relationship between employee retention and customer satisfaction in the Tanzanian banking industry, FINCA Microfinance Bank as the case study. The specific objectives were, to examine the level of employee retention, to assess the level of customer satisfaction and to examine the relationship between employee retention and customer satisfaction. The study has employed an explanatory cross-section survey design. Data were collected by using a questionn...

An Evaluation Of Business To Business (B2b) Customer Relationship Management Practices At Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (Ggbl)

ABSTRACT Customer relationship management has been broadly thwarted as the panacea to improving supplier-customer relationship in literature. However, business-to-business relationships are often characterized by deeply complex relationships in the supply chain. This research therefore evaluates the customer relationship management practices/initiatives employed by Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL) as a supplier to manage its relationships with trade partners in the supply chain. It so...

The Impact Of Mobile Money Services On The Performance Of Retail Banking In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to determine the impact of Mobile Money services on Retail banking in Ghana with emphasis on three selected banks, Ecobank Ghana limited, GCB Bank Limited and Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited. These banks were selected based on their share of industry deposit contribution. A close ended questionnaire was designed and used to collect data from one hundred and thirty-three (133) respondents using convenience sampling. The respondents were customers and poten...

Road Infrastructure Construction Dynamics: Causes Of Delays And Its Effects On Pedestrians’ Safety In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to research into road infrastructure construction dynamics with focus on causes of delays and its effects on pedestrians’ safety in Ghana. Using a comparative analysis to examine dynamism in road infrastructure construction delays and its effects on pedestrians’ safety, Lapaz (N1) and Madina (N4) highways in Accra Metro and LaNkwantanag Madina Municipality respectively were selected for the study because N1 was successfully completed on time while N4 ...

Online Brand Community And Brand Loyalty: The Role Of Brand Trust And Brand Commitment

ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about Online Brand Communities and their influence on Brand Loyalty. More specifically, it focuses on measuring the role of brand commitment and trust within online brand communities to engender brand loyalty. This is done by adopting and adapting the model of Laroche et al. (2013) that explains the influence of Online brand communities on brand loyalty. Brand commitment, considered by many authors as relevant in this constell...

Adoption And Use Of Social Media In Manufacturing Firms – Some Evidence From Kasapreko Company Limited And Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited

ABSTRACT Social media provides a virtual network place where individual and organisations are able to enjoy and express their opinions, exchange opinions, distribute and control messages anywhere anytime. The use of SM has aided an exceptional growth in the way people interact with each other and do business. Unlike the traditional advertising tools of marketing communications, SM platforms, allow consumers to make inputs into the brand messages displayed by various companies, making SM a mo...

Patterns of human excreta disposal in ayikuma, shaiosudoku district.

ABSTRACT This thesis explores the defecation practices and preferences of the people of Ayikuma, a peri-urban community in the Shai-Osudoku District of the Greater Accra Region. The community has few social amenities: There is only one public-private toilet facility serving residents but this facility is hardly patronised. The majority of the people practice open defecation. The study was undertaken against the backdrop that understanding local conditions and specific needs of people is nece...

Influence Of Visible Body Modification On Employability Of Job Applicants

ABSTRACT  The popularity of visible body modification has soared in recent times especially among the millennial generation. However, research on visible body modification has focused predominantly on its health implications. Little is known about the impact of visible body modification in the organizational context. The objective of this study was to examine the perception of visible body modification and experiences of persons with visible body modification. Using a mixed-method approach, ...

Neuropsychological Functioning And Quality Of Life Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients In Ghana

ABSTRACT Diabetes as a metabolic disorder predisposes patients to both biomedical and psychological dysfunctions. The aim of the study was to determine the pattern of neuropsychological deficits and quality of life among individuals living with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ghana. One hundred (100) participants comprising 50 patients with Type 2 diabetes and 50 healthy controls matched on age and education were recruited. Using a battery of neuropsychological tests and behavioural measures, da...

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