AbstractSeeds of Pisum sativum cv. Greenfeast were used in all of the experiments. In order to prevent imbibitional damage, seeds were slowly pre-hydrated for 1 hour on damp blotting paper prior to imbibi tion. In order to ascertain at what stage during germination the seeds had lost their desiccation-tolerance, seeds were imbjbed for different intervals (12, 36, 48, 60 hrs) prior to redrying to their original moisture content at room temperature (23° C). SLOW DRYING OF WHOLE SEEDS. For each...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess the impact of cloves production for the sustainable livelihood of people of Pemba. Generally, the study intended to analyse the impact of cloves production in area of study, to identify contribution of cloves production in livelihood of people, to examine towards the problems of cloves production in livelihood of people of Pemba. The study involved 90 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling. Primary data were collected using interv...
ABSTRACT This study, aimed at identifying factors which affect the performance of water and sanitation projects in Dodoma. The study was specifically put in place to fulfill three objectives, namely; to explore factors influencing performance of water and sanitation projects in Dodoma, to analyze the performance of water and sanitation projects and to investigate on the challenges that hinder the performance of water and sanitation project in Dodoma. The study was conducted by taking DUWASA ...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the contribution of food vending in improving the livelihood of women vendors in Dodoma Municipality specifically at Majengo and Viwandani wards. The study focused on identifying the factors influencing women involvement in food vending activities in the study area, determining the contribution of food vending to poverty reduction by women at the household level, and identifying factors affecting the performance of food vending activities in the study area. Data ...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the perception and attitudes of the Taxpayers on the use of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were: to analyze trend performance of VAT collections before and after the implementation of Electronic Fiscal Devices in Tanzania in the period 2006-2014; to assess the perception of taxpayers on the effect of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) to their business in the study area; to find out challenges associated with the...
ABSTRACT The study was about an assessment of factors that determine the effectiveness of internal audit in managing public funds. Internal auditing is an important in any organization since it helps to understand and to be aware on how the organization resources were utilized effectively. The study was carried out at Dodoma Municipal Council (DMC), through which both primary and secondary data were used. Respondents were selected from the management of DMC, internal audit department and fin...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of the village councils on land conflict management. Specifically this study focuses to identify the mechanisms in place for land allocation in Tanzania, to examine the mechanisms used by village councils on land conflict resolution and evaluate the efforts made by the village councils in resolving land conflicts. This is due to the fact that, despite the efforts done by the government on land conflicts management, there is s...
ABSTRACT Solid waste management is a part of the growing problem that attracts the attention of anthropologists, economists, historians, sociologists in the world. This is believed to have been caused by rising of urbanization and change in lifestyle of food habits which have led to the increase of municipal solid waste. In Tanzania, Nyamagana municipalities like other municipalities/towns have experienced a problem of solid waste. This has contributed to the eruption of diseases and sporadi...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the role of gender in adoption of Post Harvest Technologies (PHT) among maize smallholder farmers at Kilosa District in Tanzania. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of PHT among maize smallholder farmers; to analyze the role of gender in the work / task division among maize smallholder farmers and to analyze the gendered decision-making process towards adoption of PHT among maize smallholder farmers. The collected data were prima...
ABSTRACT This study attempts to fill a knowledge gap by investigating corporate governance practices of Namibia Power Corporation (Pty) Limited (NamPower), Telecom Namibia Limited (Telecom), Air Namibia (Pty) Limited (Air Namibia), and Namibia Ports Authority Limited (Namport). It focuses on the role of the government as the sole shareholder, the supervisory role of the board, the executive role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and how each influences corporate governance practices a...
ABSTRACT Article 102(4) of the Namibian Constitution provides for the establishment of regional and local government structures. This requires both institutions to adhere to constitutional provisions by involving the broad community on policy issues in order to guarantee administrative effectiveness, transparency and leadership accountability. The study presents the experience of Katima Mulilo Town by way of evaluating the extent of the Town Council's operational and administrative transpar...
ABSTRACT The increasing number of Chinese companies in Namibia has sparked public debate about their impact in the country. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact the participation of Chinese companies have on the development of local companies in Namibia. The data was collected through in depth interviews with and desk research, and the thematic analysis technique of the qualitative methodology research was used to interpret the data. The study contends that the involv...
ABSTRACT Embryo and/or caryopsis morphology in 27 species in 22 genera of danthonioid grasses is reinvestigated for use in a phylogenetic study. Embryo characters are too conservative to reveal phylogenetic relationships among the tribes of the Arundinoideae. However, data presented here and in the literature are used to show that embryo data are useful at subfamily and higher level and shown to be largely consistent with phylogenetic hypotheses generated with molecular data. Caryopsi...
ABSTRACT Oil revenue is indeed an important component of economic growth of the recipient nations. Therefore, most of the oil-rich nations invest the revenue from the oil sector into the non-oil sectors for strategic reasons. However, over the past five decades there has been a blur in the practicality to fulfilling this purpose in the context of Nigerian economy. So far, there is high inconsistency on the utilization of such oil revenue in Nigeria. Over dependence on oil revenue tends to dis...
Abstract. The growth of Indian companies in recent years has led to a change in the nature of the economy which attracted outsider investors from developed countries who demanded robust corporate governance practices from Indian companies which made regulators and competitors gave a great effort to restructure corporate governance. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the effect of corporate governance practices on firms’ performance, with a special reference to the Indian tourism sect...