ABSTRACT The study focused on the assessment of contribution of cattle faming in the household income specifically in Mlali ward Kongwa district in Dodoma. The study specifically focusing on assessing economic contribution of cattle for farmers in Mlali Ward, to examine the extent to which cattle farming contributes to the household income and well being and to evaluate the challenges and mitigation strategies used by cattle farmers in their farming practices. A total number of 100 respondent...
ABSTRACT The study focused on Decentralization of Human Resources Management at the Dodoma Municipal Council in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the extent of availability of human resources for performing the functions assigned to Dodoma Municipal Council, to assess the extent Dodoma Municipal Council is able to manage human resources and to examine the challenges facing human resources management therein. The cross-sectional study used both secondary and primar...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors influencing Child Sexual Abuse in Dodoma Municipality. It was focused on examination of the community awareness on sexual abuse against children, determination of the magnitude and trend of sexual abuse against children, identifying of the underlying factors that influence the persistence of Sexual Abuse against Children and proposing measures to strengthen child protection system. The study employed a sample size of 99 respondents. Methodologically, p...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the social-economic impacts of domestic violence on women particularly in Karagwe District Council. The study used cross-sectional research design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. A sample of 84 respondents was identified using purposive and random sampling. Data was collected through questionnaire, observation and interviews, while analysis was done using Statistical Package in Social Sciences (Version 16.0). Findings revealed...
ABSTRACT Studies which link job satisfaction and workers‟ performance often, provide an inconsistent findings. Due to that, researchers directed this as an area that required more attention. This study, was out to investigate on the impact of job satisfaction on workers‟ performance by taking a case of Tanzania electric Supply Company limited (TANESCO), Dodoma Municipality. The work, was carried out by using a case study methodology and employed multiple methods in data collection and ana...
ABSTRACT This study is about Assessing the Impacts of Fiscal and Human Resource Autonomy on Service Delivery in Tanzania: The Case of City Council of Dodoma. The central problem of the study was that despite various decentralisation initiatives in Tanzania for the past five decades, lack of adequate fiscal and human resources autonomy has continued to be problematic in enhancing service delivery. Accordingly, the study used a mixed-method approach where both qualitative and quantitative data ...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted with the main objective of examining the challenges of parents-children communication on sexual and reproductive health issues. This cross-sectional descriptive study design included a sample of 160 students aged from 13-19, 10 parents, two teachers and one health professional drawn from premises of Mbezi and Tegeta in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect data whereby the que...
ABSTRACT Because of high customer defections and switching between banks in Tanzania, the study focused on identifying the factors that influence customer retention in the banking sector in the country. Four specific objectives namely, to identify and study strategies used by NMB and CRDB to retain customers, to determine the effectiveness of the strategies used by NMB and CRDB to retain customers, to examine the challenges facing banks in retaining customers and to explore possible prospecti...
ABSTACT The main focus of the study was to assess whether the Open Performance Review and Appraisal System yields the expected results especially on improving teacher’s performance at public secondary schools. The study used cross sectional research design and in the course of collecting the required data the researcher used quantitative approach. Three instruments used to collect data namely: questionnaire, interview and document review. A sample of 98 respondents who were obtained through...
ABSTRACT The banking sector is one of the most powerful financial management agencies which have a major role in the economic growth of Tanzania. Due to its necessity on the national economy every bank has the need to maintain good organizational culture for the employees as to avoid bank stress. Depending on the type of culture that is created in an organization, it can have a positive or negative effect on employee performance and job stress. Therefore, this study has intended to analyze th...
ABSTRACT Background: Sigmoid volvulusis twisting of the sigmoid colon along its mesocolic axis either clockwise or anticlockwise leading to closed loop luminal obstruction and sigmoid vascular obstruction. Surgical anatomy of sigmoid colon has been linked to development of sigmoid volvulus but few studies have been done, nonefrom Tanzania. Objective:The study aimed at determining surgical anatomy of sigmoid colon insigmoid volvulus and non-sigmoid volvulus patients who underwent laparotomy at...
ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the contribution of mixed farming to food security and nutrition at household level, Bambi and Dunga were taken as case study. It is crucial to conduct this type of research since there are few researches conducted concerning mixed farming agriculture. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and observation from 107 respondents that included officials from Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, local citizens, agricultural officers and v...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the factors affecting consumers‟ willingness to pay for water services: A case of West District, Zanzibar. The study specifically, was set to meet three objectives, namely; to examine factors affecting consumers‟ willingness to pay for water service in West District, Zanzibar; to investigate challenges that face water services in West District, Zanzibar and to examine measures taken by the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar in overcoming the challenges fac...
ABSTRACT This study on the effectiveness of outsourcing revenue collection in Local Government Authorities was conducted in Arusha City Council (ACC). The purpose of this study was to determine whether ACC adheres to the important criteria in selecting the revenue collecting agents, to determine the influence of budget on outsourced revenue collection, and to determine whether ACC obtain expected outcomes from outsourced revenue sources. The focus was to determine whether outsourcing revenue...
ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study was to investigate the influence of incentive schemes and employee performance in educational institutions using the case of the University of Dodoma. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the influence of incentive on employees‟ performance at the University of Dodoma; compare the effects of financial and non-financial incentives in motivating employees at the University of Dodoma and to suggest measures to improve the performance of emplo...