ABSTRACT Reducing the loss of life due to suicide has become a critical international mental health goal. Several researches in the field of suicide prevention have focused on the role of medical facilities, schools and other local or state organizations and the role of religious leaders as gatekeepers has been overlooked. Using a qualitative approach, the study explored the attitudes of Christian, Islamic and Traditional religious leaders within the Ga East Municipal District of Ghana toward...
ABSTRACT Unemployment is often cited as one of the macro-economic indicators measuring the strength and growth of an economy. Given that the youth are three times more likely to be unemployed, it is only prudent that in addressing issues of unemployment, programs, and policies are structured to address youth unemployment. In an attempt to better understand the dynamics of youth unemployment this study takes a brief look at the patterns of unemployment in SubSaharan Africa, particularly Ghana,...
ABSTRACT Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economic development of nations. In Ghana SMEs are the key providers of employment and income, and the drivers of innovation and growth in the economy. Observing from statistics available however, it is very disturbing to note that the failure rate of SME businesses is quite high, while surviving SMEs are not able to sufficiently expand to provide the needed employment necessary to stimulate economic growth. Again...
ABSTRACT Climate change has turned out to be one of the most destructing problems facing the world today that needs to be addressed. The causes and impacts are not limited to one part of the world or the other but are differentiated in light of the financial structure of a country as well as the ability to adapt. Ghana like many African countries had and continues to experience its fair share of the impacts of climate change manifested in extreme temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patter...
ABSTRACT The factors that determine the level of universal bank lending rate are important to policy makers, investors, the banking industry and the public at large. The market for loans from universal banks is competitive and rates on these loans have tendency to reduce the deposit rate and increase the cost of borrowing. This study sought to investigate the determinants of lending rates in the universal banks in Ghana by answering the, what are the determinants of lending rates of Universal...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the long and short-run impact of external debt on economic growth in the context of Ghana using the sample period spanning from 1980 to 2016. The study also examined the Ghana’s external debt trend analysis over the sample period considered for this study. Theoretical and empirical evidences indicates that external debt can either exert negative or positive impacts on economic growth depending on how the external funds acquired is injected into the economy. ...
ABSTRACT Ghana government recognizes the importance of education on social outcomes such as growth, poverty, health, productivity, population growth, among others things, through Human Capital Theory introduced by Becker in 1964. At the household level, price of education and household income are factors household consider in demanding education. In view of that, this study seeks to estimate the sensitivity of household demand for each level of education in Ghana with respect to price of educ...
ABSTRACT Non-governmental organisations are vital to the civil society of every country. The growth of NGOs has brought about much development to all societies because their activities usually tend to involve social interventions that fill in the vacuum where governments usually fail. However, recent issues of mismanagement and weak accountability has caused NGOs to lose credence in the eyes of its stakeholders. Thus, this study aims to investigate how NGOs in Ghana undertake their financial ...
ABSTRACT Today leadership has been regarded to have a major influence on the performance of organizations, managers and employees. “As most people are directly or indirectly consciously or unconsciously being influenced or influencing others in the role of leadership, it has been argued that for organizations to achieve business efficiency and economic development, they must adopt leadership styles that best suit their environment This study has examined the impact of leadership behavior on...
ABSTRACT Workplace safety and health is a crucial concern for all—wage earners, employers/management and the society as a whole. This is because workplace injuries and accidents have many ramifications on the life of the individual worker as well as others in society. Consequently, countries, as diverse as they are, have put in place mechanisms to ensure the safety of workers through several administrative, policy and legal instruments. Indeed, today the safety and health of workers is cons...
ABSTRACT Work-life balance is a major concern for people and institutions concerned about the quality of working life relative to the broader quality of life. The study sought to investigate sources, effects and the strategies adopted to manage work-life balance by female administrators in public universities in Ghana. The study adopted the qualitative research design. The study population comprised female administrators in three public universities, representatives of human resource departme...
ABSTRACT The urban population in Ghana keeps increasing with resultant pressures exerted on the resources of the nation and congestion created especially in slums or informal areas. These have caused much pressure on the few facilities especially in the areas of water and sanitation and have contributed to worsening urban poverty. This study analysed the factors influencing householders‟ access to improved water and sanitation facilities in selected low-income urban areas of Accra. The sele...
ABSTRACT There is an increased growth of the use digital financial services in the world. Many banks, financial institutions, savings and loans companies are establishing and implementing the use of these services to bridge financial inclusion. A study was conducted at Zenith Bank Ghana Limited to see the benefit of digital financial services among their clients and its contribution to financial inclusion. This study was done to determine the relationship between financial inclusion and digit...
ABSTRACT This study has primarily sought to examine the effect of macroeconomic volatility on foreign direct investment in Africa. The investigation covers the period between 1980 and 2010 for twenty-nine countries. The main variables of concern were Exchange rate volatility and inflation volatility, GDP Growth volatility and Real interest rate volatility. The ARCH and GARCH Models introduced Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986) were used to model the volatility of the variables. The volatile v...
ABSTRACT The study was motivated by the growing innovation in the financial system in recent times. Though the move for innovation in the Ghanaian context has been slow relative to the advancements in developed economies, its impact in bank profitability and efficiency cannot be over emphasized. Hence, this study took the challenge to study the effect of bank innovation on Ghanaian banks’ profitability and efficiency between 2013 and 2017. The study employed a quantitative research approach...