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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Agricultural Extension Services And Farmer Innovations: The Case Of The Garu Presbyterian Agricultural Station

ABSTRACT The critical role of agriculture to the Ghanaian economy cannot be over emphasized. It has thus been the objective of governments to improve and develop the productive capacity of agriculture. Agricultural extension has been responsible for supporting farmers to raise their production capacity. Over the last two decades the effectiveness of agricultural extension to achieve its goal has been called to question. The significance of local innovation potential for sustainable developme...

The Rhetorics And Realities Of Ghana’s Administrative Decentralization And Local Accountability

ABSTRACT Long before decentralization became a buzzword and fashionable in some countries in the 1980s, Ghana’s search for, and attempts to take government closer to the people had been well noted and documented. In the late 1980s however, the Government of Ghana, initiated several legal and policy reforms that sought to bring climax to the longstanding dream of realizing a truly decentralized system. The new reforms establishes the Local Assemblies as the highest legislative, political and...

Composition Of Board Of Directors And Its Effects On Service Delivery And Firm Performance In The Ghanaian Banking Industry

ABSTRACT Following the extensive financial crises with its resultant collapse of some world leading businesses, the concept of corporate governance has received considerable attention in both industrial and academic circles. The role of board of directors in the death and survival of corporate entities has become a key component of the corporate governance architecture. The study examines the composition of board of directors and its effects on service delivery and firm performance in the Gha...

Effects Of Mobile Money Services On Financial Development In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Ghana’s financial sector has seen a transforming change with the introduction of mobile money services. The service over the years has transformed from being only a money transfer service to mix of other financial services such as payments and saving services. With mobile money service seeing increasing growth in terms of agents, customers, transactions and currently with four Mobile Network Operators in the mobile money industry, the study documents the effects mobile money servic...

Factors Influencing Loan Repayment Among Microenterprises In The Greater Accra Region: A Case Study Of La Nkwantanangmadina Municipality.

ABSTRACT Although microenterprises contribute significantly to the growth and development of every country, they are confronted with double-barren issues of access to credit and loan repayment. Existing studies that have attempted to estimate factors associated with loan repayment have also relied heavily on limited micro-finance datasets while others have concentrated on loan repayment among farmers and thus leaving loan repayment among microenterprises at the regional and national level lar...

Challenges And Prospects Of The Ghana Free Senior High School (Shs) Policy: The Case Of Shs In Denkyembour Distric

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to examine the prospects and challenges hindering the implementation of “Free Senior High School Policy (FSHSP)” in the Denkyembour District in Ghana. The main rationale for this study comes about as an intervention by the government of Ghana in 2016 to increase enrolment of students in secondary school to ensure “equal access to secondary education” by all students in the country. Denkyembour was selected as the location of the study because it i...

Financial Freedom, Competition And Bank Performance In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT The inferences of competition for bank stability, profitability and efficiency have been the subject of much debate, yet they remain controversial and inconclusive. Identifying channels through which competition affects bank performance may improve our understanding of the inconsistent findings in the literature. Hence, this thesis analyses the implications of competition and financial freedom for bank performance. The study also examines the determinants of bank profit persistence. ...

Analysis Of Risk Management Practices Of Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) In The Construction Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The importance of assessing the risk management practices by the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the recent times has been underscored by research. In this study, an analysis of risk management practices of the SMEs in the construction sector of Ghana is assess to determine the level of awareness, the extent of its application and the potential impact on the construction business. This study is a follow up to previous studies risk management practices in the construction...

Students` Perception Of Service Quality In Higher Educational Institutions In Ghana And Its Effects On Their Loyalty

ABSTRACT The proliferation of higher educational institutions has given students a wider variety of options as to where to persue their studies. In this era of competition, measuring service quality in higher education has become a vital tool to determine the level of students` perception of service quality in order to achieve their loyalty. This study focuses on Ghanaian students’ perception of service quality in higher educational institutions and its effects on their loyalty. The SERVQUA...

Export Orientation And Export Performance: The Role Of Marketing Capabilities And Brand Orientation

ABSTRACT Exporting is an activity that has been widely perceived as an effective route to the international market. For decades and beyond, exporting has been a means through which firms of all forms, sizes and resources extend their reach beyond national borders and into foreign markets with the view to expanding market share and increasing sales and profitability. Whilst traditionally, exporting carries some degree of risk, literature has specified that not all exporters are predisposed tow...

Regional Integration And Economic Growth Evidence From Ecowas

ABSTRACT Since its inception, the performance of the ECOWAS regional integration in terms of economic growth has not been encouraging. Numerous reforms were implemented to enhance the level of integration in the region including the revision of the ECOWAS of 1993. This study aims to examine the effect of the regional integration on economic growth, and, particularly, the effect of the revised treaty of 1993 on economic growth in the ECOWAS. We estimate a standard growth model using a panel da...

Assessing The Efficiency And Productivity Of Cooperative Credit Unions In Ghana: A Metafrontier Approach

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to assess the efficiency and productivity change of three groups of cooperative credit unions (CCUs) in Ghana using a DEA metafrontier and the metafrontier Malmquist productivity index (MMPI) framework. The framework helps to decompose the technical efficiency change and technical change components in the standard Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) into a pure technical catch-up (PTCU) and frontier catch-up (FCU) in order to account for the catch-up effect. A...

Assessing The Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face In Balancing Work And Housework Responsibilities In Madina

ABSTRACT Work-life balance is an important issue in the life of women most especially married women. The study sought to assess the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in balancing their work and domestic work responsibilities using a nationally represented data obtained from the Gender and Enterprise Development Survey conducted by ISSER in 2014. The study employed a mixed method approach to analyze responses from a sample of 835 married and ever married women. The data helped to unrave...

Value Creation Through Customer Service Experience: A Study Of Selected Churches In Ghana

ABSTRACT The creation of value has long been recognized as a central concept in marketing and has been suggested as the main purpose of organizations, a key to success via differential positioning, and a precursor to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Understanding what value is and how value is created and delivered to customers has become critical especially for service firms where there is less tangibility. The main aim of this study was to assess the value creation process of churches –...

Experiences Of Ghanaian Student Nurses In The Clinical Learning Environment: Implications For Nursing Education And Practice

ABSTRACT Learning environments are relevant in adult education as they serve to facilitate acquisition of relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes for one to be well educated. The Clinical Learning Environment (CLE) has been identified as a complex network of forces that work together in the learning of clinical skills for student nurses in addition to classroom learning (Flott & Linden, 2016). Student nurses are placed in the Clinical Learning Environment to acquire the requisite skills need...

10921 - 10935 Of 19638 Results