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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Determinants Of Personal Saving Levels In South Sudan: Evidence From Selected Areas Of Juba City

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of personal saving levels in South Sudan: evidence from selected areas of Munuki Block in Juba City. The objectives of the study included to examine the demographic factors that influence the personal saving levels; to identify the personality aspects or traits that influence the personal saving levels; to establish the economic situations that influence the personal saving levels; and to assess the relationship between th...

Antecedents And Outcomes Of Employee Engagement In Soft Drink Industry In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the relationship between antecedents and outcomes of employee engagement in soft drink industry in Uganda. The specific objectives of this study were (1) to ascertain the relationship between engagement antecedents and employee engagement; (2) to determine the relationship between employee engagement and the work outcomes; (3) to establish whether after controlling for the antecedents of engagement, employee engagement will predict unique variance in w...

Electronic Tax System And Tax Compliance In Uganda A Case Study Of Nakawa Division

ABSTRACT This study set to examine electronic tax system and tax compliance in Uganda. The study examined the effect of electronic tax system on tax compliance, established the challenges faced by the tax payers in using electronic tax system and suggested ways of improving the electronic tax system to enhance tax compliance. A descriptive survey design using a sample of 242 respondents was adopted. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the respondents ...

Monitoring And Evaluation Practices And Perfomance Of Road Infrastructure Projects In Uganda: A Case Of Uganda National Roads Authority-Unra

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the influence of monitoring and evaluation practices on the performance of road infrastructure projects. The study objectives were; to establish the influence of M&E planning on the performance of road infrastructure projects, to examine the influence of M&E capacity on the performance of road infrastructure projects, and lastly to examine the influence of M&E communication on the performance of road infrastructure projects, in the study context. The stu...

Factors That Account For Occupancy Rates In Hostels: A Case Of Students Hostels Hosting Makerere University Business School Students

ABSTRACT Hostels play a significant role in the lodging industry throughout the world and even in some locations in the Uganda where there is a university. In recent years a preference of staying in hostels has increased rapidly among university students and parents in Uganda, currently according to the National Council for Higher Education the number of registered universities is 47. This study explored the factors that affect the occupancy rates in hostels in Uganda’s a case of Makerere ...

Post Audit Practices And Internal Control Implementation In Local Government In Uganda (A Case Of Wakiso District)

ABSTRACT This study was about Post Audit Practices and Internal Control Implementation in Local Government in Uganda using a case of Wakiso District. The study sought to investigate the relationship between post-audit practices and internal controls implementation in Wakiso district. Using a cross-sectional design approach, the study considered a sample of 357 out of a population of 5102staff of Wakiso district drawn from selected constituencies of Wakiso which were; Makindye, Nansana and Wa...

Procurement Planning And Service Delivery In Local Government A Case Study Of Lira District And Municipality

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between procurement planning and effective service delivery by local government procurement system in Uganda with a case study of Lira District local government and municipal. The study was guided by three objectives: To establish whether procurement planning process contribute to effective service delivery, to examine the procurement planning practices that contributes to effective service delivery and to examine the rela...

Television Advertising Scope And Sales Performance A Case Study Of Movit Products Limited

ABSTRACT This study set to examine the relationship between television advertising scope and sales performance, using Movit Products Limited as a case study. The study examined the relationship between television advertising scope and sales performance, established the relationship between television advertising scope and consumer behavior, assessed the relationship between consumer behavior and sales performance and examined the mediating role of consumer behavior in the relationship betwee...

Human Resource Planning And Labour Turnover In The Hotel Subsector Of Uganda A Case Study Of Hotels In Mukono Municipality

ABSTRACT This study set to examine human resource planning and labor turnover in the hotel sub-sector of Uganda. The study established the effect of organizational targetson labor turnover, found out the influence of current human resource capacity analysis on labor turnover and established the effect of man power forecasts on labor turnover in the hotel sub-sector. A quantitative and cross sectional design using a sample of 181 respondents was adopted. Simple random sampling techniquewas us...

“Effect Of Education On Tuberculosis Control In The Eastern Region Of Ghana: A Case Of Lower Manya Krobo And New Juaben Municipalities”

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis remains a major health problem affecting about a third of the world population despite a number of preventive and control measures taken in the past few decades. Eighty-five percent of all Tuberculosis cases are concentrated in Asia and Africa due to lack of education and health infrastructure. This study examines the “effect of education on Tuberculosis control in the Eastern Region of Ghana: A case of Lower Manya Krobo and New Juaben Municipalities”. To obtain this...

Evaluating The Impact Of Interest Margin On The Profitability Of Banks In Ghana: A Case Study Of Fidelity Bank Ghana.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this current study was to examine the impact of interest margin on the profitability of banks in Ghana with the focus on Fidelity Bank Ghana. Purposive sampling technique was use to select Fidelity Bank for the study. Secondary data (Annual reports of Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited for 2013-2017) was analyzed. Data was analyzed with Pearson Correlation. The findings revealed that positive relationship exist between interest rate margin and bank profitability (ROA and ROE)...

Local Perceptions And Management Of Diabetes And Hypertension In Shai-Osudoku District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to analyse people’s perceptions and management of diabetes and hypertension in some rural communities of Ghana. In conducting the research, qualitative method was mainly used to elicit information from the selected communities through semi-structured questionnaire from the selected communities (N340) and twenty (N20) diabetics/hypertensives patients from the diabetics and hypertensive association in the district for in-depth interviews. The st...

Assessment Of Effective Implementation Of Property Tax System In Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The study was based on assessing the effective implementation of property tax system. It was conducted in Dodoma Municipal Council. This study specifically focused on three issues which are to analyse the extent of property tax implementation in Tanzania economy, Property tax base definition and the property tax systems operating in local government Authorities in Tanzania. The study employed a cross sectional design with a case study meant to get in depth data. Respondents in this ...

Stakeholders Perceptions Towards Brn On Education Sector In Tanzania: A Case Of Secondary School Teachers In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The link between economic growth and human development has been a subject since the year 1970‟s. Education, which is an important component of human development, has been found to explain varying levels of return and economic growth. People‟s opinions have not been taken into considerations which led to a failure of projects which were incepted by the government in different periods of time. The main objective of this study, was to assess the perceptions of stakeholders towards ...

The Perception Of Young Couples On Contraceptive Use In Tanzania: A Case Of Siha District

ABSTRACT The study focused on Perception of Young Couples on Contraceptives Use in Siha District. The use of contraceptive methods is a key constituent of health services and it benefits the health and wellbeing of women, men, children, families, and their communities. The widespread adoption of family planning represents one of the most dramatic changes of the 20th century. This study guided by three specific objectives which are to examine awareness and attitudes on young couples about con...

11026 - 11040 Of 19638 Results