ABSTRACT In recent times, health insurance which seeks to reduce the financial bottlenecks that surrounds access to healthcare has gained much prominence in low-income countries. This may partly be attributed to the observed negative impacts of unanticipated health shocks on poor and vulnerable households in developing countries. A number of African countries in recent years have piloted universal health insurance schemes to provide some basic coverage for all their citizens. However, the imp...
ABSTRACT Banks play important roles in national economies and their continuous stability is regarded highly. One of the measures of financial soundness is capital adequacy, which is the ratio of a bank’s primary capital to its risk weighted assets. This study set out to examine how capital adequacy is related to bank performance and lending. The analysis was done using both primary data from questionnaires issued to key bank staff as well as data from the annual financial reports of banks. ...
ABSTRACT It has long been argued that a country cannot develop without government. However, researchers have diverse opinions with regards to the impact of government size on economic growth. Whiles some researchers (Ahuja, 2013; Zareen & Qayyum, 2014) argue that large government size is most likely to enhance economic growth, other researchers (Armey, 1995; Vedder & Gallaway, 1998) believe that higher government expenditure has a tendency to harm economic growth. The third group of researche...
ABSTRACT The focus of many microfinance institutions (MFIs) as well as African governments and other development partners now is to increase the productivity of the agricultural sector by improving the condition of women. One way of doing this has been provision of microfinance services. Evidence suggests that the credit given to women have achieved high loan repayment rates and high yield value in terms of welfare benefits. Despite these potential, women fish processors within the Tema Metro...
ABSTRACT The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) after its establishment in 1975, was tasked with a major responsibility of enhancing intra-ECOWAS trade. This led to the establishment of the ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS) in 1990 – a mechanism designed to ensure that trade is fully liberalized in West Africa. Intra-ECOWAS trade according to the International Monetary Fund Direction of Trade Statistics (IMF DOTS) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Develo...
ABSTRACT In order to ensure continuous and optimum output of the public sector, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become an acceptable mechanism that seeks to provide the needed support and boost to the public sector. The study sought to understand the origins, processes, and outcome of a public-private partnership (PPP) established between the Driver and Licensing Vehicle Authority (a public agency) and VITO SClass Services (a private business entity) to undertake the testing and inspe...
ABSTRACT This study examines the skills competence of workers in the garment firms and skillsbased competitiveness of the garment industries of Ghana. A total of 34 garment firms made up of 27 firms registered with the Association of Ghana Industries and seven firms registered with the Ghana Free Zones Board, as well as 205 workers of the garment industries were selected for the study. The Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Approach was used for the study in which the quantitative process wa...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the roles of internal and external audits in corporate governance structure. This study was conducted in ten hotels in Ho, the Volta Regional Capital. In this research, the stratified sampling method was used in attaining the sample size by concentrating on the various units of the selected Hotels for the study. This enabled the researcher to highlight differences between groups in a population which ensured different views obtained on the su...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to identify factors that significantly influences the performance of equity mutual funds in Ghana. The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) like most other West African Exchanges is not robust. The market is not price sensitive to market information and hence the question how and what factors influence the performance recorded by the market. This uncertainty about the main drivers of performance of equity mutual funds in Ghana motivated the research on the t...
ABSTRACT: This study assessed the determinants of HIV status disclosure and compliance to antiretroviral therapy (ART) medication. The main objective was to explore whether background characteristics affect disclosure of HIV status and compliance to medication, and whether status disclosure affects compliance to medication. The Health Belief Model provided the framework from which various linkages between the two variables being studied and conceptual issues were examined. The study was condu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the turnover intention of employees in the hotel industry using Job Embeddedness as a mediator of its relationship with HRM practices. The study used job embeddedness, to investigate its mediation effect on the relationship between employees‟ turnover intention and three areas of human resource practices (Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Rewards and Benefits). Stratified, purposive and convenience sampling methods were ado...
ABSTRACT Brand love is an increasingly-examined aspect of marketing literature, yet the relationship between the specific dimensions of the construct and its outcomes remain unclear. Again, few studies have begun to consider the explanatory factors that account for existing relationships between the construct and outcome variables. This study therefore seeks to ascertain whether repeated brand engagement and price satisfaction mediate the relationship between brand love, positive word of mout...
ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of diabetic patients’ perception of their illness and their levels of religiosity on their mental health problems. A sample of 194 diabetic patients (50 Type -1 and 144 Type-2) was drawn from two major hospitals (Korle-Bu Teaching and Tema General Hospitals) in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The cross-sectional survey method was used and the participants were administered with the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (Broadbent, Petrie, Main,...
ABSTRACT This study introduces perceived organizational support (POS) as a moderating variable to provide some explanations to the possible relationship between emotional labour, emotional intelligence and job attitudes among nurses and midwives in Ghana. The study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach (QUAN-qual), a cross-sectional design and proportionately sampled three hundred and forty-two (342) nurses and midwives from six public and quasi-public health facilities in t...
ABSTRACT The critical role entrepreneurship play in economies made it necessary for the study to be done to examine critical factors that affect students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions. The heightened rate of unemployment in Ghana coupled with the Ghanaian youths’ overreliance on the state for employment made the conduct of this study critical and timely, as it sought to assess the effect of access to credit on students’ entrepreneurial intentions at the Valley View University, Oyibi. The...