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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Combating Fraud – The Role Of Forensic Auditing In Financial Institutions, A Case Study Of Barclays Bank Ghana Limited, Tamale Main Branch, In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study explores how forensic auditing tools have been employed to prevent and minimize financial fraud by Barclays Bank Tamale Main Branch in Tamale Metropolis in Northern Region of Ghana. The study adopted cross-sectional survey research design and was mainly descriptive in nature with both primary and secondary data collected for the study. The study used open ended questionnaires to gather data from 180 respondents. The findings revealed that 53.6 percent of the respondents st...

Response To “How Prepared Is Africa To Face COVID-19?” By Wadoum And Clarke

Abstract A recent commentary published in this journal correctly notes the important challenges that must be addressed to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa. While we agree with the basic assumptions and arguments of their essay, we argue that common social institutional norms in most rural settings could be marshalled for organizing preventive measures

The Role Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises For Economic Growth: A Case Study Of Zebilla In The Ba Wku West District

ABSTRACT The backbone of every economy is the informal sector however most employment opportunities in Ghana are largely hinged on the private sector . Hence, the contribution the sector makes to Ghana's economic development through job creation cannot be underestimated. The role of small and medium scale enterprises for economic growth was undertaken to find out how SME sub-sector in Zebilla has performed and its impact on the economic growth of the country. Specifically this study intended...

Cybercrime And Its Implications On Secondary Education In The Tamale Metropolis Of The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This research is about the study of cybercrime and its implications on secondary education in the Tamale metropolis. Cybercrime activities have several implications on the various facets of students’ academic career at the Senior High School level and hence the main objective of this study was to examine the implications of cybercrime on secondary education. Differential association and general strain theories anchor the study. The 120 participants (respondents) in the study were ...

National Health Insurance And Quality Health Care In The Lawra District

ABSTRACT The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has been designed to find a lasting, efficient, and acceptable solution to the nagging problem of health care financing. The introduction of the NHIS in 2003 sought to provide a clear way out and make quality health care not only affordable but also accessible. However six years down the lane after the introduction of the NHIS, health indicators still remains appalling in the Lawra District. The Study sought to find out whether the Nationa...

The Role Of The Family And Culture In Promoting Maternal Health In The Lawra District Of The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Although several indicators have been used to enhance maternal health including adequate health facilities and the number of health personnel to help provide quality healthcare in the facilities provided, the indigenous role of the family as well as cultural practices on maternal health seemed to be limited in the global literature especially the role of the family in maternal health in the Lawra District. In this regard, this study investigated the role of culture and the family in...

The Socio-Economic Impact Of Micro Credit On Beneficiaries Of Techiman Municipality: A Case Study Of The Opportunity International Savings And Loans Limited

ABSTRACT The role of Microcredit institutions in poverty reduction in developing economies has been increasingly realized over the years. This study examines the socio-economic impact of microcredit on beneficiaries of Techiman Municipality. It was noted that majority of respondents have agreed on the definition of microcredit as "A broad term that includes deposits, loans, payment services and insurance to the poor" . Again an interesting thing to note is that, during the focus group discus...

Psychological Determinants of Help Seeking For Intimate Partner Violence Study Among Married Persons in Accra

ABSTRACT  Using the research survey method, the study sought to assess how psychosocial determinants like religion, cultural identity and gender role ideology affected the help-seeking behaviour of married persons in the event of them experiencing intimate partner violence, as well as the relationship between age, gender, education and help-seeking. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from two hundred and five participants comprising 100 males and 105 females. The Pearso...

Gender Access Gap: Factors Affecting Gender Disparity In Enrolment And Attendance In Basic Schools In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The focus of the study is on disparities in enrolment and attendance between males and females in basic schools in the Northern Region of Ghana. The literature reviewed showed that factors such as high cost of education, household chores, household resources and government subsidy on education militate against the participation of females in basic education. Also, cultural factors which include fostering, child betrothal and religion in some cases as well as school-based factors such...

Teacher Behaviour And Its Effects On Pupils’ Attendance In Basic Schools In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT “There is no exaggeration that a spacious building, costly equipment and very sound syllabus will serve some useful purpose only when there is a teacher in the classroom who is alive to the nobility of the profession” Agarwal 2005. This paper empirically examines the importance of a teacher and how his behaviour in school negatively affects attendance in basic schools in Northern Region of Ghana. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods and also used primary ...

Removal Of Financial Barrier On Contraceptive Use For Women; A Case Study Of Ga-West Municipality

ABSTRACT Access to safe and effective family planning services and contraception empowers women to have more control over when to have children and lessens the incidence of unsafe abortions that may lead to deaths. Among socio-economic factors that influence contraceptive use and its choice, price is a likely factor which has not been fully explored in most researches. Thus removing all possible barriers from contraceptive use may help achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. This...

Response Of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Cultivars To Spacing And Storability In The Sudan Savannah Agro-Ecological Zone Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Low yield and poor quality of onions produced from the Sudan Savannah Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana among other factors attributed to lack of appropriate cultivars for cultivation, poor knowledge of plant spacing and storability. These factors have the potential of lowering income levels of farmers and wasting of precious agriculture land. Field and storage experiments were conducted at Bawku in the Upper East Region of Ghana from 2015 to 2016 to investigate the response of cultivar...


ABSTRACT This study set out to examine the effect of sovereign rating on funding cost and profitability of banks in Africa. Using over 300 banks operating in Africa from 2006 to 2012, the study investigates sovereign ratings‟ impact on bank profitability and funding cost. The long term domestic sovereign ratings announced by Fitch and Standard & Poor‟s during the period under study were used. The regressions were estimated using Prais-Winsten and the Generalized Method of Moments estimati...

PSN Africa 74 PAGES (16579 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Influence Of Livelihood Enhancement Programmes On Rural-Urban Migration In The Eastgonja District Of Northern Region

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of livelihood enhancement programmes on rural-urban migration in the Kijew, Dagbambia, Gbung and Libi communities in the East Gonja District in the Northern Region of Ghana. The descriptive and cross-sectional designs were adopted for the study. A representative sample size of 502 was selected out of the total population for the study. Semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data...

Sovereign Credit Ratings, Funding Costs And Profitabilty: Evidence From Banks In Africa

ABSTRACT This study set out to examine the effect of sovereign rating on funding cost and profitability of banks in Africa. Using over 300 banks operating in Africa from 2006 to 2012, the study investigates sovereign ratings‟ impact on bank profitability and funding cost. The long term domestic sovereign ratings announced by Fitch and Standard & Poor‟s during the period under study were used. The regressions were estimated using Prais-Winsten and the Generalized Method of Moments estimati...

PSN Africa 97 PAGES (22492 WORDS) Finance Thesis

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