This study empirically examines the determinants of microfinance performance as well as the influence of microfinance financial performance on its social performance (outreach) in Ghana. The research used data for 165 Ghanaian microfinance institutions (MFIs) over the period 2014- 2018. The research employed the fixed effect estimation technique in estimating the model as suggested by the Hausman test. Taking unobserved firm and year heterogeneity and correcting for heteroskedasticity an...
This study examined predictive factors that cause perpetrator behavior in domestic violence. Data for study were obtained from a survey conducted between March and May 2014 in Medina and its environs in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Two hundred and fifty-three (253)participants took part in study. Three major statistical tests were used to analyze the hypotheses. These were the Pearson‟s Product Moment correlation coefficient, standard regression and the two ANOVA. Findings reveal t...
Although intimate partner violence has been in existence for decades, it is a social problem because it violates human rights in many countries including Ghana. Hence, this study explored the experiences of intimate partner violence among migrant female head porters in Kumasi. The objectives of the study were to (a) explore the forms of intimate partner violence experienced by migrant female head porters, (b) identify the factors that contribute to intimate partner violence among migrant...
The aim of this study is to investigate the nexus between financial inclusion, financial literacy and inclusive growth in Africa. The study uses a modified version of Sarma (2008) approach to compute an index of financial inclusion and inclusive growth. The system-generalized methods of moments is employed to analyze the link between financial inclusion and inclusive growth. Ordinary Least Squares with robust standard errors is employed to investigate the link between financial literacy ...
The level of psychological distress and health-seeking behaviour (HSB) among patients with orofacial tumours (OFT) were assessed using explanatory sequential mixed methods designed in a two-component study. A sample of 272 comprising 143 patients with OFT and 129 patients with general periodontal diseases who served as a comparison group aged between 18 and 83 years were purposively selected from the Oral and Maxillofacial Units of the Korle-Bu Teaching hospital, 37 Military hospital and...
This study aimed at finding the effect of financial access and other potential determinants on productivity of firms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data was sourced from the World Bank‟s Enterprise Survey for 2,830 manufacturing firms collected over the period 2003 – 2014. With the aid of the Semi-parametric approach by Levinsohn and Petrin which uses intermediate inputs to proxy for unobservable productivity shocks, total factor productivity was estimated and regressed on several variables ...
Economic development in many African countries is characterised with fundamental and structural problems that marginalise the youth and unable to absorb them into the labour market. Youth unemployment has been, and still remains, a pervasive challenge in Ghana, particularly in the light of structural weaknesses and economic challenges. Yearly, universities churn out large numbers of graduates with few opportunities to absorb them into the labour market. The limited opportunities for a si...
ABSTRACT This study centred on the Determinants of Investment in the Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Approach, 1981 – 2009. In attempt to achieve the objective, hypotheses were formulated and data for the study collected from the CBN statistical bulletin, annual report and statements of accounts, covering the period of 1981-2009. The data were analyzed using E-views econometric software under the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The study revealed that there is a sign...
This study investigates public-private partnership for health delivery in the context of Ghana’s health sector reform. It sets out to understand the nature of collaboration between the government and private not-for-profit health organisations in Ghana by uncovering the factors that necessitated the partnership, the mechanisms by which the partners engage each other, how the partnership arrangement fits within the governance architecture of the health sector reform and how the partners...
The banking industry plays a crucial role in the economic eco-system and its development means fostered growth for the country. For a financial system to be sound, a vibrant banking system needs to be present. Any shake in the banking system can send a ripple effect to the financial system and it can topple down, causing a recession. The collapse of two Ghanaian banks in 2017 and the consolidation of five other banks a year later raised concerns about the crucial role of risk management ...
Informal caregivers remain a backbone to elderly caregiving in Ghana. Their experiences during caregiving have not gained much attention among scholars. The goal of the study was to explore the experiences of informal caregivers of the elderly in Anum-Boso. This will help equip stakeholders to design helpful interventions regarding informal caregiving and the actors within the caregiving relationship. The study adopted a qualitative approach with specific emphasis on phenomenology. The a...
As firms go about their operations and expand their activities, the retained earnings of the firm might prove insufficient to support its activities. Firms are forced to look for external finance and the ordeal lies with how to raise the needed funds. A financial contract design for small firms is chosen on the basis of the financial characteristics of the firm, the entrepreneur, the firm’s prospects and the associated information problems (Berger & Udell, 1998). Broadly, these factors...
International trade has enormous impact on a country’s economic growth and development as a whole. Governments in every part of the globe pursue various economic policies aimed at improving trade and enhancing economic development. The trade balance is a major indicator in determining a country’s trade performance on the international market. An improved trade balance will improve a country’s current account balance and GDP as a whole and vice versa. Unfortunately, most of the econ...
ABSTRACT The respective impact of the factors that drive bank profitability has been a great source of debate within academia and the banking industry. The objective of this empirical work is to fill the knowledge gap by assessing the impact of selected bank-specific risks on financial performance within the local context of a developing country. The study examined into details the trends in bank-specific risks and examines the effects of these idiosyncratic factors on bank performance in Gha...
This study was conducted to examine the impact of emotional intelligence on quality service delivery and customer loyalty. Training and age were used as moderators. A total of 500 participants comprising 200 retailers and 300 customers were sampled through purposive and convenience sampling. Participants’ age ranged between 19 and 40 years. Emotional intelligence was measured with the assessing emotions scale and quality service delivery and customer loyalty were measured using the SER...